[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2
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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

[OPEN] Encore Une Fois

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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Ace A Longbottom Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:14 am

Ace nodded curtly at his words, content to accept the change of plans. She might have argued if their member base was any more solid than it was at the start of the summer. It maddened her but she supposed she understood – resistance was only popular after war broke out. It was far less fun to prevent and prepare for wars. But for now, they were far and few between. And there was one unmistakable member of that base that Ace didn’t mind putting off seeing.

She pushed that thought away and boarded the train without another word, turning once to squint off at her mother and father, before disappearing into the metal beast. The younger students were running and roaming, shouting at each other as to where the best seating was. Ace angled for the front – no one ever wanted the front. The first empty compartment was immediately claimed. She closed the door halfway after Christian so she could see who was going by before clambering atop the seats to throw her trunk on the luggage racks. She turned to Christian and held out a hand, shaking it so he would give her his trunk so she could throw it with her own.
Ace A Longbottom
Ace A Longbottom
Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Charlie Jericho Thu Sep 07, 2017 12:23 am


Charlie was excited.

His state of mind was a far cry from the uncertainty and timidity of the previous year, when he'd no adventures to recount, no friends to buzz in excitement waiting for. He looked forward to Hogwarts- and even the train journey-
with the confident anticipation of enjoyment that only a genuine security in choice of company could buy.

At the exclamation, he jumped, immediately assuming the arrival of his Slytherin friend. His mum, whose lips had been pursed as her eyes tracked a distant figure, turned with a small start of surprise at the sudden greeting, one that easily slid into her customary warmth.

“Hello, Barbara."

Her reply was accompanied by a small mischievous smile, eyebrows raised teasingly at Charlie who flushed over Barbara’s shoulder, arms frozen half-up in a weird imitation of a robot as they suddenly lost all sense of where they ought to place themselves in this sort of... physical interaction.

She released him. Charlie stared, opened his mouth to speak, and his tongue turned to sawdust. His mum did not look surprised. In fact, she looked amused. Her hands found the handle of the trolley and with a barely contained grin and a rather too pleased "Duty calls", she was trundling off, cages and tanks balanced precariously as she wove her way across the platform.

Charlie tried not call after her and beg her to carry on the conversation for him. She was probably just going for a catch up with Teddy- er, Professor Lupin- anyway. Which Kathryn at least might argue was more of a duty than her actual job, but that he knew was nothing short of a pleasure- and not nearly a good enough excuse for throwing him in the deep end.

He turned back to Barbara, who was undeniably closer in age and temperament to Kathryn than to him, and whose enthusiastic greeting both mystified and- very strangely indeed- pleased him, which in turn mystified him further. He'd seen her in the common room on the rare occasion he was there rather than on house-neutral ground with Goose. But as with the other older, louder, and scarier students, he'd barely uttered more than a squeak to her, and even then only when pressed or as part of a less intimidating collective. He didn't speak to many girls outside of Sunny besides, and she... she didn't count.

Oh, right. He should probably say something.

"Um. How was your summer?"
Charlie Jericho
Charlie Jericho
Second Year Gryffindor
Second Year Gryffindor

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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Stephen Meyers Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:45 pm

Stephen was struggling as he made his way through the corridor of the car he was in just before the junction. It was way harder than it seemed to simply walk up and down a train hallway at the rush hour. As he reached the end of the car and so the junction to the next he was delayed since a bunch of what it seemed to be first or second graders strode down the hall on the opposite direction he was taking. After they had all passed Stephen exhaled and went back to his quest on finding a compartment for the journey. The ones that followed seemed already to be taken as well so he kept going.

At some point when he was already close to the next junction of cars he thought he had heard his name from somewhere behind him. At first he thought it was a calling meant to someone else since who would call him? but then he didn't know that many students with whom he shared the name with. Thus, he turned around searching in the crowd behind him for someone who could have called him. And so there she was. A whole summer in between them had passed and still it was like they had said goodbye just the day before. He smiled. And walked back to where she was. "Hi!" he said as he managed to get there fighting the tides of students going in any other direction. "How are you?" he asked. Obviously, he was still not a master of how to begin conversations but mostly a hello or a question would work and so that was his first question to her.
Stephen Meyers
Stephen Meyers
Fourth Year Gryffindor
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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Brian Quinn Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:30 am

Brian was always glad to see a friend, and he smiled at seeing Hayes and greeted him.

"I'm glad to play," Brian told him about the quidditch match, "but you might not be so glad when you see me play. All I've done is some backyard stuff with some mates. It was fun, though. Have you ever played Quidditch in the dark? A mate of mine got a weird idea after one or two too many firewhiskeys and made our snitch glow in the dark, and we were all crazy enough to take him up on it. My mate buggared his glow charm, made the snitch wonky and it took us almost all bloody night to catch it. Angus Donohue eventually cheated and caught it with a butterfly net."

The end story of the midnight game was that Brian had intended to keep the snitch and reuse since it had not technically been handled, but that only lasted a short bit--until Michael Tremaine's boggart had gotten loose. While they were trying to catch the boggart, the boggart ate the snitch. He figured Hayes perhaps did not need to know that Tremaine had inherited a boggart in a box years ago and still had the thing, typically only unleashing it on Robert from time to time to try to scare the piss out of him. Once every blue moon, it worked too. On the other hand, there was, very likely, a certain satisfaction that certain people might find in the visual of someone actually being able to achieve scaring the piss out of Robert Lupin.

