Potion Class #1
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Potion Class #1 Li9olo10

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Potion Class #1

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Potion Class #1 Empty Potion Class #1

Post by Sophia Granger Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:03 am

Sophia walked into the dugeon and looked around the room and smiled. She never thought she'll see this room again let alone teach in it! Apparently Hogwarts needed a Professor for Potions and Sophia knowing quite a bit about Potions was here for the job. From Alistair to Milo D'Eath who were the previous Professors Sophia knew the class was now not as active as it was. Writing her name on the board Sophia sat at her desk waiting for students to arrive.

She didn't know what the pass Prfoessors did, but she was starting out fresh and brand new.
Meanwhile, the first bell signalling the end of the last class had sounded. On the board were the directions:

Years 1-5, turn to page 304. Get all ingredients for Antidote to Common Poisons
Years 6-7, turn to page 784. Get all ingredients for Draught of Living Death.


Sophia is the new Potions Professor, so for you people who love potions you have a new Professor!
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Potion Class #1 Empty Re: Potion Class #1

Post by Keith Nicholas Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:59 am

Currently, Keith could very roughly be described as "not a happy camper". He yawned once, rubbing at his eye in a vain attempt to dislodge a particularly stubborn piece of sleep, and slumped into a chair at the back of the potions room.


He glanced up at the board, eyes skating past the new teacher. (There was always a new teacher - Keith now viewed them as utterly interchangeable.) Page 304...Antidote to Common Poisons.


He fished around in his bag for a bezoar. Ooh, and some unicorn horn. He would need some of that too. Actually, scratch that - he could ask the teacher for some unicorn horn, then swap it out for ground chalk and rose petals when she wasn't looking. Pocket the unicorn horn, sell it for a bit of extra cash. The potion would look and taste the same - as long as it didn't actually have to work he should be a-ok.
Keith Nicholas

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Potion Class #1 Empty Re: Potion Class #1

Post by Liesl Dolohov Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:42 am

Liesl was supposed to be good at potions, but she felt she was getting behind what with all the changes of professor. They couldn't seem to stay on track for more than a couple of weeks.

She sat down in a spot far away from Kieth Nicholas, because she didn't want to be covered with ink this lesson, thank you, and promptly put her hand straight up in the air.
Liesl Dolohov
Liesl Dolohov
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

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Potion Class #1 Empty Re: Potion Class #1

Post by Henri Finch Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:10 am

Henri entered among the crowd, as the professor who had handed her her schedule had been so obliging as to steer her towards the Potions dungeon-classroom. Great. Thanks, dude. Because I had totally been planning on being early or on time. Thank. You.

He released her at the door and she gave him a dark look before entering. She walked up the aisle and as she reached Liesl Dolohov, the Head Girl put her hand in the air. Henri smiled and high fived it, before saying, "Can I sit here?"

And she dropped into the seat next to her.
Henri Finch
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Fourth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 241

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Potion Class #1 Empty Re: Potion Class #1

Post by Wilhelmina Abercrombie Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:31 am

Wally wasn't exactly excited for her first class back, as it meant back to the routine of having to pretend like any of the lessons were remotely relevant to her life. She wasn't dreading it though. Especially as it was Potions, a class she could get through with absolutely no effort. Wally could dryly throw a few things into her cauldron and be done with it.

She walked into class, clad in her Ravenclaw uniform. She had pulled her blonde hair into braids, as she preferred her hair out of her way when she was brewing potions. Her heavy eyes scanned the classroom as she tugged on the strap of her bookbag. She spotted Keith and wordlessly walked towards him, dropping into the seat next to him as though it were an everyday occurrence, not even bothering to greet him.
Wilhelmina Abercrombie
Wilhelmina Abercrombie
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Fourth Year Gryffindor

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Potion Class #1 Empty Re: Potion Class #1

Post by Liesl Dolohov Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:40 am

Briefly, Liesl wondered what would happen if she were to say no. But it was only a brief consideration. The American girl was certainly conceited, everything had to be about her.

On the other hand, her raucous entry would hopefully draw the professor's attention.

"At Hogwarts, we raise our hands to be called upon in class," she told Henrietta slowly, clearly and loudly enough for the teacher to hear.
Liesl Dolohov
Liesl Dolohov
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 145

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Potion Class #1 Empty Re: Potion Class #1

Post by Henri Finch Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:47 am

Henri blinked at Liesl, as though unsure about why the girl thought it necessary to speak to her as though she were hard of hearing, or hard of thinking. Clever one, Henri. She pulled her bag onto her seat - she had already covered it in buttons and patches and beads - and said, "That's nice, but in America, an open palm is fair game for a whopping high five."

She pulled her book out and held it out in front of her, before letting it fall onto the table top with a heavy THUNK.
Henri Finch
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Fourth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 241

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Potion Class #1 Empty Re: Potion Class #1

Post by Alice Longbottom Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:03 pm

Alice walked into the Potion's classroom dragging her feet, as she always would for this class. Something about this room sucked out all the enthusiasm she had for the day. Even as a Hufflepuff that was used to living below ground level, she had to admit that this place lacked some kind of light. Or Merlin forbid some fresh air. With a quick glance of the room, she realized there wasn't a single Hufflepuff in the room. Only a few familiar faces, Keith, the new transfer girl Henri and...was that the Dolohov girl? The Slytherin head girl, Andrei's sister? One glance at the badge on her uniform told her she was right.

She should probably steer away from that group, so Alice took a seat on the left side of the room, where she usually sits with Amelia. Only then did she notice the new Potion's professor in front of them. She seemed young, but a welcoming change from the last professor. Alice opened her book in silence and started reading the given pages. Hopefully Amelia or someone else she knew would come today. She hated sitting alone.
Alice Longbottom
Alice Longbottom
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Fourth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 355

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Potion Class #1 Empty Re: Potion Class #1

Post by Audra Imbert Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:38 pm

*** *** ***
    Audra came in the class, took stock of the new teacher, of the writing on the blackboard, of the people already in class and went to sit down in the first row, directly in front of the blackboard. She was good at potions. That was one of the few subject that she could get good marks effortlessly. And she liked to flaunt with that.

    She took out her book, notes and all the stuff needed for the lesson, and silently shuffled over to the potions cupboard. On her way over there, she already started envisioning being her aunties favorite little girl, making her the potion, so she could sleep at nights.. No, no, or even making the potion even better and curing insomnia forever. Or, or, or, getting a portrait of her hanged in St. Mungo's, for making the world's best Draughts. Or, or, or...
    So, there she was. standing in front of the cupboard, daydreaming.
Audra Imbert
Audra Imbert

Number of posts : 72


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