Bones, Christina
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Bones, Christina  Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Bones, Christina

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Bones, Christina  Empty Bones, Christina

Post by Christina Bones Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:21 am

Bones, Christina  Limitless_02.jpg.728x520_q85

Christina Lauren Bones


    FULL NAME: Christian Laurel Bones nee KingNICKNAMES:  Chrissy AGE: 45ALLEGIANCE: Neutral (as an revolutionist can be) HOGWARTS HOUSE: Graduate of BeauxbatonsCLASSES: N/SWAND: Ebony, Veela hair, 8”, unyielding/hard. PLAY BY: Abbie Cornish


    HAIR COLOUR: BlondEYE COLOUR:HazelCOMPARATIVE HEIGHT: 5’8”BODY BUILD: Average, weighs, 137 pounds, 9.78 stoneGENERAL APPEARANCE: As a child she was lanky and thin. As she hit fifteen she started to development and started to gain weight. She has an average build for her tall stature. She has warm undertone to her fair skin. She turns a light bronze colour when she tans.  


    STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES:[S] Gardening/Herbology[S] Organization[S] People/Communication[S] Charms[S]Cooking[S] Defensive Magic [S] Dark Arts[S] Cleaning spells[W] Sitting still/working in an office[W] Transfiguration [W] Flying[W] Muggles/Muggle Studies[W] Technology [W] History [W] Tack  [W] MedicalLIKES & DISLIKES:[L] Travel/Different cultures[L] People[L] Reading[L] Plants[L] Flexibility and independence when working[L] Experimenting with the dark arts[D] Office work[D] Muggle society[D] New Age people/beliefs/teachings[D] Rudeness[D] Politics [D] Lack of structureGOALS: To raise her sons to be proper gentleman. To bring wizarding society back to their traditional roots. HABITS & QUIRKS: Chewing her lipReading the end of a book first.Reading the newspaper every morningBOGGART: Her sons marring immodest, new age witches or muggles. PATRONUS: Her first kiss with LukeDEMENTOR: Turning her back on her parents and the rest of her family.VERITASERUM: She knows, uses and experiments with the Dark Arts. MIRROR OF ERISED: Her boys married happily with a family of their own.PERSONALITY: She values tradition, modesty, honesty, and dedication. She believes that girls should be proper, polite, act and dress like girls, be good at cooking, cleaning and the dark arts, should know a foreign language, go to Beauxbatons and that boys should be proper, respectful, act and dress like boys, be educated well-roundly, know a foreign language and graduate a magical school . She doesn’t believe in wizards and witches marrying muggles. She lives her life by the motto ‘tradition is the only thing that counters corruption’. She appears snobbish due to her disapproval of new age ideas/people and wizard & muggle marriages. She is very passionate about her beliefs and will go to any length to get people to see her way. She is brash and forceful at times. She is very stubborn and pushy. She expects a lot of her sons and sometimes pushes them too hard. She also isn’t very committed to anything and strays off sometimes but always comes back.


    FATHER:Daniel King: Alive assumed, no contact, brown hair, hazel eyes, fair skin, married, pure-blood wizardMOTHER:Tiffany King: Alive assumed, no contact, blond hair, green eyes, olive skin, married, half-blood witch. SIBLING/S:Caiden King: 48, Brother, alive, no contact, blond hair, green eyes, olive skin, married, half-blood wizard, seer.OTHER: Eleanor King: 42, Sister-in-law, alive, no contact, red hair, blue eyes, fair skin, married, muggleborn witch.Charlotte King: 15, niece, alive, no contact, red hair, hazel eyes, olive skin, half-blood witch, seer. Evan King: 13, nephew, alive, no contact, blond hair, green eyes, fair skin, married, half-blood witch. Cole King: 10, nephew, alive, no contact, blond hair, blue eyes, olive skin, half-blood, seer. Susan Bones: Distant relative by marriage, unknown deceased. Christen Bones: 14, son, alive, half-blood wizard, brown hair, blue eyes. Aideen Bones: 12, son, alive, half-blood wizard, blond hair, brown eyes.Luke Bones: 47, husband, half-blood wizard, light brown hair, blue eyes.BLOOD STATUS:  Half-bloodRACE: HumanSOCIAL STATUS: Middle ClassPET/S:NoneOTHER POSSESSIONS:None


    Early Years:She grew up in well-off wizarding family. She was the child that seen not heard. She did everything the way her parents expected of her. She played with dolls, had pretend tea parties and wore dresses like a good little girl was supposed to. Her favourite boy playmate would become her future husband. She was taught from a young age about magic in general, Latin, French, and the Dark Arts. Hogwarts Years: She went to Beauxbatons as her parents expected of her. She achieved the highest grades possible in everything even if she had to cheat to get that score. She was well-known for her parties with students and her manners with professors. She was a very popular student. She became very well educated in the Dart Arts and fallowed whatever her parents lead her to believe. She dated only upper-class talented wizards but in the end up with none of them. Adulthood: Christina returned to Australia and got a job in International Relations in the Australian Government, she worked as a secretary. She was the office Gossip Queen. She re-met her childhood friend Luke. She fell in love with him. They got married in 2000. They tried or thirteen years without any luck with having children, during this time she had several affairs so the fertility issues were with her. They finally gave up and used fertility potions. On April 12, 2013 they had their son Christen, a blue eyed brown haired eight pound of joy.  Christiana left her job to be a full time mother like what she was taught that woman should be when they had kids. February 15, 2015 they gave birth to the son Aideen, a brown eyed and blond haired six and half pound miracle. When she made the move to England her parents and the rest of her family got angry and they cut off ties from each other.


    ALSO KNOWN AS: what you'd like to be known as out of characterRP EXPERIENCE: I can’t remember, four maybe five years check Amelia’s app. HOW YOU FOUND US: I don’t remember, look at Amelia’s app.MAIN CHARACTER: Amelia Macmillan, Luke BonesPURPOSE OF CHARACTER: To create Luke’s wifeRP SAMPLE:
Christina Bones
Christina Bones

Number of posts : 7

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Bones, Christina  Empty Re: Bones, Christina

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:47 pm

she looks fine to me.

accepted and sorted to grads
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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