Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive
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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Li9olo10

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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive

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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Empty Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive

Post by Guest Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:23 pm

Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive 2eohbip
`clair isabella chang.

    Clair was born the twentieth of December to Cho Chang. She had on brother who is the same age as she is. She will be turning seventeen this year. Clair is really nice and even though she tends to be a bit loud she is actually a very good listener. She loves animals and candy!. So course she is a vegetarian. Just the thought of killing an animal makes her sick. She doesn't know whether to work with animals or become a healer at St. Mungos. She loves her family very much and wouldn't know what to do if she would ever lose her mother or her brother. She loves to read and take pictures. So you will usually find her reading at lunch or at Honeydukes avoiding the chocolate candies. She hates chocolate, ever since she was little. Or when the weather is nice out swimming with the squid more or less swimming away from it.


parent (») I caught a chill
sibling (») and it's still frozen on my skin
relatives - specify (») I think about why
protective over Clair (») I'm alone, by myself
Clair is protective over -- (») no one else to explain
good influence (») how far do I go?
bad influence (») no one knows
admiration of -- (») If the end is so much better
mixed feelings (») why don't we just live forever?
classmate (») don't tell me I'm the last one in line
housemate (») don't tell me I'm too late this time
roommate (») I don't want to live
other - specify (») to waste another day


best friends (») underneath the shadow of mistakes I made
inseparable (») cause I feel like I'm breaking inside
other half (») I don't want to fall and say I lost it all
close friends (») 'cause baby there's a part of me to hit the wall
confidant (») leaving pieces of me behind
childhood friends (») and I feel like I'm breaking inside
practically family (») out here, nothings clear
partners in crime (») except the moment I decided to move on and I ignited
average friends (») disappear into the fear
good friends (») you know there ain't no comin' back
friend of the family (») when you're still carrying the past
enemies turned friends (») you can't erase, separate
former friend/bad terms (») cigarette in my hand
former friend/good terms (») hope you all understand
fake friend (») I won't be the last one in line
friend of a friend (») I finally figured out what's mine
secret friends (») this day could be the worst one yet
drinking buddy (») I just won't relax I can't catch my breath
party buddy (») because I'm sick and tired of you'll be fine
name basis (») well how do you know
acquaintance (») can you read minds


die die die (») so take while you can so you can meet demands
hardcore hatred (») my insanity is what you thrive on
mutual despise (») so rip it from my soul
Clair despises -- (») so everyone will know in the end
you despise Clair (») we were never friends
you hate Clair (») have you ever felt lost inside
Clair hates -- (») so unloved within that you almost die
mutual hate (») have you ever stepped out of the light
mutual dislike (») and realized there's a stranger inside
you dislike Clair (») don't push your ignorance on me
Clair dislikes -- (») I'm not unrehearsed to your jealousy
enemies (») and I know you think
friends turned enemies (») I don't see the signs
avoidance of -- (») well how do you know
annoyance of -- (») do I look blind
backstabber (») so take it while you can so you can meet demands
Clair backstabbed -- (») my breakdown is what you thrive on
cheated on Clair (») so rip it from my soul
Clair cheated on -- (») so everyone will know in the end
rivals (») I'm the break
you deceived Clair (») you're the bend
Clair deceived -- (») I feel like there is no need for conversation
friendly rivals (») some questions are better left without a reason
jealousy of -- (») and I would rather reveal myself than my situation
love/hate (») now and then I consider, my hesitation
by association (») the more the light shines through me


current (») I pretend to close my eyes
crush on Clair (») the more the dark consumes me
mutual crush (») I pretend I'm burning, burning bright
crush on -- (») I wonder if the things I did were just to be different
lust (») to spare myself of the constant shame of my existence
past - good (») and I would surely redeem myself in my desperation
past - bad (») here and now I'll express, my situation
past - over it (») there's nothing ever wrong
past - still chemistry (») but nothing's ever right
fleeting glances (») such a cruel contradiction
denied feelings (») I know I cross the lines its not easy to define
on and off (») I'm born to indecision
one night stand (») there's always something new
forbidden (») some path I'm supposed to choose
secret lovers (») with no particular rhyme or reason
sexual tension (») excuse the mess, I didn't see you from behind
friends with benefits (») I caught a glimpse, but the reflection's only mine
enemies with benefits (») It's almost like I'm paralyzed and locked outside myself
shameless flirting (») what I don't need is to concede because I won't be someone else
you broke her heart (») I am not perfect and I don't claim to be
Clair broke your heart (») and if that's what you wanted well then I'm so sorry
physical attraction (») how about a better version that, makes me understand
in love (») the way I look, the way I speak,
possible future (») excuse the wall, I put it up from time to time
final (») a silver shade, and the design is all mine

this awesometastic plot page was made by me! Please don't steal
or I will throw stale muffins at your face. Very Happy
the cool colors are from the color blender everyone uses
and the nifty lyrics are from the band shinedown.
post in my plot page and I'll return the favor vice versa.
don't ask to be put any where cuz you'll go nowhere.
quote for colors it really easy. follow the code provided.
don't just pick one relationship. be random and creative.
and please post in and out of code thankies! have fun ;D

