Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Li9olo10

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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Margo P. Richards Wed Jul 17, 2019 9:46 pm

Okay so @Johnny G. Murray had a 'genius' idea. He and Margo are set to fail all of their OWLs. All of them. So they can't afford a tutor in every subject. But they CAN afford to run around running favors for your characters in exchange for help with work.

Alyssa and I think this is a really fun little subplot for our dopes, but could be really fun for you too. We don't want favors that are simple to complete and not necessary to roleplay. We want ones that are actually 8 favors, or physically impossible, or morally dubious.

Examples include:

  • Being the runner between two characters who are in a fight
  • Convincing your character's crush to go out with them / asking if they like them
  • Rigging a Quidditch match
  • Taking the blame for something you'd get detention for
  • Distracting a professor while you steal something, do something
  • Sitting in on detention for you, in disguise
  • Sneaking out to Hogsmeade to smuggle something in for you
  • Gather ingredients from the Forbidden Forest for you
  • Getting their older siblings' school notes (they will not even think to use them for themselves)
  • Get them a love potion, luck potion, etc - let them figure out how

Or anything else. Here's the thing. Your character doesn't even need to be good at the class. Trick these two if you'd like! We're more excited about roleplaying their attempts more than anything.

If you aren't sure about any of these ideas, but want to be involved, just reach out! There must be something your character wants, or something they're struggling with. We canNOT guarantee success (we can almost guarantee failure) but it'll be FUN.
Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Artemis R. Knox Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:49 pm

Kaidens a charms aide, but I can see him taking advantage of their need, tbh. I kinda want to try having a darker Kaiden than before, so this could help that.
Artemis R. Knox
Artemis R. Knox
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Margo P. Richards Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:57 pm

Cool! Any of these favors seem like something he'd ask?
Margo P. Richards
Margo P. Richards
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Artemis R. Knox Wed Jul 17, 2019 11:28 pm

I'd say both the crush and the love potion ones are the most likely, but only if I get him someone he likes lol (Cronis would probs work for that too, but Hit's his crush)

I'm gonna say maybe sneaking out to hogsmeade to smuggle something sounds more likely right now. I'd just have to think of what.
Artemis R. Knox
Artemis R. Knox
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Jack Dyllan Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:04 am

Maybe Cronis sends them on a mission re: Hit and Kaiden sends them out to Hogsmeade. I wouldn't put it past Margo to have picked up on Cronis/Hit.

Jack Dyllan
Jack Dyllan
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Artemis R. Knox Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:18 am

I mean, I don't think there's a being on the castle that hasn't picked up on Cronis' crush, except Hit. He's not all that subtle about it lol.

He doesn't like Cosmo bc of the thing they had, hah.
Artemis R. Knox
Artemis R. Knox
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Antonin Rookwood Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:12 am

I'd be in on this! Ant's a Ravie too, so news of this will reach him soon, and I'm sure he's keen. I'll think about what's a favour that's up his alley.
Antonin Rookwood
Antonin Rookwood
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Johnny G. Murray Sun Jul 21, 2019 12:36 am

Just to jump in- @Kim, if you're considering the crush/love potion ones for Cronis but don't want it to actually happen to Hit, Johnny & Margo can fail miserably, and not only that, but they will also take the fall if it ends in disaster.

For Hogsmeade, if you want to up the stakes perhaps they've been sent to collect something that can't (for whatever reason) be delivered normally to the school? Or it could be something totally normal just urgently needed. A new quill? Sweets?

@Madd- looking over Antonin's app I have a couple suggestions (if it'd help!) 1. He seems fond of magical creatures. Perhaps he's heard there's an interesting one in the Forbidden Forest and wants some company finding it? 2. An easy one- Margo is basically Hogwarts' rumour mill. With all the awful rumours floating around about Antonin perhaps he asks M&J to float some more positive ones to counteract the negativity? I have NO idea how likely he is to do either of these, just working off his app.

Literally throwing ideas around guys, feel free to disregard if they don't work at all! I cannot stress enough how happy we are for them to end up in ridiculous/dangerous/awkward situations. There is almost nothing they wouldn't at least try to do, so anything goes!
Johnny G. Murray
Johnny G. Murray
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Antonin Rookwood Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:45 am

Hey that's a great idea! The one in the Forbidden Forest. I'd love to explore that. Ok, so just as I was giving that more thorough thought, I thought of a favour that Ant might more accurately want for now. So he's just gotten a letter that his mother - who's missing - was spotted somewhere in France that's pretty near to her hometown. And in time he will get more impatient and want to go find her himself. There will be many problems to this because
2. Constance, his sister, disapproves and will do whatever she can to stop him
3. His family - the Rookwoods - can't know either

I'm thinking he might seek out Margo and Johnny for a way that he can disappear for awhile. Like a cover up that includes a lot of distractions. Would this work?
Antonin Rookwood
Antonin Rookwood
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Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots Empty Re: Help Wanted: 2 Beautiful Idiots

Post by Jack Dyllan Sun Jul 21, 2019 1:17 pm


I'd love to do the Forbidden Forest one so that he could see how loud and crazy they are and realize they could keep attention off him!

Jack Dyllan
Jack Dyllan
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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