Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6
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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by Raphael Stravos Valentine Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:37 am

"Hey Soph!" said Andrian, grinning widely at her as she opened the door for him and gave him a hug. He hugged back then pulled away from her and then started to take a step into her house. He took his time to take and look at everything in the room, everyone was crazy and doing their own things, dancing around like fools as if there were no tomorrow, he laughed as he saw this. "Don't worry, craziness is my kind of specialty," told Andrian, shouting over the noise of the music but not too loud that it hurt her ears. "Yeah, she gonna be here soon," he replied to Sophia and suddenly he realized he still had a present hidden behind his back. "Oh, this is for you," he pulled out her present in front of her.

Last edited by Andrian Potter on Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:43 am; edited 1 time in total
Raphael Stravos Valentine
Raphael Stravos Valentine
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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by Lucas Montez Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:37 am

Lucas who had been in his own world just talking in his head and staring at Soph had punished himself by cursing for not asking her to dance. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes and sighed sharply. When she comes back, he thought, definetely going to ask her to dance. Lucas nodded his head and waited patiently for Sophia to come back so they could continue their conversation.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by James Rosier Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:33 pm

[ Still join-able? ]
James Rosier
James Rosier
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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by Emmanuelle Lestrange Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:39 pm

Emmanuelle looked over at Sophia and a boy name Lucas talking and smiled warmly at her daughter. Emmanuelle was glad that Sophia was getting back out there trying to look for love. As she walked around the house she headed towards the tiki bar and gotten her some punch to drink. As she seen Sophia run towards the door and opened it she smiled when she seen Andrian at the door she gave him a soft warm smile. "Hello Andrian, glad to see you again."said Emmanuelle softly as her white dress whipped around her.


((you can join, but I WILL not let you duel or ruin it!))
Emmanuelle Lestrange
Emmanuelle Lestrange

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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by James Rosier Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:40 pm

[ Why would I duel or ruin it? A bad episode with me right .. Let me guess, are you Sophia or something? Or somebody else? Look. I dueled because I had to. God. Nevermind. ]
James Rosier
James Rosier
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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by Louis Weasley1 Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:06 pm

{No I was kidding then you dueled me}
Louis Weasley1
Louis Weasley1
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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by Sophia Granger Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:23 pm

Sophia laughed her tinkling bell laugh when he said craziness was his specaility. "Oh you don't have to tell me something that I already know!"said Sophia chuckling. As Andrian gave her the present she opened and and gasped at what she seen. "Oh Andrian, it's beautiful I love it!"said Sophia hugging him. "Oh hey mom, I didn't see you around when did you get here?"Sophia asked her softly.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by Raphael Stravos Valentine Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:31 am

Andrian grinned and laughed happily at her when she said that she knew that he loved craziness. "Oh." he said pausing for the moment. "Well.. you must know me too well," his laughter slowly fading into a soft chuckle. He was glad that she liked the present he had gave it and he gave her a hug back. "I knew you'd like it," said Andrian to Sophia as he picked up the bracelet he had brought for her form the package and held it out in front of her. "I hope you like the bracelet I got for you, I placed a special charm just for you and you only," he smiled, happily at her and tapped his wand over the top of her bracelet and handed it to her, waiting to see her reaction once she put it on. As soon as she touched one of the diamonds it will automatically light up and change color according to her mood. But instead of one of them lighting it, it'll light up the whole bracelet magically. To his dismay he heard Emmanuelle speaking to him and so he turned his head to look at her. "Hello, Mrs.Lestrange. Yeah, it great to see you again too, it been too long," he grinned at her and gave her a quick hug.
Raphael Stravos Valentine
Raphael Stravos Valentine
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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by Lucas Montez Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:37 am

Lucas turned and had seen Sophia and saw her mouth move to say 'mom' and Lucas gulped but felt better now, he was going to meet Sophia's mum. He stretched his arms and cracked his neck and gulped and headed over near Sophia. "Why, you must be Sophia's sister!" Lucas joked, meaning that Sophia's mother looked too young to be a mum. "I'm Lucas Montez," Lucas introduced himself to the people around Sophia, a guy and of course her mother. Lucas smiled at all of them and felt like apart of their family..a better family than the one he had before.
Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

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Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party! - Page 6 Empty Re: Sophia and Julia's End of the Year Party!

Post by Sophia Granger Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:56 am

As Sophia put on the bracelet her eyes widen as all the diamonds in the bracelet turned a sapphire blue the minute the bracelet touched her skin. "Oh my gosh Andrian it's beautiful!"said Sophia as she looked at the beautiful bracelet. "I'm never going to take this off!"said Sophia laughing her tinkling bell laugh. "If you got me this, I really hate to see what you gotten Bell!"said Sophia laughing her tinkling bell laugh knowing the bracelet was expensive. "Oh hey Lucas, I'll like you to meet Andrian Potter one of my best friends."said Sophia softly. "Andrian this is Lucas Montez a friend of mine, Lucas this is Andrian Potter one of my best friend like I just said."said Sophia softly.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
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Seventh Year Gryffindor

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