HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"
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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Li9olo10

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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Empty HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

Post by Elliot "Ellie" Hansen Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:13 am

HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Year



    FULL NAME: Elliot Katherine Hansen

    NICKNAMES: Nearly everyone calls her Ellie.

    AGE: 17, birthday is April 20th.

    ALLEGIANCE: Her friends.

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw, please. She was a NPC that I wrote into Ravenclaw.

    CLASSES: Is this necessary anymore?

    WAND: Cherry, unicorn, eleven inches, springy.

    PLAY BY: Kate Nash


    HAIR COLOR: Red.

    EYE COLOR: Brown.

    HEIGHT: Five foot six inches.

    BODY TYPE: Well-framed. She used to be very thin (too thin) but she is beginning to properly gain wait.

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Ellie looks like a happy girl. She has healthy looking skin, pale but glowing, and dappled with freckles over her round cheeks and arms. Her brown eyes are bright and lively, and her makeup has been done to compliment her natural beauty rather than caked on. Her red hair is healthy and springy and she doesn’t do much to it, but rather allows the curls to choose their own direction. From ages thirteen to sixteen, Ellie struggled with anorexia but she now has won the battle and is gaining weight, though constant exercise and a strict diet (minus occasional splurging with friends) keeps her trim. She is curvy and likes to show off her looks in sundresses and quirky outfits.


    • Musically gifted
    • Intelligent
    • Opinionated
    • Loyal
    • Talented with words
    • Treasured sense of humor

    • Stubborn
    • Easily offended
    • Sailor mouth at times
    • Goes through phases quickly
    • Pretentious
    • Insecure

    • Dating
    • Music
    • Writing – poetry, comedy routines for her friends, songs.
    • Reading
    • Talking
    • To argue

    • Her body image
    • Other people’s ‘stupidity’
    • Authority
    • Being underestimated
    • Being second best
    • Her father

    • Graduate
    • Become a writer
    • Become a musician
    • Move out
    • Remain friends with Judd and Foster forever

    • Her songs are pretty strange.
    • Goes through phases – feminism, sexism, etc- quickly.
    • Potty mouth.
    • Will take any excuse to go on and on and on.
    • LOVES to argue.

    BOGGART: Somehow getting trapped alone with her father.

    PATRONUS: First day of Hogwarts with Judd and Foster.

    DEMENTOR: Her father attempting to kill her mother and being sent to jail.

    VERITASERUM: That for three and a half years, she was anorexic.

    MIRROR OF ERISED: To live her life with her vest friends, doing what they love.

    PERSONALITY: Ellie is full of life. She is, however, very contradictory to herself. Ellie is a person who loves to smile, but she finds her mood is often easily soured and darkened. She is a feminist that cannot help cracking sexist jokes. She is a poet that likes to write lovely poetry, and yet she is known to have the mouth of a sailor. She likes to argue any cause, but will jump at every opportunity to make fun of her own opinions.

    Ellie is a very open, sociable person. Though she does rely on Judd and Foster, she likes making her own friends. She struggles with her strange family situation as well as past issues with body image. She likes to date for the reasons that it makes her feel good about herself, as well as the experience. Ellie is obsessed, almost, with writing, music, and comedy.


    FATHER: Densel Hansel, half blood.

    MOTHER: Kaitlyn Moriarty, half blood.

    SIBLING(S): Brother, Francis, 22.
    Sister, Lydia, 20.

    OTHER: Her aunt Marion, 47, and cousin Arthur, 24. Both halfbloods.

    BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood

    RACE: Pumpkin

    SOCIAL STATUS: Lower middle class- upper lower class.

    (OPTIONAL. For students only owls, cats, mice and toads are allowed at Hogwarts however you might sneak something else through. Graduates are allowed anything. )

    BROOMSTICK(): None.

    A bunch of journals and acoustic guitar.


