Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet
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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Li9olo10

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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:15 am

Jack was not a morning person, but on this particular Saturday, she had woken up at 5:30 in the am, getting ready in quick time, bringing her Comet 260 and her Beater's bat, dressed in comfortable riding closed, her Captain's badge pinned to her chest. She pulled on a long military jacket and gloves, knowing it would be frigid.

She reached the pitch before anyone else, a full twenty minutes of so early, having required her team to meet her at the pitch at six am, knowing only those serious enough to actually join would actually show up. She had told them to bring their equipment, hoping to have a friendly opening game.

She also had to decide on her new Seeker today, since she had two people signed up, and she was eager to see how they would do. She was also on the look out for a sub-captain, though she had not told anyone. She personally did not think it was necessary, but she would be glad to give someone the chance if they were good enough and she knew she could work well with them.

She got to the pitch and shouldered her broom. Usually she would start flying but she wanted to get on with try-outs as quickly as possible, so they could get to practicing. She stretched and blinked in the frigid air, it biting her cheeks and turning them pink. Her breath gathered in front of her and her fingers drummed against her broom. She was ready.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Aurora Nye Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:01 am

Aurora was definately a night person. She didnt like waking upat 6 am to go practice but she knew better of fighting with the captain. She Hopped out of bed and quickly changed into her quittich robes. He put on one of the gloves then put a sling on to hold her broken arm. She then got her dark black jacket and threw into her new bag that her god mum bought her just a day ago.She also put in her bag her scetch book, so she could draw a picutr of the team together, a pencil, to draw with, and her broom kit incase something happened and she needed to fix her room.

Aurora got there exactly 3 minutes early. She noticed jack was the only other gryffindor there. Aurora put her nimbus 2001 down and her bag next to it and looked around. Her eyes hated all of the darkness but she had to get used to it whatnot. The only thing that made her uncomfortable while she was around jack was the fact that jack was there when she gotten her broken arm. Aurora didnt blame it on jack because she was the one who tripped. All jack did was scare her a little it wasnt like she tried to injure her or anything.

Aurora hadnt heard any news about the quidditch practice. The only thing she was told was to meet at the quidditch pitch by 6 am and with her being there a little early she knew that was a sign that she cared alot about quidditch and that she would try to do whatever it takes to help her team win.
Aurora Nye
Aurora Nye
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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Nikki Lestrange Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:08 am

Nikki hated mornings. She just hated waking up early for something, but she had to since she wanted to be a seeker...she used to be seeker and co-captain, and wondered why they had restarted the whole deal without telling her. Stupid, she thought, just stupid.

Nikki was wearing her Gryffindor quidditch uniform and carrying her broom to the quidditch stadium in Hogwarts, closely after Aurora. She was glad she wasn't late, maybe this would leave a good impression, being on time. She knew she was competing for this spot which made things increasingly difficult for her.

She made it to the pitch and smiled at the two gryffindors, though she didn't know their names. Was kind of embarassing, considering that every person in their own house should know their fellow house mates names. So, she bit her bottom lips and decided to introduce herself.

"Hello, I am Nikki Granger, 5th year," Nikki smiled and said happily to the two girls.
Nikki Lestrange
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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Ezra Laurisi Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:33 am

Ezra had been one of the people signed up as Seeker. He'd been determined to get this position, since he'd wanted something important to do. He'd been wanting to do something like this for a while now. Something that was important to him. He got dressed in a hurry, as he always did, and stretched himself a little bit before he'd go to the field. He was nervous, as he should be. There was some worthy competition, and he'd have to put in his all and then some just to impress the Captain. He'd never been able to impress many people in his life time, as he preferred to do his own thing. However, this was one day that he'd have to straighten up and fly right.

He knew it'd be chilly today. A nip of cold air that breezed through the window told him that. One that told him that he'd be in for a serious case of hypothermia if he didn't dress warmly, which he did. He put on his jacket in addition to his uniform, which was a deep blood red with gold accents. He had it ordered special from a tailor, which made excellent coats. It fit him just right. Cheeto looked up at him curiously, and offered to follow him. Ezra shook his head, giving Cheeto a non-verbal cue that he should stay. The fox looked disappointed, but went under the bed as he always did.

The whole way down the stairs and to the ground floor, as he gripped his broom, Ezra wondered if he was even right for this. Of course he was, or so he thought. However, the other person who would compete with him might be better. He didn't know. He didn't even know the person as, well, a person. The only thing he knew was that he'd have to beat the pants of that person. Skirt if it was a girl. He never laid eyes on the sign up sheet after he'd signed up. He didn't care to. He just wanted to go and play. He never even expected competition for the seeker spot. He just thought he'd get it no problem. Apparently not.

He made his way to the Quidditch pitch, though slowly. He didn't want to slip and fall on the grass. He felt a lump in his throat as he saw the Captain and a few others on the pitch. "Hello everyone", he managed to say after he swallowed a couple times. He padded over to the others and waited for a go-ahead. He couldn't speak right now, or so he felt, due to the fact he was kinda nervous. He didn't want to seem it, and just wanted to seem stoic. That way, he'd be tougher.
Ezra Laurisi
Ezra Laurisi

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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Daniel M. Valentine Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:10 pm

Daniel fluttered his eyes open as he heard the alarm clock he had set beside his bed rang through the room. He groaned slightly as he rose slightly from his bed as he woked up. He never liked waking up early in the morning, he was never a morning person. Personally, he would very much prefer to sleep in his bed and enjoy the warmth of his blanket. But he had woken up early for something rather special today, he had signed up for the Gryffindor Qudditch Team and he had to go to the try out today.

