MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael
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MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael

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MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael Empty MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:03 pm

MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael David-Boreanaz-actor-ange
Tristan Raphael Michaels


    FULL NAME: Tristan Raphael Michaels First Middle Last name

    NICKNAMES:Raph, Mikey Self-explanatory

    AGE:22 The Year is determined by your age

    ALLEGIANCE:neutral Read more at the Feuding Forces Information thread at the Educational Decrees. Then choose and post here. Type Neutral if your character has no affiliation.

    HOGWARTS HOUSE:Ravenclaw (Canons state one, Original state two and admins will sort you in one of them. Graduates state ex-house. Durmstrang or Beauxbatons just state your school.)

    CLASSES: (Students only. Please choose from Charms, CoMC, DADA, Transfiguration, and Potions. 2 Minimum for Basic students and 2 for NEWTs, or one class and an internship for NEWTs)

    WAND: redwood, unicorn hair 6' unyielding (Wood type, core, length + flexibility)

    PLAY BY: David Boreanaz (Optional, but recommended. Remember to check the face claim to make sure you're celebrity isn't already taken)


    HAIR COLOR:Brown

    EYE COLOR:brown


    BODY TYPE: Athletic Slender, Thin, Stocky etc.

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Tristan has a tattoo on his back of a tiger and dragon surrounding the symbol yin and yang. He wears a lot of dark colors and nothing but jeans. He has the look of a bad boy but sometimes that's not the case, but in some cases it is. Tristan walks with a straight back and his head held high because that was how he was taught how to walk.


    GOOD TRAITS:Cleaning, Cooking, and playing the guitar
    (At least three)

    BAD TRAITS:shy, not much of a talker, and is afraid of most people
    (At least three)

    CHARACTER LIKES:Qudittich, Sushi, and playing the guitar
    (At least three)

    CHARACTER DISLIKES: Dark places, closets, and water
    (At least three)

    GOALS: To find love
    (The goals in life for your character.)

    QUIRKS: when he's nervous he paces
    (Some odd behaviors of your character)

    BOGGART: the dark (Characters greatest fear.)

    PATRONUS: Being old enough to not have to live in a foster home (Best Memory.)

    DEMENTOR: being abused by his foster parents (Worst Memory.)

    VERITASERUM: Never telling his sister he loved her before she died. (Greatest secret.)

    MIRROR OF ERISED: To be a famous wizard (Greatest Desire.)

    PERSONALITY: Tristan is a very shy person, he doesn't talk much to anyone mostly keeps to himself. He has a big heart and sometimes the littlest things will bug him or hurt him the most. He is also very caring, he doesn't like to see anyone hurt by anyone or anything. Tristan is kind, he isn't mean to anyone he tries to be nice to everyone.


    FATHER:Daniel Michaels died when he was three

    MOTHER:Lacy Michaels died when he was born

    SIBLING(S):Xavia Michaels murdered by foster parents

    OTHER: (Any other important family)

    BLOOD STATUS:half blood (Pureblood/ Halfblood/ Muggleborn - Purebloods are rarely accepted unless canon)

    RACE:one quarter veela (Human/ Vampire/ Werewolf/ Part Veela etc. Only members who have been active for at least one month are able to create non-human characters)

    SOCIAL STATUS:poor (Wealthy, Middle Class, Poor.)

    (OPTIONAL. For students only owls, cats, mice and toads are allowed at Hogwarts however you might sneak something else through. Graduates are allowed anything. )

    (Completely Optional. Make sure the broomstick which you own makes sense. For example, Ron could never have owned a firebolt. For the full list of Brooms, check the ED)



    Early Years: Tristan's mother died when he was born and his father raised him and his older sister until he was three. His sister and him were taken to a home when they were separated from each other. At the age of five he was in and out of foster homes because no one wanted him as a kid. He was beaten by several foster families, the last one the cops were involved and he never went back to another foster family. (At least 1 paragraph of your characters history during ages 1-11.)

    Hogwarts Years: Tristan was the top of his classes while he was at Hogwarts. Tristan was picked on by other because he had no family and lived in a Orphanage. In his fourth year, he punched a student in their face because they were picking on someone who didn't do anything to them. In his last year at Hogwarts he was made head boy and was a beater on the Ravenclaw Qudittch team. In his fifth year at hogwarts no one messed with him because he would hex them if they tried. In his last year he pulled a prank just after graduating that made those who were mean to him get boils on their face. (At least 1 paragraph of your characters history during their stay at Hogwarts.)

    Adulthood: Tristan lives in a two bedroom apartment with a friend from school. He works as an auror at the ministry of Magic and he helps part-time at a muggle nursing home. Tristan works hard but doesn't go out with anyone he doesn't trust. He works all the time so that he doesn't have to sit at home and remember things he doesn't want to. (At least 1 paragraph of your characters history after Hogwarts)


    YOUR NAME: Tristan Or Alias if you prefer

    RP EXPERIENCE: five years now

    HOW YOU FOUND US:have been on here if the answer is google, what you typed in.

    OTHER CHARACTERS: Damon Fields, Calista Ferinand, Subastian Haversham

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: I wanted to bring him back because he was a great character. To ensure deliberate creation of character


Last edited by Tristan Michaels on Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael Empty Re: MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:36 pm

I remember Tristan. I was wondering if you'd be bringing him back.

Question, Can you change the "other characters" section to reflect only those characters you have who are active right now, please? For example, Oded is not active now.

And--just my own curiosity, is there a need to make him pureblood? The site seems to be needing more halfbloods than purebloods. And I think his history would easily lend to him being a halfblood. Is it possible to make Tristan a halfblood instead?

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael Empty Re: MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:40 pm

All fixed Khaat

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MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael Empty Re: MICHAELS, Tristan Raphael

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:53 pm

looks great! thanks! accepted and sorted into grads!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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