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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.


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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Matthew Lestrange Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:05 pm

"No thanks Robert, I'm not much of a drinker actually." He said still a little bit shocked, and was still angry yet. "How long have you been out then?" he asked moving towards the two of them. He heard Roberts excuse and rolled his eyes, "Oh yes of course. Perfect reasoning." he said sarcastically. He listened to what Rob had to say and nodded. He understood completely. "Right, well don't you need the Ministers signature as well on a pardon?" he said. "I'm not sure if I'm willing to do that...." he said looking at Jen. "I'll sign it if she can prove that she's not going to go shooting family members again. And killing my Azkaban guards!"

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Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
Seventh Year Slytherin
Seventh Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 6872
Occupation : Head Boy

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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Hugo Weasley Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:40 pm

It was clear that the Minister wasn’t impressed with the fact that she wasn’t in her cell rotting away. She’d more or less walked out. Hiring hormonal and lust-filled young men wasn’t the brightest thing the Minister did so really, her being free was his fault. Jen looked at Matt as if he’d grown another head and she snorted loudly. If she couldn’t shoot Rob then she’d hex him and if the Azkaban guards got in her way....then she’d...push them over? Rolling her eyes, Jen took another sip of her whisky and put it down on the table. She pulled the pardon forward and rested her cheek in her hand as her dark eyes went over it. “Well, it says here, Minister, that the only signature needed is the Chief of Warlock’s.” She pushed it back in line with the halt of her arrest and smiled innocently at Matt. She turned her head towards Robert and looked serious for a few moments. “I’d have brought my own but unfortunately someone had all of my weapons seized.” She looked pointedly at Matt before standing up. “I’d like them back at some point if you please.”
Hugo Weasley
Hugo Weasley
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 401
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Leglimency, Memory Manipulation, Non-Verbal Magic, Wandless Magic
Occupation : Obliviator at the Ministry of Magic

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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Robert Lupin Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:59 pm

"Matt," Robert said, still perfectly calm, "Let me remind you. You were in the hospital. When you are unable, the ministry falls to the Chief Warlock. If she becomes incapacitated or unable to perform her duties as well, then the Ministry falls to the Head of Law Enforcement. Do you question my abilities and Khaats?

" This particular form is not a new one. I found it in your own office files. If you recall, Dae Diggory spent a considerable time out of the Ministry office because of his own health issues. We used the proper and necessary form.

"However, if it makes you feel better, Jen works for me now. She's mine. I recruited her and hired her. And I never hire anybody that I am not willing to put my own life in their hands--or the lives of my family for that matter--which is exactly what this may well require. She isn't going to kill anybody unless its in self defense--or unless its in defense of your goddaughter. I will take full responsibility for Jen's actions on this mission. I intended to, anyway. I would not have asked for her help, had I not planned to do that. If you prefer to sign her form as well, I have no objections, but I do need her.

"And I could use your help as well. You are an accomplished fighter as well, and you are familiar with espionage and how to do it effectively. Besides that, you're the only other one I know of that has a strong vested interest in this matter that I could count on at the moment. Can we agree to work together on this?"

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Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Matthew Lestrange Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:11 pm

Robert was questioning him, he did have him there. And Jen was also right but again wrong. "Well I'm out of the hospital now so the power falls with me. And you do need the Ministers permission to recieve the form or whoever is in power." he told the both of them. He was angry, and an angry Minister wasn't good. He was also being stupid for being as angry as he was.