    Early Years: Ellie was the darling of her parents. Her mother had always had this romantic notion of having three kids. Her father was fine as long as he was able to name two sons after his father and his grandfather, Francis and Elliot. He was given his chance to immortalize his father’s name with their firstborn, but when they discovered that their last child would be a girl, he was briefly heartbroken. Kaitlyn insisted that Elliot was just not a suitable girl’s name. However, when he was given the birth certificate, he booted out the name Katherine Taylor Hansen and named her Elliot Katherine Hansen- deeming her Ellie.

    This is where the trouble started. After that simple act, the trust between Kaitlyn and Densel began to wane. Kaitlyn turned to spending, and Densel turned to drinking. Meanwhile, Ellie was growing up. She was too young to be a friend to her siblings. Ellie made up her own friends and tramped about the neighborhood with her parrot Engels, her sister’s kitten Mittens, and her brother’s toad Warty, as well as all of her stuffed animals. When she was six, however, she met Judd Lewis, a neighbor. A few months later, she was introduced to the shy boy Foster who became her lifelong joke- she was always teasing the boy. Ellie had friends.

    When Ellie was seven she began piano lessons. When she was eight, her tutor began challenging her to do ‘quick writes’ and those led to a sparked interest in writing. Her interest for reading began too, and she began begging her mother to buy her books, journals, and sheet music. Her mother, always wanting a reason to drown out the pain in shopping, was only happy to oblige. Ellie followed her family’s footsteps and was accepted into Hogwarts, being the first in the family of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs to be sorted into Ravenclaw.

    Hogwarts Years: Ellie and her friends were obsessed with comedy for their first two years. Pockets crammed with joke books, they were constantly cracking jokes and telling puns. Ellie, however, did have a serious interest in school- an interest in every subject too. A passion for Transfiguration arose, and when she wasn’t studying, she was reading her own material. After her second year, however, tragedy struck. During the summer, her father suffered a minor mental breakdown after being fired and attempted to strangle her returning mother. The only child at home at the time, Ellie screamed for a neighbor’s assistance while attempting to pry her father from her mother. No one was permanently hurt, but her father was put in jail for attempted murder. The last thing her father had yelled at her was “Get your fat hands off of me.”

    The girl with the long fingered hands from her experience playing guitar took it to heart. She stopped eating. Her struggle with anorexia became a secret battle from her third to sixth year. Meanwhile, she began adopting new ideas- first pretending to be sexist, then deciding she was a Buddhist, before denouncing all organized religion, before becoming obsessed with Gothic poetry, and settling into feminism in her seventh year. In her sixth year, she managed to kick her anorexia, but the struggle continued to arise. She caught the mystery disease along with her two friends in her final year and was unable to complete her seventh year. They all opted to go back and retake the year.

    Adulthood: n/a


    YOUR NAME: Jackles



    OTHER CHARACTERS: Jack, Reid, Naomi, Wally and Roxi are soon to be gone, Peeves (is up for grabs) and Judd.

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: Because I love her. (Read my thread in Comings and Goings)


Elliot "Ellie" Hansen

Number of posts : 92

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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Empty Re: HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:48 pm

Ready to be reviewed.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
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Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's


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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Empty Re: HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

Post by Alphonso Song Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:05 pm

HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" 5-Stars

You said you wanted a review....
Alphonso Song
Alphonso Song

Number of posts : 43
Special Abilities : Wandless Magic, Empathy

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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Empty Re: HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:18 pm

...Thanks Matt. XD
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
Special Abilities : Occlumency
Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's


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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Empty Re: HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:27 pm

she''s good to go!!

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Empty Re: HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:29 pm

Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
Special Abilities : Occlumency
Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's


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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Empty Re: HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:16 pm

my bad. i didn't notice it didn't actually add her when i added her the first time! she looks "blue" now to me!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23946
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie" Empty Re: HANSEN, Elliot Katherine "Ellie"

Post by Jess Potter Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:00 am

Jess Potter
Jess Potter
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 14221
Special Abilities : Wandless Magic, Seer, Flying, Legilimens


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