Long expected reunion
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Long expected reunion Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Long expected reunion

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Long expected reunion Empty Long expected reunion

Post by Mariana Diggory Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:16 am

It was early morning one day when Mariana decided to try and retake her old job as a healer. Khaat was working over night, she checked it the day before so it was almost obvious she was still here. No one detained her since not much of staff changed during these three months. The important thing was that no one was asking for explenations. Mariana decided to use the train to come to the center to draw less attention. She was wearing muggle clothes. Morning was very fresh so she rushed into the hospital.

First thing to do was go to Khaat's office and explain, but she wasn't there. She assumed there was an emergency or a visit to some patient on the track so she decided to go and look for her. Right now she was too impatient to wait. There was no one in the halls this early so it was easy not to be spotted. She passed alot of rooms, but Khaat was nowhere in sight. She continued walking detaining from time to time to look around. Eventually somebody familiar would be here somewhere...
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Sophia Granger Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:44 pm

Sophia was walking down the long corridor reading a patient file over someone who had lost there memory due to a memory lost spell. As she took a drink of her french vanilla cappuccino she had gotten from the healers staff lounge. Sophia knew she was early but she was one of Khaat's best healers and she didn't want to let her down. Letting out a small yawn Sophia shook herself awake and kept reading the chart as she rounded the croner she ran into someone. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I wan't looking where I was going."said Sophia as she bent down and got her charts that fell out of her hands.

"Are you ok? I did knock into you pretty hard."said Sophia softly as she noticed the person had red hair and looked familiar. "Mari, is that you?"Sophia asked her softly as she gathered her charts and sttod up to look at her. "Oh my gosh, it is you where have you been?"Sophia asked her softly giving her a soft warm smile. She couldn't belive her best friend was back after being gone for so long.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Mariana Diggory Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:30 pm

As she walked down the hall, Mariana was rather lost in her thoughts and didn't see anything apart from her feet at the moment. It was too quiet around here, but she didn't even hear footsteps coming from around the corner. It was really early in the morning so she was very sleepy. Only when someone actually bumped into her pretty hard, she payed attention to her enviorment. Little of person's vanila capuccino spilled on her shirt. Some kind of job interview. she thought watching her shirt before she turned to look at the person who started apologizing really badly.

"Well if that wasn't.." she thought on loud before she saw Sophia in front of her. The loud thought was interupted really quickly. "Soph. Well yes it was me last time i checked. Finally someone familiar." she proclaimed quickly after the unfinished sentence. "Which question do you want me to answer first? And i'm okay. Ofcourse i would rather wear my shirt then the capuccino, but i'll forgive you if you invite me for one. I have alot of things to ask you and you do to I assume. But firstly don't i get a hug?" she replied sounding as surprised as Sophia was.
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:51 am

Khaat had been in a delicate surgery most of the night with a young wizard who had come much too close to a troll for his own good. The young wizard had been drinking far too much firewhiskey and had decided he was invincible. The troll had not agreed. Khaat had spent most of the night and into the wee hours of the morning reattaching the young man's left arm. His wand arm. This lad would have to be left handed. At any rate, the reattachment had been quite delicate because of the extensive damage done to not only the arm but to the young wizard. When he had arrived at St. Mungos he had nearly bled to death and was barely alive.

He had, however, survived the surgery, and Khaat had seen that he was tranferred from the recovery room into Intensive Care. He would need careful watching for some time. She had then refreshed herself and changed into fresh blue scrubs. Her own clothing had been covered with the young man's blood. She had sent an owl to Angus to ask that he or Brian bring her some fresh clothing. She figured it might arrive within the hour--or she hoped it did.

In the meantime, she went up to the healer's lounge for some fresh French Roast. She was tired and aching. She knew her assistant, Hannah, had not come in yet. It was too early, so she resolved that she would hope that the kitchen had restocked the French Roast in the Healer's lounge. She was just arriving on the fifth floor when she saw Sophia talking to another young woman. In her fatigue, it took her a moment to realize it was a familiar face.

"Mari! What on earth are you doing here?" she smiled. "Its good to see you again. And Soph--aren't you early today? You aren't pulling a double shift, are you?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Sophia Granger Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:32 am

Sophia laughed her tinkling bell laugh and nodded. "I'm sorry about the capuccino, I'll buy you a new shirt later."said Sophia softly. As she said she was ok Sophia nodded. "Good because I would feel horrible if I hurted you."said Sophia softly. "What questions do you want to ask me Mari? cause I have tons of questions to ask you ask well."said Sophia giving her a soft warm smile. Sophia chuckled and shook her head at Mari and hugged her. "Still the same ole Mari, nothing changed about you which I'm glad I wouldn't want you to change for nothing!"said Sophia softly.