[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
[size=19]●firstname [color=housecolor][b]mi d d l e[/b][/color] last«[/size]
All [age] cupcakes are for me and you. She/He has been a proud [color=housecolor] [b]house[/b][/color] for [b]howmayyears[/b] years.
relationships go here.
History: Can include how we met, what you think of her etc.[/center]

Last edited by Clair Chang on Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:09 am; edited 1 time in total

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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Empty Re: Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive

Post by Guest Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:24 pm

The List
Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive 24uylxf Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Bhjdqw Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive 2wqekc4
●ginevra a m a r a malenki«
All fifteen cupcakes are for me and you. She has been a proud Ravenclaw for five years.
good influence (») how far do I go?
classmate (») don't tell me I'm the last one in line
housemate (») don't tell me I'm too late this time
close friends (») 'cause baby there's a part of me to hit the wall
Ginevra and Clair get along quite well, though at times Ginevra gets a little irritated with her. Like with everyone else, Ginevra can only put up with her so much. Surprisingly, she trusts Clair. Being in the same house, she sees her at night, in the morning at times and sometimes out of class if she's not with Darren. To say the truth, Clair is probably her best girl friend at Hogwarts. The only thing Ginevra hopes is that she can finally hold a friendship with a girl - even if she has way to many secrets she hasn't come out with, even if she does trust her.

Last edited by Clair Chang on Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Empty Re: Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive

Post by Guest Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:30 pm

Just wanted to stop in and ask. Where did you get the list? I have noticed a few of these and want one but don't know who is making them. Could you help me and let me know. Thanks.

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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Empty Re: Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive

Post by Guest Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:24 pm

oh well this one I posted, I made it myself. This is one site where people post plot pages that you could use.
or if you want I could make you one =]

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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Empty Re: Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive

Post by Guest Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:45 pm

I hate to ask you to do that. You just joined. But I really like it.

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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Empty Re: Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive

Post by Ginevra Malenki Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:47 pm

I can make you one, Zoe, (:
Just PM me what music you like, and what colors you prefer.


Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive 24uylxf Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Bhjdqw Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive 2wqekc4
●ginevra a m a r a malenki«
All fifteen cupcakes are for me and you. She has been a proud Ravenclaw for five years.
good influence (») how far do I go?
classmate (») don't tell me I'm the last one in line
housemate (») don't tell me I'm too late this time
close friends (») 'cause baby there's a part of me to hit the wall
History: Ginevra and Clair get along quite well, though at times Ginevra gets a little irrated with her. Like with everyone else, Ginevra can only put up with her so much. Surprisingly, she trusts Clair. Being in the same house, she sees her at night, in the morning at times and sometimes out of class if she's not with Darren. To say the truth, Clair is probably her best girl friend at Hogwarts. The only thing Ginevra hopes is that she can finally hold a friendship with a girl - even if she has way to many secrets she hasn't come out with, even if she does trust her.

Crappy history, but meh..

[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
[size=19][color=housecolor]●ginevra [b]a m a r a[/b] malenki«[/color][/size]
All fifteen cupcakes are for me and you. She has been a proud [color=seablue] [b]Ravenclaw[/b][/color] for [b]five[/b] years.
[b]good influence[/b] (») [color=#177DE3]how far do I go? [/color]
[b]classmate[/b] (») [color=#2A90F6]don't tell me I'm the last one in line[/color]
[b]housemate[/b] (») [color=#2E94FA]don't tell me I'm too late this time[/color]
[b]close friends[/b] (») [color=#4A53B9]'cause baby there's a part of me to hit the wall[/color]
History: Ginevra and Clair get along quite well, though at times Ginevra gets a little irrated with her. Like with everyone else, Ginevra can only put up with her so much. Surprisingly, she trusts Clair. Being in the same house, she sees her at night, in the morning at times and sometimes out of class if she's not with Darren. To say the truth, Clair is probably her best girl friend at Hogwarts. The only thing Ginevra hopes is that she can finally hold a friendship with a girl - even if she has way to many secrets she hasn't come out with, even if she does trust her.[/center]
Ginevra Malenki
Ginevra Malenki

Number of posts : 13516
Special Abilities : Wandless
Occupation : Healer, Creature Injuries

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Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive Empty Re: Clair Chang -- we don't live we just survive

Post by Guest Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:02 am

added and I was going to say you could use mine. I don't mind =]

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