Gamble, Demetri
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Gamble, Demetri  Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Gamble, Demetri

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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Gamble, Demetri

Post by Demetri Gamble Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:39 am

Gamble, Demetri  Tumblr_liw9ohykhV1qa7w9wo1_500

Gamble, Demetri Leigh


    Demetri Leigh Gamble

    NICKNAMES: Demetri

    AGE: 23

    ALLEGIANCE: None at the moment.

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw

    WAND: Broken

    PLAY BY: Timothy Olyphant


    HAIR COLOR: Dark

    EYE COLOR: Brown

    HEIGHT: 6'

    BODY TYPE: At perfect height and weight by standard.

    Demetri prefers to wear black of the darkest shades. He steals most of his wardrobe which consists of mainly suits; black on black. He walks with power and determination that is topped with an angry demeanor. His face is unpleasant to most due to the fact that he looks as if he is ready to kill anyone who steps in his way. He is constantly looking for his next adrenalin rush and he will find it. Typically he looks to be very tired but his physical actions are not slowed. He has a right eye that twitches unless he's in the heat of the moment, then all his senses become clear. There are scars drawn on all his body except his face. If one where to see underneath his clothes, they would wonder how he was functioning properly or even still alive.


    Dark Arts
    Very Skilled Thief

    Children. He will not touch/harm them or go near them.
    His wands usually end up getting broken somehow or lost.
    Will not back down from a fight no matter how powerful they may be.


    Those who are weak
    Giving in
    Others in general

    To feed his addictions.

    Rubs the back of his neck when he's anxious.
    Laughs obnoxiously at times.
    His right eye twitches.

    That he will lose the control over himself that he has gained.

    His first murder.


    He once use to be the complete and total opposite of what he is now.

    Breaking all forms of order.

    Demetri has obnoxious social skills. He only seeks self gain, in which case he can be one of the most personable people you have ever met and his obnoxiousness disappears. He constantly looks for opportunities to make people feel uncomfortable. Most of the time he doesn't like to keep his mouth shut and he loves to get a rise out of anyone he can. Pure evil runs through his veins and he seeks to kill someone on a daily bases. He does not want to be bothered and he does not care who you are; he wishes to feed only his addictions. He's an adrenaline junky and feeding his addictions gives him his fix. Most of the time no one knows why he laughs when he does; he likes to find a sick and cruel humor in everyone's words.

    Demetri is the fighter. If there is a hint of an offensive tone in someone's voice, he is quick to rise with his wand, just for fun. He does not care if he lives or dies which makes him very unpredictable and extremely dangerous. He will publicly mock you and he will step into your personal space as if you have none. He does not do well with authority and he does not play well with others. Purebloods are the only individuals he gives the slightest respect to.

    Demetri is a very skilled offensive fighter and will do his best to fight until his opponent is no longer breathing. He learned most of his skills through Tyler, skills that Leigh never excelled in. He is an extreme vicarious learner. He can watch his opponent's offensive techniques and quickly counter them. He also has an addiction to stealing. He is skilled in the art of thieving and it's one thing he takes very seriously and it's what he prides himself in most.

    He is crazy by just about everyone's standards.


    FATHER: Victor Gamble- Independent wizard who saw some light in both sides of the world. He was very charismatic and his primary work load used the skill. Victor never had one solid steady job. He was called upon when he was needed and he set his own prices. He became a known face/spokesmen for many companies who sought to broaden their businesses to investors. He was good at what he did but there were times when he was out of work for months and other means were taken to support his family.

    MOTHER: Katrina Gamble- Met her husband while finishing their 7th year at Hogwarts. Katrina was the sweetest girl of her class and everyone knew it. She always carried a smile and always put others before herself even when her day was going terribly. Her husband had convinced her that it was foolish to choose a side to follow and better to try and please everyone with little commitment. Katrina worked as a tutor in Hogwarts which she loved. Seeing student flourish was always the highlight of her days.

