All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2
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All The Toys in My Toybox

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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:02 am

Henry's good. Henry seems like he would deal with adventure relatively well. he'd pair well with brian or angus, rick cooper, or any of my adventuring folks.

And Frank is good too. Some of my folks are morally sound. LOL. hm...morally sound....khaat, kate, brian, angus, michael--although he doesn't always look like it, but maybe quirky but morally sound would be a challenge for frank. um...solstice, Lee.

any of those sound tempting to you?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Frank Longbottom Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:50 am

Well, Frank's thing is that he doesn't care how much someone pays - if he doesn't think they're doing the right thing, he won't work for them. I think it's possible that, as a Longbottom, he might know Khaat because of her ties to the Lupins. He could do some investigative work if they had some reason to find out about him and what he does. It's on the DL so even if he were friends with Khaat I'm not sure he would tell her until he felt he had to. Like, if someone was in trouble and they needed someone to go undercover like that and their options were messy. Maybe the big names are busy with the train but he could be useful somewhere else? Or, he could pose as one of the big names around the site if someone suspected them.

I think some people should or could suspect Keiran because he was at the train and then disappeared. If they wanted to know what Keiran's friends/family were talking about, they could make sure Keiran was away and Frank could pose as him to like, "learn" about what they're up to. Even though it's literally nothing bad XD Same for anybody else they suspect, if that player is okay with it.

Henry definitely wouldn't be thrilled about Michael coming to ask him about Declan and Dom, but he's definitely the reckless adventurer sort. He would happily do anything an Order member asked him to, or if he gets a "tip off" on something he might just charge in head first. Eventually, he needs to be caught or he needs to find a buddy to keep an eye out for him since Declan A, isn't around, but also B, wouldn't go with him unless he thought Henry was in life-threatening danger.
Frank Longbottom
Frank Longbottom
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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:46 pm

Oh boy! So many characters and thus it is even harder to pick one or even two as they all sound so interesting!
Anyhow, let me introduce my character first and after that I will dwelve into how we could possibly interract with the characters.

Luxanna is a 16 year old Hufflepuff student who often has her head in the clouds. She is cheery, positive, never gives up and what is most contradicting about her is that she is quite tactical and strategical should the need arise. She is very social, therefore it is quite easy for her to start a conversation with pretty much everyone. As she comes from a wealthy family, she is used to getting pretty much all she wants, however, with the change that occured during her years in Hogwarts, it is quite possible that when she'll graduate, she'll probably donate a sum of her own money to a charity or two. It is hard to cite her interests in a single list as she has plenty of them and she can run from one hobby to another in a day and later on return to the previous one if she feels like it.

Alright, now to evaluate on your characters and how can they work out:

With Abbey, as stated, she is a bit too young, but would that stop Lux to befriend this little girl? Absolutely not! As she loves pretty much everyone and enjoys the company of all who are capable of tolerating her presencef, I believe that those two could get along just fine. Perhaps she can babysit the little girl while Khaat and her husband are away? She'd most likely become this very loving "neighbour" who'd bake cookies, bring sweets and some toys to spoil the girl.

Andrew Diamond - I have to admit that I have not gone through his applicatin, but as he is a thief and an orphan at this point, I simply came to an assumption that he is lacking a friendly companion that would cheer him up and offer a shoulder to rely on. She would not judge him for his habits, although she would try to change that. As they are the same age and going to Hogwarts together, I think that bringing those two together shouldn't be a hard thing, especially if she'd approach him first.

The Lupin family - Lux would be more than honored meeting the legendary woman such as Khaat Lupin. Well, not only because of her own achievements, but also because of her heritage and family. With a great interest in history, she'd be more than happy to sit down with them and have a nice cup of tea (or butterbeer) and listen to their stories.

James Blood - in all honesty, I have this thing for the bad guys, but Lux... she'd see and sense his rotten soul, but with being as naive as she, she'd try to see good in him regardless. But, as I need some character development, perhaps she can encounter his clan that may leave a scar on her (mental? physical?)... Just throwing out ideas.

If you feel like roleplaying with me and any of that sounds interesting, we can talk about it via PM?

- Keiu
Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale
Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:17 pm

i like the way you think. You certainly could babysit Abbey. She's sorta like 6 going on 12. She's entirely too smart for her own good. That could be a lot of fun.

Andrew does stay to himself, so, yeah, he'd be totally open to a friend.

I'm always open to just about anything with Khaat, so that entirely works.

James--he's a very dangerous bad boy. lol. He doesn't have much of any sort of redeeming quality, really, so i'm sure any encounter she has with him might well leave her scarred in some way or another.

It all sounds good to me! what would you like to start with?

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:59 pm

Andrew, Khaat and Abbey sound all good to me. I think that if she'd volunteer to babysit the little girl, she'd meet with the rest of the family eventually, and, considering that Andrew is a ward under Robert and Kate, they'd get to know each other some way or another, assuming he'd be visiting too. So this one is settled.

As for James... She'd do that regardless of his actions. Maybe he can drag her along with him, simply to show off the cruelty of the world to someone as innocent as she, by (maybe) biting and killing some bystanders. She could easily be a hostage at this point if that is suitable for you?
Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale
Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:05 pm

that works. perhaps andrew already knows her and vouched for her to khaat? would that work? fyi--khaat's estate is massive, and it isn't unusual for robert and kate and andrew to visit or stay there b/c there's more than enough room, and it helps to have extra hands with the little ones. but maybe andrew could be her "reference" to get her the job?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23802
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:10 pm

Could be! This sound very good Smile Shall I write a starter?
Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale
Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 102

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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:14 pm

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23802
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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Phaedra Rosier Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:34 pm

I only have 2 characters at the moment, but I'm offering them both up for plotting.

First there's Maddie (McKillon), who is 36 so close in age to a few of your folks. She's the Herbology Professor at Hogwarts, a Magizoologist and a single mum of three kids (17, 14, and 11) & numerous pets. My first thought is we could do something with Solstice, if one of the family pets are unwell she could drop by. But I'm open to anything with her!

I also have Phaedra, who is 23 and something of a potions prodigy, though she no longer practices after an awful accident. She's got a bit of a complicated backstory but the gist of it is that she thinks she may have accidentally poisoned her younger brother. She's going to be investigating that in the near future, so perhaps she could drop by one of your folks for ingredients or something? When she left the country during the Green Itch 4 years ago, she did so by illegally flooing out, so there's also that, if it interests your law enforcement folks!

I'm up for pretty much anything with either of them, so just see what works for you! Smile
Phaedra Rosier
Phaedra Rosier
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All The Toys in My Toybox - Page 2 Empty Re: All The Toys in My Toybox

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:27 am

Oooh. I like both of these ideas! Solstice would love a friend, and certainly the pets, the kids, the whole bit. Sounds like a good plan!

And, yeah, Phaedra and Lorcan or Zada sound like they'd have lots of opportunity for plotting.

Do you want to start a thread someplace for one of them, or should I?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23802
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