Daniel got out of bed as quickly as he could and dressed up into his gryffindor qudditch robes then started to head off to the Qudditch pitch. He was feeling quite nervous about the try-out, he kept thinking what if he choked, what if the captain didn't like him so many thing ran through his mind at the same time. He hoped he got the spot for chaser. 

Making his way down the moving staircase, through the ground floor. Daniel finally made his way to the Qudditch pitch. He gulped, nervously  as he saw the captains and the others standing on the pitch. "Hey guys," said Daniel gripping his broomstick, smiling at Nikki before looking back at the captain. Like he said, he was nervous, he wanted to make it on the team.

He loved Qudditch with a passion, it was his life-long dream, ever since he was a child he wanted to be a professional Qudditch player when he was older. It was one of his favorite magical sport in the world. Daniel did his best to put on a straight , confident face on, he didn't want anyone to see he was nervous. He knew it would be quite embarrassing to him , he wanted to show them he was tough and confidences.

Last edited by Daniel M. Valentine on Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:52 am; edited 2 times in total
Daniel M. Valentine
Daniel M. Valentine

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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Nick Potter Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:12 pm

Nick woke up at 5:45 AM to get ready for Quidittich tryouts. Nick had grabbed his Quidditch Robes and put them on along with his gloves. He had also grbbed his Firebolt. Because he was pressing for time he just rode his broom from the castle to the pitch. When he got there he jumped of his broom and looked around He knew 3 out of 5 of the people there.

Nick was a Keeper on the team since his Second year so he didnt know who whould get the position of Keeper. But he waned it to be him. "Hi Jack and Auroura and Nikki and two people I dont know" Nick said as he walked in.
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Leslie Darling Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:08 am

Leslie was in the Great Hall but she wasn't really eating breakfast more picking at her food for she was nervous about Quidditch try-outs. As her alarm went off that was on her wrist she smiled and grabbed her broom that was behind her and raced off towards the Quidditch Pitch. As she entered the stadium running. "Sorry I'm late."said Leslie breathing hard hoping she wasn't that late but appears she was right on time. "Hello everyone."said Leslie softly as she felt a lump in her thoart but simply ignored it for she was a Gryffindor and she shouldn't be acting this way.

Waiting for the captain to tell them what to do she held her broom in her left hand and stood straight and tall as if she wasn't afraid of nothing. Although inside Leslie was nervous but she tried not to let it show for she was really good at hiding her emotions. As the wind rustled through her hair she smiled for she loved when the wind rustled through her hair.
Leslie Darling
Leslie Darling
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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Lily Potter1 Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:18 am

Lily was excited. And focused. She was going to re-earn her spot as Chaser on the Gryffindor team. It was her birth right. If there was one thing she wasn't going to lose at, it was Qudditch. Red hair and a firey temper, one should learn not to mess with that when there was a broomstick and so many possible hexes involved. Not that she intended on hexing anyone. Yet. Joking.

Lily strode down ot the pitch, actually scratch that, skipped down to the pitch flinging her broom over her shoulders until it managed to whack her in the eye. She doubled over, her gracefully confident approach now ruined. After a moment of muttering curses under her breath, Lily straightened, still clasping her eye and continued her approach ot the group. "Hello folks and folkettes, or well, half-folks, vision is imparied temporarily." She muttered to everyone as she blinked happily. Or well as happy one can be with a hand clasped over an eye and a black eye most likely forming under it.
Lily Potter1
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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Walter "Xem" Charcovix Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:33 am

After a long night's sleep and roughness from the forest,Xemnas woke up and went to the common room.He had noticed the posters for quidditch."ooh I wonder when is it."He looked closer and jumped at the fact that it was today.He casted a spell,put his Gryffindor robe on and immediatly ran down to get there.

He took a whiff of the air "Ahh what a beautiful morning" Xemnas said drifting off with the breeze."Woah I better get to the tryouts".Eventually he made it with his broomstick,immidiatlt he had noticed that Aurora was there and he was relieved."Phew at least I got a friend here"He said and awaited for the Captain's instructions
Walter "Xem" Charcovix
Fifth Year Gryffindor
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Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet Empty Re: Gryffindor Tryouts and Meet and Greet

Post by Louis Weasley1 Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:45 am

Louis came to tryout for Chaser and Keeper. He saw four people he recgnized. He saw his cousin Lily, his best friend Nick, his other friend Jack, and Aurora. He looked around then got on his fireb0lt. He loved the smell that morning. He had kept his wand in his pocket in case anything happened. But with Jack aroundd what could happen right. Well except for last year he took a bludger to the chest because of her and he could land in the hospital wing again. "Hey." He said hoping it wasn't too late to try out. He waited for Jacks instructions.
Louis Weasley1
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