How well do you know your character? - Page 12
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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Li9olo10

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How well do you know your character?

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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Phaedra Rosier Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:49 pm

1. Phaedra is fascinated by magical theory.

2. She does not get travel sick (portkey, apparition, or floo) due to extensive side-along use of them as a child.

3. She is more likely to display awkwardness around children than adults.

4. When Phaedra is upset it comes out as anger. Usually at herself.
Phaedra Rosier
Phaedra Rosier
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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:13 pm

1. She hates magic.
2. She doesn't have sibilings.
3. She is obssesed with fashion.
4. She wants to be fashion designer.
5. She is kinda perfectionist
Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Apollo Zabini Sat Sep 17, 2016 1:58 am

1. Apollo does know that he loves Lily, but he refuses to use the L-word, even in endearment form as he would for people like Molly or Margo. It's too important.

2. He may be physically attracted to Lily - it would be a lie to say that he isn't - but above all he believes that they understand each other better than anybody else, and he's afraid of either of them being on their own or with someone who doesn't understand or care as much.

3. Apollo feels quite strong and confident, but he does wonder if he's half as strong as his brother.

4. If he ever had proof that his mother actually cared about him the same way she does for Christian, he would do just about anything she asked him to. But, to be fair, he doesn't realize that he already does.

5. Except for that thing coming up about how she doesn't like Lily. She can just deal with that. He's not sorry.

6. He's concerned, though, that Christian might do something stupid when he finds out. Or, that he'll be unable to forgive Apollo or Lily until he moves on.
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Phaedra Rosier Sat Sep 17, 2016 3:15 am

1. She is more likely to get into trouble trying to save face than intentionally.

2. Despite her financial situation, she hasn’t even considered selling her belongings as an option.

3. She can occasionally be empathetic, but rarely sympathetic.

4. The angrier she is, the more she says.

5. Annoyance, however, keeps her quiet.

6. She is more likely to be evasive than lie outright. If she does, it will be a good lie.

7. She hasn’t yet told her mother or her maternal family about her uncle freezing them out. She doesn’t plan to.
Phaedra Rosier
Phaedra Rosier
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Maura Goldstein Sat Sep 17, 2016 4:16 am

1. If Maura didn't live in London she would live in New York City, took a liking to that city while she traveled the world

2. Maura never been in a serious relationship, the longest she had was a month or two.

3. Maura doesn't believe in the 'L' word, although she loves her family, she doesn't believe there's anyone out there for her to love, that's why she's not the dating type.

4. Maura has two dogs and a cat, Jaxson, Velvet and Skittles.

5. Maura has no filter, especially when angry, she says what she feels and what's on her mind.

6. Maura is very much a neat freak, if OCD was allowed on here, she'll be it.

7. Maura tries to read at least two or more books in a month time frame, she loves reading and challenging herself.

8. Maura hates her real name, which is Mauranna so she prefers to be called Maura, but only call Mars by friends or loved ones.
Maura Goldstein
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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Phaedra Rosier Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:04 am

1. Regardless of her mother’s past, Phaedra gets on very well with the Medicis and was always welcomed. It wasn’t they who wanted her to leave, but her.

2. The only thing stopping her from getting money from her maternal family is her pride.

3. The only person to properly intimidate her so far has been her maternal great-grandfather.

4. Her family has some veela ancestry through her mother and paternal grandmother, but it is not really acknowledged.

5. Of the three Unforgivables, she has only used the Imperius curse.

6. She is not above manipulating people to get what she wants, but she doesn’t like to break a direct promise.

7. Phaedra rarely cares enough about people to actively dislike them.

8. Her worst subjects were Care of Magical Creatures and Transfiguration. The former asked too much responsibility of her, and the latter she never developed any interest in. If it wasn’t for the theory parts of both exams, she probably would have failed.

9. She is better at Charms than she is consciously aware.
Phaedra Rosier
Phaedra Rosier
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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Keiran Hayes Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:28 am

01. Keiran has successfully cast the killing curse, and doesn't regret it.

02. He's known for months that he doesn't love Millie anymore. Not the way he used to.

03. Biggest fear: Being useless or forgotten.

04. One of his serious flaws is thinking that physical affection somehow translates to genuine interest or affection regardless of his relationship to the person in question. He hasn't actually realized that he does this, though.

05. He hates the idea of having to stop learning.

06. He currently does have a favorite child, but that won't be true for much longer. And it actually isn't his fault that the others aren't equally close to him. Not entirely, anyway.

07. He quite seriously does not want any more children.

08. He never really considered marriage something he was interested in, so if the Ministry hadn't forced him to do so, he would probably still be a bachelor.

09. Sometimes, he does wish that he was a Muggle and completely unaware of how bonkers the Wizarding World is.

10. If he had a time turner that allowed him to take the place of his old self, he would go back to his school years and refuse to help Audriana Swan. If he hadn't done that, perhaps he wouldn't have let himself be used by so many others along the way.
Keiran Hayes
Keiran Hayes
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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Aneta Markova Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:53 pm

1. She was willing to do everything for her father and because of him she became Death Eater.

2. She have never been in love even if she was in many relationships.
Aneta Markova
Aneta Markova

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How well do you know your character? - Page 12 Empty Re: How well do you know your character?

Post by Charlie Jericho Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:59 pm

1. Charlie's favourite pet is the flobberworm, despite it being possibly the blandest least interesting magical creature in existence.

2. He doesn't mind being named after his father, despite how different he is to him in behaviour and temperament. He's never been expected to live up to Robin and so the name is more of a privilege than a burden.

3. Of his two siblings, he is closer to Kathryn despite getting along better with Casper. This is partly due to age but also because Kathryn often likes to take him under her wing, although not quite in a regular or obvious way.
Charlie Jericho
Charlie Jericho
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