We understand that some of the permanent/semi permanent posts still show old admins/members on them. But we leave them because the information in the posts contain foundational information that, frankly, does not make a lot of sense to rewrite just because membership has changed--unless that foundation information changes. And when that does happen, we do rewrite those topics.
We also do try to change/edit grammar and spelling mistakes when we find them, but in all honesty, we're volunteers here and we're here for the same reason everyone else is. We want to have a good time just like everyone else and to do our best to try to make sure everyone here has as good a time as possible. We know that those things are little irritants, but we do have a lot of things we try to keep up on, and that does not always include spellchecking each topic or post. We're much more interested in the quality of the information we present and in making sure that we've done our best to insure the quality of the experience each member has when he or she is onsite.
We will try to continue to make sure the obvious mistakes are caught and corrected, as we always have done.