SIMM, preston
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SIMM, preston  Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

SIMM, preston

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SIMM, preston  Empty SIMM, preston

Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:36 pm

SIMM, preston  Tom-Hiddleston-014



    Preston Simm


    Thirty-One years old

    Death Eaters

    Former member of the Slytherin house

    Oak with a cobra fang core. 12 1/2 inches and fairly bendy.

    PLAY BY:
    Tom Hiddleston


    Jet Black

    Light Blue

    6 ft 2 in

    Average, with a little bit of muscle

    • Preston is your average every day wizard. He doesn't like to stand out in a crowd nor would it be easy to pick him out as someone weird. He doesn't have a specific way of dressing and he doesn't often have a set hairstyle. Well, he does, his hair is naturally curly and it annoys him constantly. He keeps himself well groomed in the facial hair department but sometimes lets it grow out a bit. He is best known for having a smooth and boyish face that makes women easily to manipulate. Preston is fairly tall and rather stocky. He doesn't wear anything constantly and he rarely repeats any outfit in his wardrobe.



    • Mature
    • Respectful
    • Self-Confident
    • Disciplined
    • Selfless
    • Bold
    • Intelligent
    • Reliable
    • Focused
    • Physically Fit


    • Unforgiving
    • Guarded
    • Cold/Cruel
    • Deceiving
    • Insomniac
    • Distant
    • No Sense of Time
    • Slightly Rude
    • Sarcastic
    • Motivated by Revenge and Hatred


    • Family
    • Danger
    • Victory
    • Classical Music
    • Destruction
    • Children
    • Practical Jokes


    • Bullies
    • Arrogance
    • Pep
    • Pop Music
    • His Peers
    • Waiting
    • Golf

    • Chews on fingernails
    • Twirls his wand between his fingers

    • A Dementor

    • Laying on a hammock looking at the stars with his sister

    • The ridicule and taunting done unto him by others throughout his childhood and teen years

    • He will never do any harm to a family that is happy together

    • A happy family

    • Preston is a very distant and guarded man. He does not often talk about himself or his personal life with anyone. If he is ever ask he simply does not answer and changes the subject. Not that he doesn't like talking to people. There's just a certain kind of people he can associate with without wanting to rip their heads off.
    • Preston is very mature which means there is a select group of people he talks to. Although he is quite mature, he enjoys a good practical joke. Especially when he gets to be the one who pulls it. He does not do it often but he enjoys it occasionally.
    • He finds it very difficult to keep track of time. Which is why he is constantly wearing his watch wherever he goes. He also has issues with waiting around and not doing anything. He constantly needs to be in the action as dangerous as it is he prefers it to sitting around at home. He is an insomniac which probably doesn't help his sarcasm or his slight grumpiness.
    • Growing up, Preston was constantly ridiculed because of his appearance and weight. He was a chubby child who wore glasses and never had the cool clothes. This caused him to grow up and became a very cold and vengeful man. He is fueled by rage and hatred with the goal of making all those kids who teased him pay. This causes him to greatly dislike bullies, despite him being one himself.
    • He is not easily persuaded to do anything unless his sister is involved nor is he easily intimidated unless it is his sister. His sister is also the only one who he can not get away with lying to. He is rude and sarcastic to nearly everyone he meets yet he is very respecting to those higher in rank than him.
    • However, Preston does have a bit of a soft side when it comes to families. He will not every do any harm to a healthy family relationship. It takes a lot for him to get so angry that he wants to break up a family. He is willing to kill as long as it does not greatly affect the family. Otherwise he simply scares said person or injures them.


    Johnathan Tyler Simm

    Helena Amber Robert's

    Samantha Jane Simm



    Middle Class

    Eagle Owl, Odin, named after the Norse God and ruler of Asgard.

