Soggy boredom
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We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Soggy boredom  Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Soggy boredom

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Soggy boredom  Empty Soggy boredom

Post by Harper Goodrum Sat May 06, 2023 6:38 pm

The rain poured relentlessly outside, its forceful drops drumming against the windows, creating a symphony of sound. Harper, feeling a sense of weariness seep into her bones, sank into an armchair within the common room. In this moment of respite, she found herself devoid of any compelling activities to occupy her time. However, the crackling fire before her radiated a gentle warmth, casting a cozy ambiance that defied the darkness and desolation that loomed beyond the windows.

A yawn escaped her lips, prompting Harper to draw her legs up onto the chair, seeking comfort in the curling embrace of solitude. Inwardly, she yearned for the company of her brothers, pondering whether their familial bonds could have withstood the test of time had they possessed the same magical abilities as her. The wistful thought danced fleetingly in her mind, evoking a touch of longing and nostalgia. Perhaps, in a parallel world where they shared the enchantment, their connection would have remained unbreakable, unscathed by the passage of years.
Harper Goodrum
Harper Goodrum

Number of posts : 71

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Soggy boredom  Empty Re: Soggy boredom

Post by Cecilie Montez Sat May 13, 2023 8:28 am

Cecilie had walked into the common room. To be honest she just needed some time to herself, the girl had decided to read the book here. She just needed it. After all, she had just this one big fight with her old friends again. She just wished they would stop treating her so badly, she was glad to have those some new friends. She loved them more. She took a deep breath. She saw this one other girl here, she didn't end up bothering her for now.

She took a seat in another armchair and curled up there. Opened her book and began to read it slowly. It was some book about some vampires and werewolves. Something she has been interested in lately. For some reasons.
Cecilie Montez
Cecilie Montez
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 334
Occupation : Student

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Soggy boredom  Empty Re: Soggy boredom

Post by Harper Goodrum Sat May 13, 2023 2:01 pm

As another person entered the common room, Harper's attention was drawn to the older girl. Her name was Cecilie, if Harper remembered correctly. Observing Cecilie engrossed in a book, Harper mustered up the courage to speak, her voice coming out weakly. "What are you reading?" she asked, hoping not to intrude. Harper admitted to herself that reading was not her strong suit. She rarely found enjoyment in it, preferring to invest her time in other activities. Her grades reflected this lack of dedication, as she didn't prioritize studying or putting in the effort needed.
Harper Goodrum
Harper Goodrum

Number of posts : 71

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Soggy boredom  Empty Re: Soggy boredom

Post by Cecilie Montez Sat May 13, 2023 4:32 pm

Cecilie looked away from the book towards the other girl and smiled. "Oh its some book about vampires and werewolves. Quite interesting one," she said simply. She loved it actually. She wasn't one to read very often for sure too. She did it when she found book interesting actually. She wouldn't mind talking a bit with Harper now.
Cecilie Montez
Cecilie Montez
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 334
Occupation : Student

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Soggy boredom  Empty Re: Soggy boredom

Post by Harper Goodrum Sat May 13, 2023 4:51 pm

Harper quirked an eyebrow inquisitively as she responded, "Information? Are you actually doing homework for fun?" She couldn't help but find it amusing how the rain seemed to affect people's behavior. Glancing out the window, she let out a sigh, her desire to escape the confines of the castle evident. "I wish the rain would stop so we could venture outside," she remarked. While the castle offered ample space for exploration, there were only so many new places to discover and sights to behold before the novelty wore off.
Harper Goodrum
Harper Goodrum

Number of posts : 71

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Soggy boredom  Empty Re: Soggy boredom

Post by Cecilie Montez Fri May 19, 2023 7:30 am

Cecilie ended up shaking her head. "Oh no it's not school book. Fantasy book about them," she said with giggles there now. She had no homework about them to do. She wondered where this girl get such conclusion even. "Oh yeah it would be nice yes. Even if I'm not that big on exploration these days," she said with a sigh. To be honest she knew most places by now and she hated doing it by herself.
Cecilie Montez
Cecilie Montez
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Sixth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 334
Occupation : Student

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Soggy boredom  Empty Re: Soggy boredom

Post by Harper Goodrum Fri May 19, 2023 4:32 pm

The notion of reading for pure enjoyment felt foreign to Harper, a concept that seemed to elude her in the busyness of her everyday life. She couldn't help but acknowledge the irony—how could she lose herself in the realm of fantasy when the fantastical creatures she once adored were now tangible realities? Her words carried a touch of melancholy as she contemplated this, her voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness.

"Is it really much of a fantasy when those creatures and worlds actually exist?" Harper posed the question, a hint of nostalgia coloring her tone. In her younger years, she had been captivated by the tales spun by her mother, stories of magic and wonder that transported her to realms far beyond her bedroom. She had often envisioned herself as the valiant knight fearlessly facing down dragons, yet the reality of these mythical creatures and the immense challenges they posed had reshaped her perspective. The line between fantasy and reality had blurred, leaving her yearning for something more.

A tinge of restlessness crept into Harper's admission as she continued, "I don't enjoy being confined indoors all the time." There was an underlying longing for freedom, a craving to break free from the constraints that held her back. Deep down, Harper yearned for the sense of adventure and exploration that had once fueled her imagination.
Harper Goodrum
Harper Goodrum

Number of posts : 71

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