"I understand you hired her, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to trust her. And she's not getting her weapons. Not until I know she deserves her innocents." he looked at Jen. He would accept this, "Fine, but if she does anything I find unsuitable. You and Jen will both be sent to Azkaban. As much as I'd hate to send you there." he said to Robert. "It's the only way I can feel at ease. But now, what is this all about?" he asked

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Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
Seventh Year Slytherin
Seventh Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 6872
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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Hugo Weasley Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:07 am

“Yeah, she is right here.” Jen snapped, slamming her glass down on the table, muttering “Tosser” under her breath as she did so. “Don’t treat me like some sort of stray dog on your doorstep because whether you like it or not, Minister, you’re buggered without me so grow a pair and accept that fact that the same woman you put in Azkaban is standing before you willing to help you get your goddaughter back. I could just as easily let her die as I could save her. Although,” Jen smirked. “I’d have to call a few people off as a result.” She looked wistful for a few moments and shook her head, wondering what Rob was planning – what he was doing. “It’s all up here, Matthew.” She said, tapping her temple. “Respect your elders kid because today you’re taking the backseat. You’re out of your boundaries. In France, I cannot be arrested!” She threw her arms up as if to make her point and grinned wildly.


“100,000 Euros for these fine specimens! What do you say ladies and gentlemen?” Rob broke away from Pierre and ignored the strangled cry that came from his friend. He felt something grip onto his arm and he looked down to see Pierre desperately trying to keep him near. Rob growled in frustration and ducked down. He cupped Pierre’s face in his hands and kissed both of his friend’s cheeks, his forehead, his nose and his eyelids before pressing on to the corner of his mouth and breaking away. He didn’t want to see Pierre’s reaction to the odd burst of affection. He strode over to the crowd and weaved into the throng of people. He was the tallest of the lot more or less and he got the attention of the idiot right away. “Try 250,000, mate.” Rob said loudly. He didn’t care how much he had to pay the asshole, he wanted his daughter back. He’d deal with Khaat and the rest of the Lupins later. “I can go higher.” Rob said, taking his wallet out for effect.

“What the hell is he doing?” David asked a dazed Pierre who had his fingers pressed to the spot Rob had kissed him. David looked down at his star-struck friend and kicked him. “Will you snap out of it! Chris is feminine enough for all four of us I don’t need you starting as well. Rob’s kissed you before so what’s the shock you bloody fool?” Pierre shrugged and David kicked him again. “What has honestly changed between you and him? You both got married – both failures – and you’re still crazy about each other. There’s something wrong ‘ere if I do say so me’self. You just need to tell him how you feel and he’ll – oh my god how much did he just bid?” David looked up and saw Rob hold up a card with 100,000,000 written on it. “Jesus.”
Hugo Weasley
Hugo Weasley
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 401
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Leglimency, Memory Manipulation, Non-Verbal Magic, Wandless Magic
Occupation : Obliviator at the Ministry of Magic

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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Robert Lupin Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:53 am

Robert took a sip of his firewhiskey, calm and collected. He narrowed his eyes slightly, a bit disappointed in his young friend. Perhaps he should have taken a closer look at Matt at St. Mungos and removed the apparent large stick from his arse. Robert was not questioning Matthew and he did not have the time nor the patience for Matthew's being stuck on some formality of signing a bloody form when Abbey and Dakota were at stake. Robert was already putting himself on the line to justify his use of Jenifer Dent. And why was Matthew acting as if Robert had broken her out of Azkaban in the first place? Robert had had nothing to do with that. Besides that was old news. The Dents had been running free with the Death Eaters since at least the end of May, with their first rather blatant public appearance at the brawl at the Hogwarts graduation. And hadn't Matt been at that little housewarming? How had he missed that? Or had he just been more injured than Robert had thought Matt had been?

"Let me repeat myself one more time, Matthew," Robert said very quietly and slowly. "Your threats are quite unnecessary. I have already put myself on the line to vouch for Jenifer Dent. My granddaughter and great granddaughter are in life threatening danger, most likely in Paris and well out of the British ministry's jurisdiction.

"When I collected the form and completed it as I did, it was because Khaat is out of the country, in Italy, and you were quite incapacitated. I apologize if my crystal ball did not forsee your choice to leave my hospital against medical advice. That, however, does not mean you are not yet incapacitated even though you are standing in my kitchen. You may have your opinion on whether you are incapacitated or not, but until you become a qualified healer, the state of your healthy is up to a healer to determine--with all due respect. You clearly do not want anyone treading on your turf, so please do not presume that I will let you tread on mine.

