Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan
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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Li9olo10

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Guest Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:52 pm

Morgan entered the entrance hall, scanning the area warily. His old friend's son had sent him a letter, asking him to come to Hogwarts for work related purposes, and Morgan knew that could only mean one thing.

Dark objects had popped up at Hogwarts.

Morgan subtly reached for his wand, still scanning the hall. If artifacts of power could penetrate even Hogwarts, they could get anywhere...and it was his job to make sure they didn't. So he needed to stop the before it grew.

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Re: Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Guest Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:29 am

Posting as Abbey:
Abbey was trotting through the halls, quite bored. She didn't have anything to do. Abbey walked past an empty room, when she found that it wasn't quite so empty. Abbey retraced her steps and saw a man she had never met before standing in the room. "Excuse me sir," she said boldy. "My name is Abbey Dawn, and I was wondering if you needed help with anything?"

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Re: Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Guest Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:03 pm

Morgan studied the girl for a moment. She couldn't have been any older than 13 or 14, but in the world of wizards, that was plenty old to be dangerous.

Jeez... He thought to himself. She's a kid Morgan, just a kid. He shook his head. One little incident at Hogwarts, and you paranoia goes through the roof...

"Actually, yes." He said, studying the girl. She seemed friendly enough. Maybe she could help him answer his questions. "I'm with the ministry. You haven't heard any reports of...dark magic at Hogwarts? Students acting strangely? Fights?"

Last edited by Donald Morgan on Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Re: Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Abbey Dawn Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:31 am

Abbey knew she shouldn't tell this man about the fight in the forest that had included the Confederacy, werewolves, and vampires. So she put on her best innocent look and said, "No sir, I haven't. I'm sure the headmaster would have made an annoucement to be on the lookout if so." Abbey said.
Abbey Dawn
Abbey Dawn

Number of posts : 2143
Special Abilities : Telekenesis, Apparation

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Re: Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Guest Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:11 pm

Morgan frowned.

The girl was good, true. But he was Morgan, and the day he let a 3rd year completely fool him would be the day he hung up his wand and retired. The girl knew something, more than she was letting on, but she wouldn't tell him. And that, frankly, got Morgan worried.

"You're sure now?" He asked, brow furrowing in skepticism. He cursed his own lack of subtlety, it was obviousness now that he didn't believe her. Unless she was incredibly thick, she was going to be on her guard even more, and that was the last thing he needed. "No strange activity of any kind? Students...doing odd things? Sneaking out after dark? Anything?"

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Re: Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Abbey Dawn Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:14 am

Abbey furrowed her eyebrows at the man. He was very supicious of something. The only thing Abbey knew about was the fight with the werewolves and vampires, but she wasn't sure if that was the event he was even talking about. "What types of things, sir?" Abbey asked.
Abbey Dawn
Abbey Dawn

Number of posts : 2143
Special Abilities : Telekenesis, Apparation

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Re: Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Guest Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:46 am

"Just...odd things." Morgan said, gesturing vaguely. This is why he hated going in blind. It was so difficult to get any help if you couldn't explain what you were looking for. "People...disappearing into their rooms for large stretches of time? Anybody...acting unusually perhaps? Mood swings, being more secretive, radically changing the way they dress, or act?" All of these were common signs of being possessed or affected by some dark object.

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Re: Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Abbey Dawn Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:26 am

Abbey shook her head. "You could ask the headmaster, but I honestly haven't seen anything." Abbey shrugged, then turned to leave out the door.
Abbey Dawn
Abbey Dawn

Number of posts : 2143
Special Abilities : Telekenesis, Apparation

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Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan Empty Re: Dark Arts and dealing Act I, scene II: Enter, Morgan

Post by Guest Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:27 pm

"Thank you for the help." Morgan said calmly. The girl was hiding something, that much was certain, but he sensed some truth in what she did. Perhaps her problem and his didn't cross paths, and Morgan was fine with that. He peered around the hall, trying to find Keith among the crowd.

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