Character Development - Page 5
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Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Character Development  - Page 5 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Character Development

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Irene Norwood Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:10 am

Irene doesn't truly despise anyone, just whole groups of people. She has no interest in becoming friends with anyone she has set her mind to hating (though out of character I'd love for her to spend more time with Gabby).

Favorite holiday? Least favorite holiday?
Irene Norwood

Number of posts : 39

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Vivianna Varnes Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:29 am

Favorite holidays: Christmas and Halloween. It's a tough one, Viv likes snow and candy in fairly equal measure.

Least favorite holidays: Valentines Day and Easter. Easter is to her pointless, and bad things always seem to happen on Valentines Day.

Favorite drink, and why?
Vivianna Varnes
Vivianna Varnes
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Hallie Cooper Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:53 pm

Firewhiskey because Hallie likes to feel a bit of a buzz and it makes her that bit more courageous.

House elves: For or against? And why?
Hallie Cooper
Hallie Cooper
Fifth Year Gryffindor
Fifth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 927
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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Gavin Blackmoor Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:39 am

I hate to say it but neutral. Gavin has no elves but he's completely comfortable with people owning them. They enjoy the work and people enjoy the clean - it seems like a pretty harmless relationship.

What does your character wear to sleep?
Gavin Blackmoor
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 68
Occupation : Magical Law Enforcement Officer

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Melissa Finnigan Sat Mar 01, 2014 3:02 pm

A pair of knickers and one of Keiran's shirts.

What is your character's favourite Quidditch team and why?
Melissa Finnigan
Melissa Finnigan
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 669
Special Abilities : Seer
Occupation : Owner of Fleurish Flower Shop

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Robin Ivanov Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:40 am

Falcons! Robin has played for them for several years.

What is one guilty pleasure your character has?
Robin Ivanov

Number of posts : 428

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Scorpius H Malfoy Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:45 pm

Muggle novels.

Which element (air, water, fire, earth) would your character be? Why?
Scorpius H Malfoy
Scorpius H Malfoy
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 160
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Legilimency
Occupation : Lawyer, Owner of Honeydukes

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Robin Ivanov Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:52 pm


"The element of air (sanguine)
Positive qualities: vigilance, care-freedom, kind-heartedness, trusting nature, clarity, lightness, independency, dexterity, optimism, diligence, acuity, joy, smiling...
Negative qualities: lack of perseverance, dishonesty, gossipy, cunningness, backbiting, garrulousness, inconstancy, touchiness, prodigality..."

If your character was sorted for the first time today, would they be in the same house or somewhere else?
Robin Ivanov

Number of posts : 428

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Pansy Parkinson-Nott Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:28 pm

Pansy would definitely still be sorted into Slytherin. Sure she is a hardworker, exceptionally hard (much more than to how she was at school) but really she is doing it for personal gain and uses her cunning far too often.

What is your characters signature spell?
Pansy Parkinson-Nott
Pansy Parkinson-Nott

Number of posts : 113

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Character Development  - Page 5 Empty Re: Character Development

Post by Irene Norwood Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:47 pm

Obliviate, though she doesn't have many occasions to use it.

Irene Norwood

Number of posts : 39

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