[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2
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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Li9olo10

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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

Post by Julian Kapur Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:20 am

Julian was cheerfully greeting the stream of people coming in, calling, "Hey Cassie! Westbrook, good to see you here. Hit and Freyja, now it's a party!"

If Margo had been paying attention, she could have told him to chill out and tone it down. But she wasn't.

McKinley was asking after the decorations, and Julian was more than happy to confirm that he was, in fact, the mastermind of this entire ordeal. (The girls wouldn't mind would they?) "I aim to please, Westbrook. Maybe you can keep that in mind in next month's game. A little give and take."

He felt a hand on his back and turned, grinning widely. "You underestimated me, Podmore. That was your first mistake. Your second mistake was not immediately grabbing a drink." He reached out, fumbling for a bottle and quickly began pouring mixed drinks, some rum and cokes, and began handing them out towards Podmore, Mulciber, McKinkey, and Chesire. "C'mon ladies, drink up."

He was killing it.
Julian Kapur
Julian Kapur
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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

Post by Darcy Driscoll Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:46 am

There was. A party.

Darcy had the distinct impression that the older students didn't want the younger ones to know about this party. That was quite all right with Darcy, and she even understood. It didn't stop her from deciding to attend, though.

Finding out the details of said party had been surprisingly simple. In the Ravenclaw tower, you only had to look like you were studying for people to talk about their secret plans right in front of you. Safe (they thought) in the knowledge that you were too intent on your work to possibly be listening in.

Darcy would have felt bad for them if it wasn't so stupid.

It was easy to find the room on the seventh floor. She just followed the people on their way there, and there was light spilling out into the hallway even if she hadn't had so many convenient guides.

Darcy slipped inside and stood with her back to the wall, watching people mingling. This wasn't what she'd expected at all. There was a lot less kissing happening, for starters.

Darcy Driscoll
Darcy Driscoll
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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

Post by Christian Zabini Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:02 am

Christian was only half surprised by the arrival of Lux at his side. She was nothing if not predictably Slytherin, these days. But then, he couldn't blame her with a brother like his. Apollo was a piece of work, though it could definitely be said they agreed on a shocking number of things when one looked hard enough.

"And you, it seems, have a death wish."

Peering at her over the rip of the cup he'd procured, he lifted an eyebrow as he drank from it. "Usually," he went on as he lowered his arm again, "I'd say you should go for it. Just to see if he implodes. But I wouldn't recommend it right now. If all you live for is getting a rise out of people, as your greeting just now suggests, perhaps you need a new hobby."

And with that, he glanced away. Ace probably would've been proud if she had bloody shown up. He couldn't keep the lid on his brother without Ace there to run backup for him. Which, of course, explained why his gaze trailed over to Apollo and Molly.

Really, Apollo should have gestured directly at Julian if he wanted to talk about something being gawky. Just a look the boy's way was enough to make the Slytherin roll his eyes and turn his attention back on Molly. "Fair enough," he conceded with a nod, walking alongside her once she linked their elbows.

Her question, of course, was to be expected. Molly knew him better than most would expect, and more than Apollo himself had fully registered until quite recently. And she didn't know half as much as the one person he had bothered explaining himself to, so that was truly saying something.

"Would you blame me if I did?" He asked, looking again at his target for the evening. "The real question is if I can manage it without any of the stiffs running off to a professor. Subtlety and secret-keping are not the fortes of most of the people in this room."
Christian Zabini
Christian Zabini
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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

Post by Margo P. Richards Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:22 am

Margo liked Clair.

He was unpredictable, he was attractive, he was a bit of a loner, and sometimes he was just too easy to wind up. He was certainly more clever than she was, though, and she knew she should have been more careful. She was playing with fire. But she already felt victorious, the party numbers swelling, and she rarely trusted her better judgment.

To be fair, her better judgment rarely showed up.

"1998 was a good year for music. Neutral Milk Hotel came out with an album that year that Molly made me listen to twelve times over in third year."

Ha. He was above the party, and he was above dating. A smirk twisted onto her lips as she asked, "Then what is your deal? Besides tackling Kapur in hallways." She lifted an eyebrow.

Yeah, word had gotten 'round.

Molly had finished pouring their drinks and she handed him his cup, lifting hers to her lips. Her eyes were just visible above the brim, lips close to touching the cup.

Her warning was quiet. "Play the part, but keep your head." She didn't break eye contact, save for a blink, before tilting the entire contents of the cup into her mouth.

