"Yeah, it was best for you. Just go off and do whatever the f*** you want!" Sterling screamed at her, angrily. He started sobbing. "What the hell did the nerdy kid you met one day and decided to f*** around with for your own amusement really matter to you?" he asked.
"Just another training exercise for your Knight in Shining Armor!" Sterling seethed. "A social experiment. Oh I want to know what people think of me!" Sterling quoted mockingly. "You insult me for being kissed as my life is threatened, trying to save your a** from every ounce of pain! Oh it's just so hard for you isn't it? Being so perfect that every guy in the world faints in your presence? You slut! You b****! Just leave me alone, and the next time you want to reach out for somebody just so you can't get your week's entertainment, leave him in his books!" Sterling screamed, throwing every thought he had had about the topic since she had dumped him into it. He tried to dump all the hate he felt for Rezza into the words so she would get the point of what he certainly didn't think about her... but he was just so tired of getting hurt by her. It would be so much easier if she hated him.