    SIBLING(S): None

    BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood

    RACE: Human

    SOCIAL STATUS: Middle Class

    PET: Rough-Legged Hawk- Named: Bird



    Early Years:
    Leigh, as his parents called him, was almost normal. His parents always noticed something a little strange with their son, especially when he slept. Leigh always seemed to have an on going battle with himself. He was indecisive and rarely committed to anything. His parents wanted to protect him the best they could and each night while he slept they cast various spells on him to help calm him. Eventually his condition subsided and the issue was never brought to light again throughout his early years.

    Hogwarts Years:
    Leigh had finally received his letter to attend Hogwarts. He was excited to finally learn the art of magic that he had seen his parents use all of his life. He boarded the Express and was shipped to his first year of school without reluctance.

    Leigh made his first friend during their meal after having been sorted into Ravenclaw; they quickly became inseparable. Tyler Vask was a quick thinker and fast with his spells. The two of them studied religiously together and sought to be at the top of their class. Their idea of fun soon came to be dueling one another. During the late nights, or the days they had off from their studies, the two of them would sneak to rarely used parts of the castle and practice their dueling. Leigh was always the best at defending himself while Tyler excelled at being offensive.

    Something in Leigh stopped him from being offensive. He felt it was his mother in him but still he took in what he could of Tyler's skill. Leigh was known for his vicarious learning ability. He could watch a spell be done once and it could be instantly replicated. All the professors were always impressed with him, but he tried his hardest not to showoff.

    At night Tyler noticed that Leigh never stayed still while he slept. Leigh had been told by his parents that he once had a sleeping condition but it had went away. He thought it was just a phase and since he wasn't losing any sleep over it, there was nothing to worry about.

    The two freidns grew closer and closer over the years as well as becoming great duelist throughout the school. They were rarely defeated individually, but no one could touch them when the worked as a team. It soon became known that they could not be defeated, so everyone stopped trying, whereupon they retreated back to dueling one another.

    Along with Tyler, Leigh graduated at the top of his class just as they had hoped. His parents were so proud and they had already been setting up plans for his future.

    Leigh's words and gestures always displayed that of pure kindness and he will always be there to lend a helping hand to those in need. He was polite and did as he was asked without argument.

    Leigh woke from his bed with a start as the weather continued to worsen outside. Lightning stuck and thunder clapped as he was reluctantly drug, by himself, to the mirror in the next room. He looked at himself closely. Something was different. His right eye twitched and half a smile lay just below it. Not only that, but his vision was blurred in the eye and he felt as if he had no control over the right side of his body.

    "You," said someone through his mouth but with another voice. His right arm poked at the face in the mirror. "You are me and I am you," he continued. "Finally I have surfaced and your parent's spells can no longer tame me. For too long I've been kept in the dark and for too long I have yet to live."

    Leigh could feel an anger pour over him that he had never in his life felt. He tried to fight who was speaking but this other had control and Leigh could only listen. The man let out a sick screaming laugh and vanished from Leigh. His head hit the floor hard before he knew what had happened and his parents were quickly by his side.

    He woke in the hospital and he quickly began to recite the series of events. What Leigh said was almost unbelievable and they told him it was probably a result of his fall. "Concoctions can can distort a great number of things," they said.

    Leigh was angry that no one would hear what he had to say and by midnight his anger stuck it's peek. Leigh blacked out and when he woke up again he was lying in the same bed as his best friend Tyler. He woke with great confusion and he soon felt a warm liquid drip down his arm; blood. He looked and examined Tyler only to find that his best friend had been killed. Leigh's wand laid on top of Tyler's body and he knew exactly what had happened.

    Leigh began to scream in attempt to fight the one inside him. Anger took over once more and Demetri came to rise. Leigh blacked out again and because the murder of his best friend angered him so much, it was Leigh's control that was repressed. Leigh woke up a month later in the middle of the woods. His hands were covered in blood and his wand laid on the forest floor in front of his face.