"I do not need you to give Jen back her weapons at this time, despite how much she might want them. I can equip her to complete this mission and intended from the start to do so. I do not expect you to trust her, and she does not expect to trust you very much either, I presume. That's fine by me. I have a job to do. I have two children to get back to Khaat, and I'm already running low on time. Those babies are going to be sold as easily as a muggle car and I have a very, very small window of opportunity to get them back before that happens. Now, you are currently putting those little girls at risk by trifling over which one of you will sign Jen's release. The bottom line is that I bloody well don't care who signs it. I followed the proper procedure at the time. I cannot afford to debate that another moment. I want my girls back--now! Before I never see them again. Now, are you going to help me get Khaat's daughter and granddaughter back, or do Jen and I leave without you?"

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Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Matthew Lestrange Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:55 pm

"Wait what?" he asked him. "Abbey and Dakota are...missing?" he asked him. Why hadn't anyone told him. This changed him almost immediately. "Well in that case I'll sign whatever youy want if she's willing to help!" he told him quickly. "I'm helping, I'll help as much as I can." he told him. "You should start with that next time." he told him. He was still having troubles hearing so had he already stated this he probably hadn't heard.

"Any idea where they are?" he asked. "Dakota's Khaat's grandaughter correct?" he asked him. He looked at Jen, "Sorry," he mummbled under his breath. "If you can help get them back you're free to go." he told her. "Weapons come later however, if you get them back at all." he added.

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Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
Seventh Year Slytherin
Seventh Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 6872
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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Hugo Weasley Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:04 pm

Now it was Jen’s turn to look smug and it took all of her willpower not to poke her tongue out at Matt and scream “HAH!” at the top of her lungs. She definitely felt smug and she looked it to. Jen sat back down and took her glass off of the table. She cupped her hands around the glass and looked thoughtful for a few moments before grinning, mostly to herself. “How much money do you want to bet, Minister, that a good friend of mind already knows?” She asked, finally figuring out why Rob was where he was. He never made social calls to David and Chris, not if he could help it, so this probably made much more sense. He was definitely deeply connected with his daughter, the ‘furry little problem’ being one of their bonds. It was just what Jen needed, another mutt in her family. Despite the fact that she hadn’t met Abbey she knew for sure that the baby would be cuter than Rob could ever be. She was definitely glad she wasn’t an Animagus. In the event she actually chose to reproduce then she didn’t want her child turning into a fluffy mess of whatever at random intervals.
Hugo Weasley
Hugo Weasley
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 401
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Leglimency, Memory Manipulation, Non-Verbal Magic, Wandless Magic
Occupation : Obliviator at the Ministry of Magic

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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Robert Lupin Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:19 pm

Then I suggest we go arm ourselves," Robert said. "And, actually, Jen, I am hoping that your Paris friends have a lead for us. Weapons first, though."

Robert slipped off his cloak, laid it on the kitchen chair, and then led the way through the farmhouse with its maze of numerous rooms to his study. Few people had ever been invited even this far. The study was a slivered glance into the endless workings of Robert’s logical mind. Floor to ceiling oaken bookshelves extended from the attic, through the 2nd and 1st floors, clear into the basement, with winding circular wooden staircases connecting all four floors. The room was circular with a massive oaken desk, oak and leather furniture, oaken cabinetry, and a potions table that looked like it was out of a muggle mad scientist film. A set of shelves held a few of the little jars that Khaat had always found a bit creepy. She had never found out from Robert which insects had actually begun their lives as humans and which had not. Robert would never reveal it. His only response was always, “I like bugs.” The room was organized, well thought out, meticulous---strategic in its approach, and always pristinely clean.

