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the smell of books.

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Cecilia Attwood Fri Mar 24, 2023 1:46 pm

“I guess that is one way to put it,” Cecilia said thinking about the way the girl had described the topic on which she had been rattling off about. “And, yes, 1637. That was so long ago, though people still hold their prejudice against anyone different from themselves.” The tiny smile that the girl had been wearing drooped that thought. Not many things reminded her of the orphanage while she was here at school, but this was one, people (Children) could be so mean when it came to someone who was different. “Celebrate? Why would we do that? You still have to take the test.” this idea was one odd concept for her.
Cecilia Attwood
Cecilia Attwood
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Margo P. Richards Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:14 pm

"Prejudice is so lame, people should just, like, not do that," she said astutely, nodding her head. "Besides, it's kind of hot, y'know. A man who can turn into a beast?" She waggled her eyebrows.

Margo barely registered the slight shift in Cecilia's face at the comment though. What did Attwood have that may have exposed her to cruelty? Margo filed it away for later.

"Yeah, I mean I'm going to barely pass the test anyway," she said matter-of-factly, before realizing that might sound unkind. "Not because of your help, no I would have failed without it. I just only ever barely pass, it's my version of an O. But not much to celebrate. Me actually studying for once however, that's a win."

She wiggled her shoulders. "What do you say? We can swipe some scones from the kitchen? Or just hang out here and gossip. Please tell me you have some good gossip."

Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Cecilia Attwood Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:31 pm

“The last time a story was written about a girl who fell in love with a beast there was a lot of rumors about the character suffering from mental illness,” Cecilia stated flatly, “But, as they say, you should never judge a book by its cover.” Cecilia listened quietly as Margo tried to backtrack with her words, it was like she thought she had said something that Cecilia would find insulting. “Studying would help, and you can always find me somewhere. If I'm not reading I'm studying.” As Cec spoke her voice grew quieter. She found it weird offering to meet up even just to study with another student. She had spent so much of her young life sticking to herself. But, she’d be daft to think that she hadn’t enjoyed the afternoon with the other Ravenclaw student. It seemed easy, like she didn’t expect much of her. “Wouldn’t we get in trouble for stealing?” cecilia nervously combed through the ends of her long dark hair, the anxiety of getting into trouble building inside of her small frame.
Cecilia Attwood
Cecilia Attwood
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Margo P. Richards Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:04 pm

"Ugh, I hate that take, though," Margo moaned, drooping her head back. "Let me and all the other degenerates have our fantasies about taming a hot beast."

At Cec's offer to join her study sessions, Margo perked up. Just earlier, Cec had seemed annoyed by the interruption but here she was, throwing the door open to further hang outs. Margo's lips twisted into a sweet, albeit somewhat knowing, smile, glad she had worn her dormmate down.

She waved off the other girl's concerns. "Nah, we'll ask the elves proper. They're usually pretty nice about sharing, live to serve and all that. They never get to see us actually enjoy the food, I honestly think they like the company." She stood. "Come on, we going or what?"
Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Cecilia Attwood Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:17 pm

Cecilia didn’t understand Margos' thoughts about werewolves, but she also didn’t think that it mattered much anyway. To each their own.

Asking was not stealing, asking would be okay. As long as they didn’t get in trouble Cecilia didn’t mind much. Margo’s personality was nice, Cecilia enjoyed the atmosphere around her. “Okay,” she shrugged, “Let me just put this book back where it belongs.” She didn’t wait for the girl to answer before standing. She pushed in the chair she had been sitting in and dusted off her clothes before taking the book back to the shelf she had removed it from. “Ready?” she asked turning back to Margo. It would be nice to have a friend, or at least find someone friendly.
Cecilia Attwood
Cecilia Attwood
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Margo P. Richards Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:00 pm

“Ready!” Margo announced, immediately earning a harsh shush from someone nearby. She ducked her head and winced, before shooting Cec a grin and stifling a giggle.

She looped her arm with the other girl’s and yoinked her forward, leading the way out and towards the kitchen.

“So, as I said,” Margo said, once they were free of the library. “Gossip. Whaddya got?”
Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Cecilia Attwood Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:03 pm

Cecilia smiled allowing Margo to pull her in the direction on the kitchens, when she brought up gossip again. Being the quiet one did lend one to hearing many things they were not supposed to hear. Others seemed to think you were invisible if you were not talking to them. Most of it was the same old same old. Bob was dating Sally, or Jake kissed June, when he was supposedly dating Jane, nothing that seemed to be a to interesting. But, she had heard that Chase had been hanging out with Margo and Molly a lot. As well as hearing Margo and Molly sneaking out at night a few times. "Does Chase go with you?" she asked, "whereever you go when you sneak out?"
Cecilia Attwood
Cecilia Attwood
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Margo P. Richards Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:24 pm


The question surprised her. She liked Chase Moor. She was a fellow pretty, social dunce - and it was important for like-minded folk to stick together.

"No, she hasn't... yet," she added conspiratorially. "She's a little goody-goody, I think. But you heard about her date with Ducky, right? I think she mentioned it on the school chat the other day. I think she's looking to live a little for her final year. She'd probably make a good wing-girl too," she mused.

"Speaking of dating, when are we hooking you up with someone?"
Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Cecilia Attwood Fri Mar 31, 2023 5:02 pm

Interesting, from the conversations Cecilia had overheard she was surprised by Margo’s answer.
Just showed that you couldn’t rely on gossip and rumors. “She went on a date with Ducky? He’s that one Gryffindor right? And what is a wing girl?” Sure Cecilia was pretty book smart but she did not understand human interactions very well. “Why would you hook me with someone?” she asked, picturing a boy standing next to her with one of those s hooks attached to their belt loops holding them together, that would be weird.
Cecilia Attwood
Cecilia Attwood
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

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the smell of books.  - Page 2 Empty Re: the smell of books.

Post by Margo P. Richards Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:21 pm

"Yeah, he's one of my mates," Margo chirped brightly, continuing to lead the way to the kitchens. "When we first started to be friends, we were really flirty, obviously, 'cause he's gorgeous, but now I know him too well. Sometimes when Molly's snogging his mate Bev, though, it's tempting."

She shrugged. "But yeah, they went on a date! Sounds like it went well if Chase wants to be a bad girl now," she added with a giggle. "And like wing man? You know, I brag you up, chat boys up for you. Wing girl! I loooove match making. It's fun. And I dunno, just if you want. I can get you a boyfriend or girlfriend stat!"
Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
Fifth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 156

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