    It took him almost two days to reach his home. He walked in a saw his parents sitting at the table with worried looks; they instantly rose upon his arrival. "Where have you been?" asked his father. "I don't remember. The last thing I can think of is being in the hospital," he said lying about Tyler's death. "You were last seen with Tyler, and- I know this may be hard to hear- but he's dead," said his mother. Shock gripped Leigh and he could not hide his emotions. Tears began to flow down his face. His mother continued, "Tyler's mother said you spent the night with him, said that you were there to help him pack for his big move? Is this true?" Leigh didn't know what to say because he honestly didn't know what had taken place; he could only cry.

    He took a step towards his parents for comfort but they stepped back. "What? You think I did this?" he said with a pitch raised voice through his crying. The aurors appeared and Leigh stumbled backwards not knowing what to do with himself. "We love you son, this is for the best," said his father and the auror put hands on Leigh. "No, no! It wasn't me! I didn't do any of this," screamed Leigh. All of a sudden he sobered and his body went limp in the hands of the aurors. He slowly raised his head and looked to both of his parents. "You will regret this," said Demetri.

    After a year of therapy, Leigh felt that he was back to his normal self. He worked to control his anger and he quickly accomplished just that. He saw little of his parents over that year and this servery hurt him deep down, but he did not let it show so he could get back to a normal life.

    He stood outside of his parent's house, suitcase in hand not knowing if it was alright to enter. They had raised him saying he would always have a home here if he needed one, so he went in. Leigh could smell his mother's cooking and he heard her humming a tone. He could hear someone messing through paperwork in the dinning room and he assumed it was his father. He walked to the dinning room and his father froze at his entrance. "Leigh?" he said loud enough for his wife to hear. "What, um, what are you doing here?" By this time his mother had joined them and her eyes filled with tears. "I'm home. I was discharged from the rehabilitation center. Aren't you glad?" Leigh was become wary of the looks he was receiving from the one who claimed they loved him.

    Over the next months Leigh's parents worked to accept him again, but it was near impossible. They could not live with the fact that their son was a murderer and they slightly feared for their own lives. It was quiet hard to go back to the way things were when their son vanishes for a month and showed up with bloody ripped clothes. They had made peace with the fact that their son was mentally unstable and they knew staying in a rehabilitation center was they best for everyone, including Leigh.

    When they couldn't stand it anymore Leigh's father approached him. "Your mother and I feel it's time for you to get out on your own. You know, live a little, get a job, pay your own rent, make a living." He tried his hardest to sound as if he really wanted the best for his son, but Leigh saw the reality. He knew he was being thrown out of his own home. "I'll make it happen tomorrow," he said hiding all of his anger and storming to his room.

    He laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. He had not been this angry since the night at the hospital. Having the feeling of total rejection from one's parents would not settle well with anyone. Leigh had every right to be anger, especially since he had made all of his progress in therapy. This obviously meant nothing to his parents.

    He blacked out.

    When he came back to he was standing at the end of his parent's bed, his wand pointing at them in a shaking hand. They laid there quite and still. Leigh was afraid to move. When he did he walked to his mother's side of the bed to look for the rising and falling of her chest; he saw neither. Without change of facial emotion. streams poured from his eyes. He walked over to his father and saw that death had come unto him as well.

    He took his wand and snapped it in half. Anger and torment fell over him and he could not control his emotions and he no long wished to do so. He gave in and let the anger envelope him. He no longer felt he had a reason for living. He closed his eyes and when he opened them Demetri had now become a permanent member of the world.

    He searched the house for the key and some money. When he found both he left.


    YOUR NAME: -


    HOW YOU FOUND US: Friends


    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: To be someone I'm not.

    RP SAMPLE: [spoiler]
    Leigh struggled to gain his balance. His legs, arms, and torso were sore with cuts, his clothes were ripped, he hands were painted with blood and would not stop shaking. Where am I? What have I done? he thought. As hard as he tried he could to think clearly and the last memory he had was seeing Tyler's dead body. Tears filled his eyes as he fell back to his knees. He screamed. Not out of anger, but out of compassion as if he had been trying to do so for the past month. He wiped the tears from his face which left blood streaks under his eyes.