He paused and looked back at them. “No one other than my brother, Khaat, and myself has ever even seen where you are about to go. I haven’t shown anyone my collection—until now.” He led them down the circular oak stairs into the basement, which held a full potions lab with what seemed to be endless shelves of more weird little jars. He moved past the lab table to the other side of the room and nonverbally removed a number of protective charms over a rather worn out looking game table set between two straight back leather chairs. The game table was set with a chess board. At the removal of the protective charms, the white pieces began to glow bright purple and the black pieces began to glow bright green. He exchanged the two kings on the board, and one bookcase slid behind another to reveal a huge, heavy wooden door with no handle and no apparent lock. He leveled his wand at the door and cast another nonverbal spell and the door opened, the hinges groaning on its massive weight. “Lumos Maxima!” Robert lit his wand and entered.

The room inside was octagonal, made of hewn stone. It was filled with all sorts of cases, chests, cabinets with door and drawers, and no space on any wall was without a weapon of some sort. Guns, knives, clubs, bows, longbows, and arrows and quivers, swords, staffs, shields, armor, ammunition, battle ready explosives, and more from every feasible country in the world, and from every known weapon category, every age and dynasty. It had taken Robert and Remus their entire lives to collect this amount. It was the thing that the brothers had enjoyed doing together and represented of a fascination with muggle weaponry than any intent on ever using any of it. The room stayed secured for years and years, except for adding to the collection, because Robert felt the muggle weapons were so primitive compared to a good wand. However, all of the pieces were very authentic, and no doubt would help serve their purposes.

“Take the weapons that you know best. The ones you have mastered,” Robert told them. “You will find all the ammunition is organized and easy to find. Make sure you get what you think you need.” He had no doubt that his companions already knew how to arm themselves well, but they did also to travel light and fast. That would limit their choices.

Robert cast his eyes over the room, considering if he wanted anything else. He finally chose a very recent acquisition of a new automatic ordinary muggle handgun. He hadn’t fired this particular pistol before, and he much preferred his wand. This was as good a time as any to see how well it would respond if he needed it. He picked up a deerskin leather shoulder holster and went to a labeled cabinet, opened a drawer, and loaded a full clip into the pistol. He took several more clips and packed them well into his clothing for easy access. He put on the shoulder holster and loaded the pistol into it. Lupins did not often go to war, and they did not choose to do so easily or rashly. When they did make a choice, though, they never went anywhere unprepared. But for loved ones? Lupins threw themselves under the proverbial bus perhaps a bit too easily for loved ones. The supreme sacrifice was easy to give for a loved one, and they always prepared for every fight like it was going to be the one that took them out. It just came as part of the family DNA. He looked around once more, thinking, considering. Well--gun, a couple of blades, some clips, two wands, and his staff—if it got the babies back, it was well worth taking the risk of perhaps being a little over prepared, even if most of the stuff was nonsense in Robert’s book. Would one of these muggle collectables finally take Thomas Gelding out forever and stop all the madness? That was, perhaps, too much to hope for. His family, his children and their safe return—that was never too much to hope for.

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Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Babysnatchers - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysnatchers

Post by Matthew Lestrange Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:52 pm

Matt stood in awe as he saw Roberts collection. After following him through all that he knew it was going to be amazing. And he could only guess how Jen would react to all this. He walked over to a few guns he enjoyed. He had only fired one in his life, but it was a good shot. Killed a bird with that shot. He picked up a revolver, he preffered a wand but a gun never hurt. It'd be hard to actually kill then though, he'd have to charm the gun. He continued to look around and found a holster to go around his belt. He placed the revolver in the gun pocket and continued to look around. He was looking for some small daggers, good for throwing really. But he had some at home he could use it he didn't find any. He also had a holder that went over this shoulder.

He continued to look around, nothing really popped at him. He had managed to find a few small daggers and a normal sized one. But he doubted he'd need them, he was decent when it came to wandwork. He would probably just go as what it is.

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Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
Seventh Year Slytherin
Seventh Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 6872
Occupation : Head Boy

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