Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson
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Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson Li9olo10

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Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson

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Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson Empty Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson

Post by Alexander Greengrass Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:59 pm

Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson 600full-isabelle-fuhrman

Aria Emerson Greyback


    FULL NAME: Aria Emerson Greyback

    NICKNAMES: Ria, Re, Em,

    AGE: 14, July fourth


    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor

    CLASSES: DADA, and Potions.

    WAND: Rosewood, Dragon heartstring, 14 inches long, pliable,

    PLAY BY: Isabelle Fuhrman


    HAIR COLOR:Dark brown almost black

    EYE COLOR:brown

    HEIGHT: 5 ft 3 in

    BODY TYPE: thin, slender.

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Aria has a long soft face and a pale yet fair completion and long dark almost inky black hair that framed it and dark eyes. She really was the snow white of this century. She is strong and fit making her slender and thin, yet as delicate looking as a porcelain doll. She is about five foot and three inches tall with powerful legs and a toned body. Most of the time she is found wearing her school uniform, but when she’s not you will find her in Jeans and a t-shirt of some kind on normal days. When dressing up she will choose either a skirt and shirt combo or a simple party dress.


    Confident, Independent, creative, competitive, smart, organized, tidy, flying, potion, DADA.

    over confident, spoiled, unreliable, perfectionist, picky, Charms, transfiguration.

    Parties, Music, Art, Quidditch, Flying, Animals, the outdoors, her muggle siblings and Nephew, Gossip.

    School, work, Slytherins, Authority, Her Father, being told no, heights, water, and spiders

    To be popular, Graduate, Potions Professor.

    Plays with her hair and bites her lip when nervous.

    BOGGART: Heights, Water, Spiders

    PATRONUS: her Hogwarts letter

    DEMENTOR: when she determined she was the one who killed her mother.

    VERITASERUM: She thinks she killed her mom and hates herself for it.

    MIRROR OF ERISED: To see her mother.

    PERSONALITY: Aria is a really sweet flirty girl who loves to party and have fun. Her favorite pass times are music, art, playing quidditch and gossiping with her friends, her lest favorites are any that have to do whit school and work. She can get along with almost anyone unless they are the typical Slytherins. She loves to be outside and around nature, but she can’t stand Heights, spiders, or water deep enough she could drown in it. And the only person she can’t bring herself to feel sympathy or happiness for is herself. The girl blames herself for her mother’s death, though many people have told her over and over again that it wasn’t.


    FATHER: FENRIR Greyback

    MOTHER:Leanne Wilberton, died in the birthing process muggle

    Half Siblings Greybacks:
    Ariel Damian greyback, seventh, seventeen.
    ____ ____ seventeen, seventh.
    Naomi Alice greyback, seventeen, seventh.
    ____ ____ greyback, sixteen, sixth.
    ____ ____ greyback, fifteen, fifth.
    ____ ____ greyback, thirteen, third.
    ____ ____ greyback, twelve, second.
    ____ ____ greyback, twelve, second.
    Half Siblings Wilberton(Muggles):
    Daney Wilberton, 24
    Koleen Wilberton, 22
    Adriana Wilberton, 20
    Jared Wilberton, 18

    OTHER: Dante, 2, muggle nephew.

    BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood

    RACE: half-werewolf

    SOCIAL STATUS: wealthy

    PET(S): Cat named Spot, and a white pit bull named Pixie




    Early Years: Aria Wilberton-Greyback was born on July Fourth to Leanne Wilberton soon after her divorce from her husband and just before her death that was caused by complications in the birthing process. Aira’s siblings at the time ranged between the ages of 4 and 14, so they were raised by their grandmother until the oldest Daney was old enough to care for her siblings on her own. They all did what they could to make sure Aria didn’t blame herself for their mother’s death and that she had a happy childhood, and Aria did her best to be happy for them. When she was eleven they were all surprised when Aria got a letter to Hogwarts but they saw it as something good, and used it to as another lead to her father, thinking she needed at least one parent in her life.

    Hogwarts Years: In her first year of Hogwarts Aria made a few friends in her own house but had problems connecting to the other students. She spent most of her time by herself and writing her siblings back home. Her grades did okay more so in muggle studies and other classes like that, and she fell in love with Potions and dueling. Focusing as much of her energy as possible into it. In her second year Ria came out of her shell some more attending the quidditch games and hanging out in the grounds just not too close to the lake. Her grades faltered a bit turning for the worse instead of better but they were still okay. It was in her third year when they really fell and she started being really interested in guys, and started hanging around them more and more.



    YOUR NAME: Kayla

    RP EXPERIENCE:…………….


    OTHER CHARACTERS:Cecilia Krum (she will never die), Kayla Brians (just died), Nathaniel M. (st. Mungo’s mental ward), A. Ezra Dimitriov (the Simi normal one)

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: Kayla died and I’ve been thinking of making a D’eath or a Greyback for a while.


Alexander Greengrass
Alexander Greengrass
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

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Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson Empty Re: Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:51 am

i have to say i'm a wee bit confused. fenrir was her mother's husband? okay, so why isnt she just aria greyback? why is the wilbeton part of that? just a bit curious. most characters dont keep mom's maiden name. sounds like there should be some history there. i'm really not trying to sound difficult. i'm just asking.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson Empty Re: Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson

Post by Wanda Montclair Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:55 am

No they were not married. Sorry Leanne got with Mr. Right after she got devorces from another guy
Wanda Montclair
Wanda Montclair
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Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson Empty Re: Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:03 am

ok. i'll accept her and sort her into gryffindor.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson Empty Re: Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson

Post by Wanda Montclair Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:10 am

Wanda Montclair
Wanda Montclair
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
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Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson Empty Re: Wilbeton-Greyback, Aria Emerson

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:19 am

Moved c:
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
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