Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2
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Picnics and Heartstrings

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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Christabelle Whittle Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:45 am

Christy sighed, she knew before she had said not to worry about it that Kace wasn’t just going to let it go. And now? Now he was standing there staring at her with those piercing ocean blue eyes. “Kace, I handled it ok?” She replied looking back up at him with her tri-colored blue eyes, “All you would do is get yourself expelled and I’m not going to be the reason why you get expelled.”

And sure, maybe she paid other people more attention than she did to Kace to anyone looking, but she was always paying attention to what he was doing, despite trying her best not to. After being at the school for a year, he had yet to make any sort of indication that he was interested in her as anything more than a friend.

“It is not adorable.” She said frowning. She hated how she looked when she blushed, because once she started blushing, she would continue to become redder and redder until she was the color of a cherry.

Seeing the little cottage come into view she stopped. “Wait, I’ve been back this way at least a hundred times and have never seen this place before.” She said letting him lead her towards the door.
Christabelle Whittle
Christabelle Whittle
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Kace Lecium Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:56 pm

Of course he wasn't going to let it go, this was the girl he loved for Merlin's sake he wasn't going to let this sh*t for nothing. "No I'm not going to let this go damn it, I f*cking love you and I don't like it when you're uncomfortable and people are cornering you!" Calming down he looked into her tri colored eyes. "I don't care if I do or I don't, I never want to see you hurt I'll go through a thousand beatings before I let anyone hurt you." Pulling her closer he kissed her deeply.

Sure he acted like they were nothing more then friends, but he felt he was out of her league. She was beautiful, smart and part veela but he didn't care about the veela part she was beautiful even if she wasn't. Kace wasn't sure if she felt fhe same or not, she never showed that she was interested in him either so he didn't know.

"To me it is, but you're always cute and adorable to me." Although when she blushed she was tried to hide her face behind her hair. "You're so beautiful, don't ever hide that beautiful face of yours from me okay?" He meant what he said about loving her he has since he first laid eyes on her.

"That's because I been working on it and I kept it in invisible to others and you, I wanted to surprise you with it." Closing the door he smiled sheepishly at her. "It's not much, but enough until I get money to get a bigger place." He knew it wasn't much, but it was nice cozy and welcoming.
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Christabelle Whittle Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:49 pm

It all happened so fast that Christy didn’t really have time to respond or react to what Kace said and did. She heard him and wasn’t in full belief of what he had said at first, and then his lips touched hers. Weakly she kissed him back, feeling like her heart was about to explode from her chest it was pounding so hard. She couldn’t form words, couldn’t think about anything except the fact that his lips were on hers, suddenly and without warning. Without realizing it, Kace had broken her.

She heard him speaking, but she coudn’t form the words in English to respond, quietly speaking in broken sentences in German that merely sounded like, “kiss…what….love” looking straight into his chest.

As she slowly started to get the ability to speak back, she heard the door shut to the little cottage. “M..me?” She asked, “Why me?”
Christabelle Whittle
Christabelle Whittle
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Kace Lecium Sun Apr 23, 2023 2:30 am

Kace didn't know much German, but knew some but not enough to know what she was saying by any means. Hearing her say me, he didn't know which one she was implying to so he smiled softly and warmly at her. "Well I don't know which one you're implying so I'm going to answer both." Looking into her beautiful tri colored blue eyes he pushed her hair back. "Yes you are beautiful, you're beautiful inside and out and yes I love you Christabelle Whittle more then anything." He didn't mean to break her, he was just being honest with his feelings maybe he was a bit too forward with it.

"Why you?" He asked her own question chuckling softly his ocean blue eyes sparkling happily at her. "Because the most beautiful, smart and caring girl I ever know cliche I know but it's the truth. Playing with one of her curls he looked at her seriously. "Besides you see me for me and not someone who cute and fun to look at, you know there's more to me then just good looks." Looking at her sighing but his look was dead serious. "And besides all my bs nonsense you were always there for me through thick and thin, I need you Christy you're the other part of me and I'm lost without you. " Kace knew the other guys would make fun of him csuse of this, but he was honestly pouring his heart and soul out to her.
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Christabelle Whittle Thu Apr 27, 2023 1:02 pm

It was like Kace had broken her. She didn't know what to think and she was struggling to even form words, much less thoughts at the moment. If he had ever wanted to shut her up before now, he definitely knew what to do to make her be quiet. She could feel her cheeks growing warmer as he brushed her hair out of her face, and she found herself staring into his ocean blue eyes. She was still trying to form her words and get her brain back to somewhat normal when he began to explain why.

She couldn't help but to giggle a bit, "Bit easy to say to someone who's a half-veela." she said looking up at him. She could feel him twirling a curl in his fingers as she looked back up at him and bit her lip.