    • A watch that can tell the time anyplace in the world
    • Sunglasses that can see through walls


    Early Years:

    • Needless to say, Preston did not have a very happy childhood. If he could go back in time and change it he would do it. But that isn't the case and he was to live with the constant memories of the horrible things that would happen to him. There were very few days where he got any rest of the name calling, beatings, and constant jokes. He grew from a happy baby to a very reclusive and upset child. His parents did all they could to stop the bullying but the other parents were as bad as their children. There was maybe one family that tried to do anything to help but they ended up transferring because their own child couldn't take it anymore. Preston's father couldn't move because he was needed where he was so Preston lost his only friend and the darkness inside grew.
    • Preston lived in a muggle community with his pureblood parents and his sister. So naturally when he began showing signs of magical activity his parents decided that he should stop going outside in the middle of the day. Out of fear of anyone finding out he was a wizard he was kept locked up in the house and only aloud outside of it for school. But did that stop the weird things from happening and causing even more taunting? Nope.
    • When Preston was ten years old, a boy had went too far. Preston had been minding his own business and writing a story until the boy came up and hit him right in the face. This was what pushed Preston over the edge. The boy began to shriek and hit his hand on the table. Preston had no idea what he did but he somehow ended up getting in the boys mind. The boy was imagine himself catching on fire. The weird part about this whole thing was that he smiled at the thought. He was sent home early and expelled from his elementary school-he was home schooled from then on in.
    • When Preston received his Hogwarts letter he could not have been more happy. At this point in time Preston was angry with everyone in the world except for his family. So when he was offered a chance to go and join his own kind where he would be accepted he took it straight away. As soon as they possibly could they took a family trip to Diagon Alley. Preston had never been, he had never actually be anywhere in the wizard world. He had only occasionally gone to magical weddings and family reunions where there had been magical things done. He was in love with magic from the day he was born.
    • Preston was incredibly upset when he arrived at Diagon Alley however. Even there, with his own wizardkind, the bullies were great in number. Why did they always pick him? Sure he was an easy target, a little bit chubby and weird looking. But he was getting thoroughly angry with everything and for the rest of the summer he kept locked away in his room reading up on all the different kinds of magic. Of course there were constant visits by his younger sister and his mother which he loved.

    Hogwarts Years:

    • Preston was not as excited to go to Hogwarts as he was before but he was excited nonetheless. He had a whole compartment to himself during the train ride and kept his nose in his books. He didn't bother to ask anyone to sit with him nor did he make any attempts to join another compartment. He was learning to embrace the feeling of being alone and the quiet. When he arrived he was amazed at the sight of the castle. It never ceased to amaze him throughout all his years. He was on that stool with the hat on his head a very long time. It was having issues with sorting him and mainly muttering inaudible words under it's breath. Eventually, however, he was sorted in Slytherin house. His parents were both incredibly proud but also slightly afraid of this sorting.
    • As Preston had predicted he was constantly bullied by everyone around him. Except this time they had the ability to do magic to aid in the taunting and bullying. He would constantly find himself being stung by a small stinging hex and once or twice ended up in the hospital wing due to a hex gone wrong. Of course his head of house would do absolutely nothing and after a while he stopped trying and simply found quiet places to escape to. There were many more nooks and cranny's for him to hind in and simply be by himself at Hogwarts than at home.
    • Then, in his second year, it was his sister's turn to go to Hogwarts. She was his saving grace, she was the one who kept him going. She would constantly build him up and her cheery attitude always made him happy. She was sorted into Gryffindor however so words soon spread that she was his sister and the taunting grew worse. But he was learning to deal with it well. All the while keeping fairly average grades. He simply wanted to pass, not excell or be notived, but pass.
    • This kind of life followed Preston up until his fifth year. Over the summer of his fourth year he had a bit of a growth spurt. He began to slim out and had a charm put on his eyes so he no longer needed glasses. His face grew to be more slime and his acne began to vanish. His teeth were straightened out by a simple spell performed by his sister and when he went back to Hogwarts he was greeted by open mouths and fawning girls. But the bullying continued, he was still easily intimidated. People always chose him because he took it and never retaliated, but that was going to change.
    • He was sent over the edge once again in fifth year. He had been hanging out with his sister outside simply finishing up some homework. Having a good time when some sixth year Slytherin came over and started harassing his sister; thinking that Preston was not going to retaliate. However at this point in time nobody had ever messed with his sister, nor did they after that day. As soon as he could tell that he was going to be trouble Preston hexed him into oblivion. Causing the boy to be in the hospital wing for two weeks. Sure, he received three months of detention but it was worth it.
    • It was that day that Preston changed. The anger and darkness inside him had reached the point where there was no cure for it. The only person he didn't hate was his sister. His parents had flipped at him when they had found out about his hexing; they turned on him. From that day on, nobody ever messed with Preston or his sister, and for a good reason.