    He looked around and saw the beauty of the light that pillared through the trees. He was momentarily at peace and felt as if he had left his old world. His peace was interrupted by the shriek of a nearby bird. Upon further inspection Leigh found that a baby Hawk had fallen from it's nest and had been abandoned. Leigh did what he could to help the bird with a bit of magic and it's pain seemed to subside.

    He stood cradling the bird, surveyed his surrounding and began to walk. Apparating would surely kill the animal, so he walked trying to find the nearest water source. After that he would walk until he fell upon some civilization.

Last edited by Demetri Gamble on Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:34 am; edited 16 times in total
Demetri Gamble
Demetri Gamble

Number of posts : 42

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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Jess Potter Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:32 am

Righto. When you're done do you mind commenting here so that we know? Easier to keep track of that way Razz

Also, if you're new, welcome to the site!!
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Demetri Gamble Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:38 pm

Complete. Just got some minor touch ups to do.

Demetri Gamble
Demetri Gamble

Number of posts : 42

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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Jess Potter Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:22 am

Owing to the debatable nature of mental illnesses, as well as the harm an incorrect depiction can cause, and the fact that those who suffer from said illnesses may take offence, we here at PA don't actually allow characters with Mental Illnesses, as you'll see here.

So, unfortunately, this character, in my eyes, is denied

If you wish to argue your case, or get another admin's opinion that's fine. Otherwise, I hope that you do choose to make a new character, we look forward to having you as a member Smile
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Demetri Gamble Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:46 am

Is it possible that this is his background and he has become single minded for now on? I can write up a story to it but i don't want to waste my time on all of it if it won't be accepted.
Demetri Gamble
Demetri Gamble

Number of posts : 42

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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Jess Potter Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:51 am

Hmmm. Possible. I do understand what you're saying there. Tell me, would his character be merging into Leigh or Demetri?

Let me check the technicalities. First and foremost, if there is a cure to schizophrenia, or if people do grow out of it, then if the other admins agree that it's ok.

Otherwise you could consider choosing one of his personalities and simply erasing all mention of the other one.

But i'll check the first bit.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 14221
Special Abilities : Wandless Magic, Seer, Flying, Legilimens

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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Demetri Gamble Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:56 am

He would be Demetri. I would erase everything that isn't him now but I would want the fact that he suffered from the illness in his background because it made him who he his. It is his story.

Magic can cure anything when applied properly lol Wink
Demetri Gamble
Demetri Gamble

Number of posts : 42

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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Jess Potter Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:02 am

Not true, look at the Longbottoms, or at Lockhart, there are certain things, in particular the mind, which can't be cured due to the intricate nature of the human psychy.

Sorry, wasn't sure if that was a joke or not.

Anyway. We're lucky enough to have an admin who specialises in this sort of thing, so I'm passing you onto her. The two of us have worked it out, I just don't want to simply be passing her words on xD
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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Gryffindor Graduate

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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Demetri Gamble Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:06 am

Yes it was a joke. And alright, just let me know what you want done.
Demetri Gamble
Demetri Gamble

Number of posts : 42

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Gamble, Demetri  Empty Re: Gamble, Demetri

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:09 am

ok. let me help here. believe it or not, i get paid in rl to do this.. hahahaha

what you're describing here is not schizophrenia. Its Dissociative Identity Disorder--what we used to call Multiple Personality Disorder. The differences are sometimes confusing. However the symptoms are very different. Schizoph. is caused by genetics, we believe. DID is caused by severe childhood trauma, usually at a young age, where the multiple personalities were the only way the child could emotionally survive.

It is very possible for someone with DID to "integrate," and it is one of the accepted treatments. It takes a huge amount of time and work and consistency. It is not an easy journey. It is a coping skill to henious trauma. If you'd like, I could help you reflect that he was diagnosed w/ DID at one point but is now integrated and is functioning with one personality.

The upside that i can see is that he might have no respect for anyone who desires to harm someone else so brutally. And, he would be, probably, a strong defender of others who have been traumatized like he is. I think he could make a rather undeterable auror and would be a very cool character.

Does that make sense at all?

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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