"Ah, and don’t forget insanity," Keera added, not looking up from her hands
as she sat there at the bar, a flask of dusty water sitting there before her.
She blinked, the whites of her eyes more gray than anything. She could smell
the alcohol the men beside her were drinking and could taste it on her tongue
when she opened her mouth, yawning, completely exhausted. Keera had ne-
ver actually allowed herself to drink any form of alcohol, and had quite a bit of
trouble keeping herself from ordering herself a drink at that moment. Things
were getting so hard for her lately; she couldn't sleep longer than two hours a
night, all the conversations she had lately were based on lies, and the last of
her sanity was dying off.
Keera lifted her head slowly until she was staring at the ceiling, and then bro-
ught it down swiftly, smashing her head into the bar's rough wooden surface.
She brought her head up again... Smash! and again...Smash! until she
couldn't bear the pain in her forehead. She put her hand to her head when she
felt a small bead of hot, sticky blood run down from the roots of her hair, and
wiped it away, holding in a scream of aggravation. Tick, Tick, bloody freakin' Tick!
her thoughts screamed, though she could have said it aloud for all she knew.
"I'm so tired, and so angry..." she whispered to herself, her hands shaking
and her lips quivering as she brought her plain flask of water to her lips and
sipped from it. She bit down on the rim of it to keep herself quite, her tongue al-
most taking on a life of her own. "G-get out...please," it said for her, speaking
aloud a thought that shouldn't have been heard.