Merlin, that was cheap vodka.
Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

Post by Apollo Zabini Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:49 am

Apollo frowned slightly at Molly's response, but it took a bit for him to realize she hadn't understood. Fair enough, really, given he hadn't tried to share his irritation or surprisingly Slytherin scheming. Sure, it suited him in house colors, but it would be entirely accurate to say that he wasn't as witty as he thought he was. Jokes? Never his thing.

Another one who seemed like they perhaps didn't understand jokes, Christian decided, was Lux. Completely deadpanning, he looked at her again. "She's eleven. Apollo is certainly.. dramatic, but he isn't that stupid."

The Hufflepuff blinked in surprise when, over Clytemnestra's shoulder, he watched Violet Archeron walk straight up to his brother. Apollo looked ready to say something else to Molly, but Violet interrupted them, seemingly greeting them both as they drank and talked. Completely normal. Definitely not out of the ordinary or uncomfortable. Apollo's eyes found Christian's across the room and the younger brother flinched. Anybody but her, seriously.

Apollo, as one might expect, caught the discomfort in his twin's stance, gaze, everything. He couldn't have grown up with the kid and not learned to spot the signs everyone else missed. So. Violet, huh? He looked back at the brunette, noticing somewhere in the back of his mind just how ironic the whole thing was. And just how ideal the timing was, as well.

"Molly," he began - just a touch too casual for her to miss the point, "didn't you say you needed to talk to Margo or someone about the drinks? I don't recall who it was."

And, wonderful thing that she was, Molly took the hint. From there it was a few minutes of chatting to the Ravenclaw before she was agreeing to help him. And Apollo felt Christian watching the entire time, even as he tried to hold up a conversation and pretend he wasn't distracted. Just as Christian gathered himself and started to turn away, Violet crossed the room, aiming for the group of people around Julian. Greeting them all politely, she offered Julian the extra drink in her hand.

The poor thing had no idea what was coming to him.
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

Post by Cassiopeia Cheshire Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:04 am

Cassiopeia was there standing and wondering what she should even to there. She hasn't been to that many parties. She was trying to understand even who was who there. She remembered some face but not all there.

When she was offered some kind of drink then she was a bit of surprised. At the end, she still decided to take it. She needed drink anyways and she didn't really care what it had in it. She took a sip from her drink now there.

Even Ezra decided to finally show up to the party. He wasn't really that much into parties but something made him come here, probably curiosity. Anyways here he was walking into the Room of Requirement and looked around the place.
Cassiopeia Cheshire
Cassiopeia Cheshire

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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:56 pm

(Before staring, everyone are more than welcome to use posions or spells on Charlotte or try to make her drunk, whatever you think that could make thread more interesting xD )

There is no word which could explain what the hell is Charlotte doing here?
She heard about the party, of course, but it's not like she has the lover or something like that, she won't celebrate Valentine's day this year.
The only person from school she felt sometimes would be the good partner, was stupid enough to think they are just friends. And he is blink for everyone except that one pathetic girl.

But yet, Charlotte found herself trying to find the dress that could impress others.
Nonsense, she said to herself. You don't need to impress those freaks. She decided to look only blue dresses. If she is going, she will go in the color of her house, that is probably something they wouldn't expect from her, to come in something connected with her magic part.
She finally found the perfect dress and after doing makeup, she was ready to go. She decided that the look is great, and it was pathetic when she realized how much affort took to look great in the world full of people who don't like her.

When she came to the party, she immediately regretted for doing that.
It was more than pathetic. They tried to make it look like they are from the past? Why the hell someone would do that??? Now she realized that her dress was like from the different age. But it really was, it was from their age.

"If I'll stay here, I will need a drink or two" she finally said to herself and went to take a drink.
Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
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[OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN/MASS THREAD] Valentine's Day Party

Post by Margo P. Richards Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:46 pm

Of course Margo had jumped to the album of the year, rather than the history of the school or, y’know, their world. Though, to be fair, anyone who had seen her History of Magic scores wouldn’t have expected anything better out of her. Memorizing a bunch of dates hardly seemed like a good use of her time anyway.

She shrugged. “Still a good year for music.” And that grin was quick to follow.

It didn’t leave throughout his explanation and she blew air out of her lips, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, call it what you want, the whole testimonial is catalogued on the stall door in the girl’s toilet.” She let out an exaggerated sigh, making no attempt for subtlety. Hopefully her offer was incentive enough. “Shame. If you weren’t so hung up on Kapur, you could help me get into some mischief.”
Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
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