"Y..you're lost without me?" she asked looking at him a little shocked and confused. Sure they played around like they couldn't stand each other at times, but Christy was always asking Soph about him to the point that at least to those close to them they had feelings for each other, even if they wouldn't admit it. "I..I don't really know what to say." she said to him honestly, "I..I think I'm in love with you but we haven't been on a date or anything like that, or really spent time just the two of us without our friends around."
Christabelle Whittle
Christabelle Whittle
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 4350
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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Kace Lecium Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:36 pm

Kace was confused, he was confused how he broke her by saying nice and sweet things, he thought rudeness is what broke and tore down a person. Although he knew she was very shy and innocent something he loved about her, that shyness ans innocence drawn him in. Giving her a soft warm smile his ocean blue eyes sparkled happily at her. Maybe he was jumping ahead of saying he loved her, he didn't know but he knew how he felt.

"So are you saying that because you're half veela?" Raising his eyebrows he shook his head. "Well I'm part veela to, so you think I'm saying this cause I'm charmed?" Typical for her to think that, most guys probably told her that a million times.

"Damn it Christy, why won't you believe what I say?! I'm not like them other guys, let me prove that to you." Kace always had feelings for her, but always thought she waa out of his league and she didn't feel the same way about him. "You think you are? Well then let's see if you are or not, I heard there's a dance coming up would you like to go with me? This is just asking, I'll make it more romantic in asking if you want me to." Running his hands through his hair in nervousness he bit his lip looking away now embarrassed. Oh Merlin now he was the ome who was embarrassed.
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Christabelle Whittle Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:03 pm

Christy looked at him, "No, I'm saying for most people that's easy for them to say because I'm half veela." she replied looking down at the ground. He wasn't wrong in his thoughts. She had heard it all from people professing their undying love for her who had just met her, to outright stumbling over their words about how beautiful she was. "Definitely don't think you're charmed Kace."

She looked at him almost smirking as he asked her to a dance. She picked up on the confusion and nervousness on his face and bit back a giggle. "I didn't say I didn't believe you. If you want to prove it then prove it." She knew at some point since regaining her ability to talk that she was playing with fire, but she also didn't care at the moment. She knew that Kace had this effect on her that she couldn't explain.

Inching closer to him as she stood on her toes she looked up at him, her lips not even an inch away from his, "I'll think about it." she replied as she flashed a small smirk across her lips seeing him become embarrassed now. She thought it was cute. "You know, you're kind of cute when you get flustered." she said as she kissed him.
Christabelle Whittle
Christabelle Whittle
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 4350
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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Kace Lecium Fri Apr 28, 2023 1:10 am

Kace shrugged. "Well I'm not like most people, and I'm part veela as well, maybe not half but I'm still one." Even when he was only a one third he still had girls all over him at times. It was annoying for him, he hated how girls fond over him when they barely know them. Was he the hottest guy in school? No he didn't think so, but the amont of girls he had chasing him was unbelievable. He had ro sometimes go down a different path to avoid the swarm of girls waiting for him.

Looking at her with his ocean blue eyes he smirked at her. "If I didn't kmow better you want me to prove it to you. " He knew she was playing hard to get, but he loved playing the game she was playing. If she was going to play, he knew exactly how to play these little games of hers. Although he had a reputation of being a player and heartbreaker he really wasn't, it was just a stupid rumor someone started. "You honestly don't believe that rumor now do you?" Kace asked her liftting his eyebrows at her.

"Hm... well I suppose there's other girls to ask who would love to go with him while you think about it. " Smirking back at her he gotten some firewhiskey out and took a drink. "Kinda cute? Jeez... thanks." Giving her a kiss quickly he ran his hand through his hair. "Look if you don't like me just say so, no need to beat around the damn bush and mess with each other's feelings." As he said that he took a huge drink of Firewhiskey.
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Christabelle Whittle Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:08 pm

Christy had thought Kace would have at least played along with her, or at the very least kissed her a little more deeply than he just had, especially after saying he could just ask another girl. The entire look on her face dropped. If that was his reply, she didn't want to play this game anymore. It quickly lost its fun. Her eyes widened as she saw the firewhiskey in his hands and didn't like where she felt like this was going.

"I...I didn't say I didn't like you." She replied looking down, almost as if she were about to start crying. As he tried to place a quick kiss on her lips she backed away from him.

"Maybe I should go." She said not looking up at him, terrified that if she did she would start crying and not be able to stop.
Christabelle Whittle
Christabelle Whittle
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 4350
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Picnics and Heartstrings - Page 2 Empty Re: Picnics and Heartstrings

Post by Kace Lecium Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:28 pm

Kace didn't feel like she was playing, it felt more like she was playing with his feelings. The only reason he said that was because, his feelings were hurt by her reply to him telling he loved her. Was it a joke to her to drag him along giving him false hope on something? How could she say she thinks she loves him and tell him she'll think about going to the dance with him. He was confused by it, so much he needed to calm his nerves with some firewhiskey.

"Well.... certainly sounded like a shoot down to me, saying that you might love me and then say you'll think about going to the dance with me. Not cool to play with other people's emotions and feelings you know?"" Putting the firewhiskey away he gotten him a coke and took a drink.

"No don't go, we're going to work through this you're not going to walk away on me." Pulling her towards him his sky blue eyes looked into hera. "Now please don't cry, I don't like seeing you cry especially because of me."
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
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