As she seen Khaat walking down the hallway she gave her a soft warm smile. "Good morning Khaat, how are you this morning?"Sophia asked her softly. Sophia haven't seen Khaat in a long time for she was always working on a different floor or never ever seen her. As Khaat asked if she was working a double Sophia nodded. "Yes I am Khaat, as a matter of fact I'm working on this case where A man lost his memory dued to a memory charm but doesn't know what happened."said Sophia frowning.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 11575
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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Mariana Diggory Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:13 am

Before Sophia had time to answer to her, Mariana found herself looking at another familiar face. It was Khaat in a rush or from a rush, she wasn't quite sure. "What am i doing here? Well that was some kind of first words when you see a friend after three months, but i will forgive you since you're tired." replied Mari at Khaat's question almost laughing at the warm welcome though she comformed with just giggling for herself.

She was about to answer Khaat's question when she suddenly recieved a hug from Soph. It completely slipped off her mind that she asked for one. She hugged her back and while still hugging her quickly added. "You look like you need alot of coffee, Don't tell me you worked the double shift again?" she asked smiling as she let Soph go and hugged Khaat. It was a really hugging situation though Mari was in the good mood even though it was this early in the morning.

There was alot of questions all of a sudden so she needed to make a plan to answer them all in short time once she sat down to have her promised capuccino. "Yes well firstly what am i doing here? That is a really good question. As in the matter of facts i came to talk to you Khaat about my old job, but that can wait. Firstly i want to know the news. Three months is a long time." she replied to the first question before she passed to Soph's tour of questions. "It was a joke about the shirt. It's okay it was ugly anyway. What i want to ask you? Everything actually. How are you, what happened during the last few months. How is Nikki and Matt?" she asked only one part of the things that popped on her mind in that moment.
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

Number of posts : 16276

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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:54 am

"If you want to work again, I'm sure I can arrange that," Khaat said. "I could use the help. I'm shorthanded on healers these days. Thats why Soph is working so many long hours. I havent seen Matt in while. I guess he's been busy. I just haven't seen him. And I never see Nikki. I guess that would be Soph's department.

"Oh, and Soph, I know about the memory loss case. My father and I are trying to work on that too. He was hit with an obliviate spell. Those are very difficult to deal with. His family, though, is much harder to cope with. They're pretty difficult. Just make him comfortable, and steer his family to me. Come on. Lets go to the lounge and get coffee. You need a fresh one anyway, Soph."

She led the way back to the healers' lounge. She smelled fresh French Roast and poured herself a cup. She flicked her wand and accio'd an application and gave it to Mari. "You know this is just a formality, but I will need you to fill it out. So, tell me. When do you think you'd like to start?" She didn't want to be rushing Mari. She merely wanted to know how eager she was to start working again.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 22851
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Mariana Diggory Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:15 am

Mariana listened to Khaat. Not even a how are you. Oh well it was to be expected, Khaat never liked to go around when she could slice directly the point. "Looks like i'm not the only one that stayed the same. Look at you Khaat always directly to the point. It's not like i'm not used to it. Well at least you're not too surprised. When Jess saw me he thought i was a ghost." said Mariana more muttering then everything else though her good mood stayed unchanged.

When they passed through the healers lounge she muttered something about a capuccino and sat down at one of the tables. "Lot of things changed since i left. I can begin anytime you need it you know me. Just wait for the party this evening to pass. I can be here first thing in the morning. Which reminds me come to the party and bring anyone you want. And i don't recieve no as an answer." she said smiling as she took a sip of her capuccino. It soon begun to shake her up.
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Sophia Granger Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:43 am

Sophia looked at Mariana and smiled. "Nikki is doing great Mari, although were not really getting along at the moment but I'll tell you about that later said Sophia softly. "As for daddy, I have no clue where he's at anymore."said Sophia frowning trying to hide her pain. It always hurted her when she talked about her parents for his father just disappeared after her mother died. "As for me, I'm ok just living life and working like crazy but I love it."said Sophia softly. "I have so much to tell you Mari, maybe we can catch up later or something."said Sophia softly.

Sophia turned to Khaat and nodded. "Ok Khaat will do, I somehow have a way at making the patient comfortable."said Sophia chuckling. Sophia nodded and looked down at her now almost empied coffe cup. "Yeah I could use a new one to keep me awake."said Sophia honestly knowing she looked like she didn't have very much sleep. Sophia chuckled as Khaat summoned the appication and gave it to Mariana. 'I'll be happy to have you back Mari."said Sophia softly. "The only healers we have now are me, Andrian and Molowney a new healer."said Sophia softly.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Long expected reunion Empty Re: Long expected reunion

Post by Mariana Diggory Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:24 am

Mariana listened to Sophia's rushed answer. It was hard to believe almost nothing big happened after three months. "With Nikki? What's going on between you two?" she asked quickly a little surpised by this fact. If she knew someone who got along always, those were Nikki and Sophia. "Matt is probably just taking a time out. Last time i saw him..." she started, but interupted quickly not wanting to say in the forest or mention the forest at all. She quickly made a twist and added quickly "Last time i saw him, he was acting strange." she ended up hoping that she covered her words well. "Later is late. Well it's your turn for questions. What would you like to hear?" she commented now getting ready for the shooting because she was sure questions were numerous.
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

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