I don't know, you guys.
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I don't know, you guys. Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

I don't know, you guys.

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I don't know, you guys. Empty I don't know, you guys.

Post by Avery Bishop Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:20 am

So for about a week or two now, getting on PA has almost felt like a chore or a responsibility, and it's really throwing me off. I love writing, especially on here with you all. So I'm not sure why it's coming to this.

It kind of has something to do with the things that are happening in RL, the stuff I've kept quiet about, but even that doesn't make me understand the struggle that is posting for all but two of my characters. It's not even that they have plots and it makes me want to post as them. Honestly, I think it's because they're having the worst times right now and it's really easy to write their feelings out because I'm feeling almost the same thing or the same way.

I'm not saying I'm leaving, exactly, but I just don't know what to do about this. So I'll probably only post as Ana for a few days, since I know everyone is so upset about me taking ages on the Marriage Plot... In theory everything should work out for the plot, but I'm still waiting on some messages so I can finish the list and get all of the meetings going.

I can't promise anything right now, and I'm not even sure I'll get on Skype. But just PM me on Avery, Mairen, or Ana's accounts if you need anything. I'll try to get it done as soon as I can..
Avery Bishop
Avery Bishop
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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:51 am


It's otay, we understand :3 RL and other things always get in the way and so do feelings ._.
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Robin Ivanov Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:52 am

If you want to talk I hope you know I'm always here to listen.

We all have times like this and I completely understand. No one will be upset if you take some time with the marriage plot - other posting will probably be slightly more enjoyable?

Our characters reflect us and if there's something wrong then it's probably good to post with then ones you're understanding.

Do whatever you need, but know I'm here. Love you, darling.
Robin Ivanov

Number of posts : 428

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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Albus S Potter Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:21 pm

Take a break. Relax. Do whatever you want to do.

Then realise that you're absolutely dying without us and PA, and rush right back in xD

Or alternatively, move on, and know that you'll always be an awesome writer Very Happy

I know how it feels. Felt the same way when I moved on from my first site. I had invested hours of sweat and toil on that one. Sometimes I regret it, sometimes I don't. But writing is a nasty addiction. Sometimes an idea takes hold, and those RP mates are just so handy to unload ideas on Smile Regardless, do whatever makes you happy.

P.S. And I have posted my fair share of angst on this site. Writing when you're feeling crap is pretty much the only way for dealing with the feeling for me Smile
Albus S Potter
Albus S Potter
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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Katrina-Carlotta Du Hunt Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:46 pm

I wish that I could make it all better darling, and I hope that things work themselves out.

While it is impossible for anyone to fully understand how you are feeling right now, I speak for all of us in that we certainly won't be holding anything against you.

I'm here if you need to talk, lovely.
Katrina-Carlotta Du Hunt
Katrina-Carlotta Du Hunt

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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Zara Halworth Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:19 pm

*kissies all around*

I'm just dealing with some issues I have in real life rolling over into PA and having to deal with them here as well just isn't a good time.

I'm looking to get up more meetings tonight as well as stuff for Keiran's plot (those involved have been PM'd again since the stupid link didn't work). Maybe an Avery or Mairen post if need be. But other folks just don't want to work with me, and the Marriage Plot is the most important right now since I've kept everyone waiting so long *glances about guiltily*.
Zara Halworth
Zara Halworth

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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:49 pm


You certainly don't need to double your stress by revisiting rl issues when you come to PA. In my own humble opinion, we come to PA, most of us, because we want to get away from RL crap for awhile and have a little fun. When PA models RL too much then PA is no longer fun. Not only that, it certainly can feel like it doubles the damage in RL, at least temporarily.

That being said, please do what's best for you. You are loved here, and we'd all much rather have you still rp'ing and enjoying it than feeling dragged down.

As for the marriage law, feel free to bounce that to the admins, if you'd like, even if you decide that you need to do that just for the time being. Plot elements can be just plain hard work, and I honestly would prefer you get back to having fun--whatever that is for you.

You're doing a lovely job with the marriage law, really, but its fine to take a break from it if you choose. You know as well as I do that PA folks are an understanding bunch, and they're going to join me in saying we'd rather have you.

Let me know what you need!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Avery Bishop Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:01 am

I think I'm going to give it until the end of the week - see how things are going on Saturday. If I just can't deal with it I'll back off entirely. For now, I'm going to try and balance it with a post for myself and a post for the plot so that it doesn't feel like all I do is write as Ana for hours. I have the time as much as I have the ability. It's just convincing myself to get it done.

As for next week, I have stuff due Monday and Tuesday so I'm not sure how much time I'll have for posts, but in theory it should all work out.

I'm never any good at saying it, but I really do appreciate everyone both checking on me and being so nice about everything. I don't often get compliments or things like that, and it's rare that I ask anyone to/let anyone comfort me. *cuddles everyone* Plus, I'm just awkward.  Shocked
Avery Bishop
Avery Bishop
Durmstrang Graduate
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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Robin Ivanov Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:47 am

We love you to bits <3
Robin Ivanov

Number of posts : 428

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I don't know, you guys. Empty Re: I don't know, you guys.

Post by Everly Bardugo Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:19 am

You lot give me feels.

Like dis.

I don't know, you guys. Will-Phone-Happy


Everly Bardugo
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