    • Preston had never actually thought of a career after school. There wasn't much that interested him in the wizard world. Of course had heard about The Death Eaters during school and thought that he could find some people like him there. He was sadly mistaken when he joined their ranks and was disappointed when he found out how it was run. He didn't like it as much as he had thought that he did but he found some join in it. So he stayed, and found a love for danger and destruction. He had vowed to make everyone who had hurt him in the past pay. This was step one in his ultimate goal.
    • Sam, the only person who stood by him even after choosing the side of evil. His parents shunned him along with the rest of his family. But his sister, the one true family member he had. Did she approve? No, but she loved him unconditionally and that didn't affect it. He was still her old brother who she always looked up to. He still visits her a few times a week and they even have lunch together. Do the Death Eater's approve? No, but he doesn't care what they think. The Death Eater's were corrupt and he disapproved.
    • Maturing and developing over the rest of his years. Everything he was before his graduation was gone other than his love for his sister was gone. He was an entirely new man in this horrible corrupt world. He is cruel, unforgiving, and oh so sarcastic.
    • (Sorry this section is a bit weak, I was primarily focused on his past.)



    Oh, about...three-four years.

    You know this

    Matthew Lestrange & Alphonso Song



Last edited by Preston Simm on Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:11 am; edited 9 times in total

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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Jess Potter Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:30 pm

Hehehe. I wondered when that pb would appear.
Interesting character, though I might say, entirely in my own opinion, that so far he seems a little one-dimensional. I look forward tor reading more on the reason he's such a dark individual.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Elijah Krum Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:10 pm

Jessy don't comment until the work is done! Razz
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:12 am


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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:03 pm


I like the overall design of Preston. The app is really well written. Nice job there. I like his design, and I like that we're getting another 'bad guy.' I do have one issue, though. He does appear to me to be a bit overpowered.

We have never permitted characters that are more powerful than their age or their most likely development would be--at least not to the levels that Preston seems to me to be. Can you either clarify how he is not falling into the wizarding child prodegy sort of catagory, how he has relatively age appropriately developed skills with maybe some specializations in hexiing?

Or--if he is as powerful in hexing as I am reading him to be, then I do need you to "power him down" a bit. I'm hoping that perhaps I'm just misreadiing, but I do need some clarification on that please.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Matthew Lestrange Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:50 pm

I never intended him to be overpowered, overpowered character's are never fun. If it came across as that can you specify where it seems to be strong in my writing and I can edit it.

SIMM, preston  Tumblr_oyip5qmUoz1sj8jevo1_500
Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:31 pm

well, i figured it was something like that because its not like this is your first app. ROFL. anyway, what has me a trifle confused is the last couple bullet points in his hogwarts years, especially when its combined with the wording on his feuding force enlistment request.

i figured how i was interpretting it was not how you meant it. thats why i asked if you'd just help me get it a bit more clearly.


Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Matthew Lestrange Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:37 pm

Magic is effected by emotion and attitude. So if you really want to analyze the Hogwarts hexing he was simply sent over the edge and the rage inside him overtook for the moment. Basically don't get him too angry-kind of like Hulk but not really. Because he's not above killing you if you piss him off enough.

SIMM, preston  Tumblr_oyip5qmUoz1sj8jevo1_500
Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:40 pm

makes a lot more sense to me now. thank you for clarifying. i figured that was the case, but i just needed you to confirm it for me.

i'll accept him and sort him now.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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Number of posts : 23244
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SIMM, preston  Empty Re: SIMM, preston

Post by Matthew Lestrange Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:41 pm

Thanks Khaat Smile

SIMM, preston  Tumblr_oyip5qmUoz1sj8jevo1_500
Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
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