Hey guys, so everything's been up in the air recently huh? Well, i've brought back this topic i found that told us what it was to be a member of the order. So, read it, and i hope it clears up any misinterpretations.
What Does the Order Do?
The Order of the Phoenix is a society aimed at fixing the problems in the world. Often we will embark on missions somewhere around the world, with the goal of fixing something up. Some of our past missions have involved raids on DE strong points, to foiling kidnap attempts, helping defend Hogwarts, and currently we’re searching for Horcruxes. As a member of the OoTP it is your job to participate in these missions, if you don’t, chances are you will be removed from the order.
What is the Order?
The Order of the Phoenix is a ‘Good’ Organisation, which is aimed at fixing the wrongs in the world. They serve as vigilantes, and are prohibited by the Ministry, they are also the Death Eaters’ arch nemesii.
History of the Order
The order of the Phoenix was founded by Albus Dumbledore during the first wizarding war, as a means to fight against the Dark Lord and his followers. Following the downfall of Lord Voldemort, the order dissipated, and the many witches and wizards of the ranks went back to their day jobs, with many becoming Aurors to continue fighting the darkness. Shortly before the begining of the second Wizarding war, the order was restored, and it worked hard to prevent the return of Lord Voldemort to his full power. During the first battle of Hogwarts, the order came to its assistance, providing most ot the defence it received. Once again, the order fell into a state of inactivity, and its numbers gradually decreased until the re arising of Lord Voldemort, when they banded together to try and banish him from the Wizarding World once and for all. What happens next is up to you
Duties as a member
As a member of the OoTP, you must be certain that you always attend meetings, and actively participate in any events the order are holding, failure to do so may result in loss of membership.
RPing as a member
Ok, so everyone knows about us, after the whole ministry debarkle... however, hopefully they don't know our numbers, and alot of our success can be in surprise. So, keep it on the down low, not everyone needs to know where you stand. If you want to play a double agent, please tell me, it's an avenue i've always wanted to explore, but no one's been willing.
Good luck, and please, enjoy your time here.
Jess Potter