"Are you sure you have enough adults on the train?" Brian asked. "Marcus will be here any minute with Poppy, and I'm quite sure we could press him into service as an extra person with a wand if you like."
Brian Quinn
Brian Quinn

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Special Abilities : Healer, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Medusa Hunt Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:11 am

It was crazy that a whole summer between them and count less of letters between the two of them, it seems like yesterday they said bye to each other.  None the less she missed him over the summer, letters were nice but seeing someone face to face was better.  She was glad that she had someone to talk to over the summer but Lottie and Barbara, although girl talk was helpful in some of these situations.  There obviously some things that she couldn't talk to Stephen about or he wouldn't understand, so she needed her girlfriends obviously. Seeing her two girlfriends she waved at Barbara and Lottie the two girls who helped her through thick and thin.

Reaching him she smiled and laughed.  " Hi!" she said back to him hugging him.  Although that was probably weird for him so she pulled away.  "Sorry... just haven't seen you in awhile." she said biting her lip.  "Feeling a bit claustrophobic but I'm good what about you?" she asked.   "Come on lets find a place to sit, I'm sure not all of them are taken." she said walking to the middle to the end of the train she seen a empty compartment.   "Here we are, look good to you?" she asked.
Medusa Hunt
Medusa Hunt
Fifth Year Ravenclaw
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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Barbara O'Sullivan Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:21 pm

If Charlie felt uncomfortable even a little bit, Barbara didn't notice that. She was just happy. She was happy because the school was starting. She was happy to be back in London again. She was happy to see her friends. She was happy to see Charlie. Well... She was just happy.

"See you later Miss McKillon" Barbara smiled and waved to the woman who left them with pleasure and amusement written all over her face. Why was that? Barbara wasn't able to tell for sure and that thought left her mind after just a couple of seconds.

She looked at Charlie again and Barbara wasn't sure what was on his mind. From what she was able to see, he looked confused. Barbara smiled before answering to the question.
"My summer..." she paused for a moment. How was her summer? Boring as hell.
Don't get her wrong, Barbara really likes her grandparents, but after her mother died and she moved to London, she kinda lost a touch from the world she used to live in. Everything changed for her, she left her friends and even if she sees them now when she goes back to Croatia, it's not the same, it could never be the same.

"It was cool. Most of the summer I was in Croatia, my grandparents live there" she smiled once again.
"How was your summer? Did you do anything interesting?"
Barbara O'Sullivan
Barbara O'Sullivan
Fourth Year Gryffindor
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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Goose Dyllan Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:38 pm

Goose supposed he should have been more embarrassed.

Jack was her usual mess. Hair going every which way, rings around her eye from unrest, an old Quidditch jumper pulled over ratty jeans. And Sunny, at ten years old, was beginning to look less like a tall baby and more like a short person, but that didn’t keep her from donning her yellow raincoat despite no signs of rain in the air. They had, however, convinced Greg remained behind. Jack's muggle father was pretty set on checking out this magical platform but Jack made up some lie about the impossibility of his attendance and he remained back at home with the Dyllan's current semi-permanent house guest.

The two redheads alone were a sight, and Goose wasn't one to welcome attention, but he knew there was no asking either to stay behind. He was very different from them, a stark contrast of unobtrusive intellect to their vivacious boldness, but he wasn't sure where or who he would be without them. Without exaggeration, it was likely he would be dead.

And he had already taken his leave from the craziness over the summer. A holiday within a holiday at the Jerichos, where the only injuries had been minor bumps and bruises from the adventures of youth and the only surprise guests were hitchhiking bugs who travelled on their jackets from their hikes and expeditions. There were no nearing-old men bringing home cigars and boasting of first attempts at shoplifting, no stowaway Order leaders with mutilated faces. They hadn't had a single bowl of macaroni and cheese and Maddie had not once shown up sporting the blood of an enemy as Jack was known to do. It had been normal, it had been fun, it had been necessary. And he couldn't help but remember the tiny betrayal that ensured it.

He would never regret going to Maddie. He had so long ago accepted that he could never be normal, but sunny had everything in her to be happy and well adjusted. She'd always be odd, the muggle girl in the magical world, but she deserved relationships outside of her strange, convoluted family. And she had thrived. Kathryn had encouraged and elevated every scheme, plot, or idea Sunny had concocted, Charlie had opened up and returned her enthusiasm, and Maddie had show her a gentleness and nurturing that their guardian was ill-equipped to give. She didn't seem any different beyond her new trove of stories and inside jokes, but Goose hoped the experience would be a reoccurring one that grounded his little sister of sorts.

And now they were all leaving her.

She put on a brave face, that was for sure. He hadn't seen her smile twitch or fade once all morning, and he wondered if she was so focused on seeing her friends that she had forgotten she wouldn't be seeing any of them until Christmas break. Maybe it hadn't hit her yet. Or maybe she was a better actor that he suspected.

Or perhaps it had to do something with her sense of purpose for the day.

They slipped through the barriers and Sunny immediately galloped forward, darting around a group of students as her eyes sought out her target. Goose followed a bit slowly behind but stopped when Jack tapped his shoulder. He turned and she nodded her chin in Maddie's direction. "I'm going to go talk to her, thank her again for the summer and all. Alright? I'll find you before you jump on."

He nodded and watched her walk off, before turning to look again for-

"Wait. Sunny," he hissed.

It was rare to see Charlie doing so well talking with someone he wasn't close with, and Goose didn't think a meddling ten year old would help much in that way. But Sunny wasn't to be discouraged, so he hurried after her, hoping he could at least offset her intensity. Or at least encourage discretion-


Sunny did a little hop as she had to dodge another roving band of students, already deep in the thralls of gossip and laughter, and Goose could see her little friend the salamander clinging desperately to her shoulder, a ripple of color going across its little body as it contemplated coughing fire at the little girl once more, not that a little singing would stop her.

Sunny stepped right up to the older kids, several inches shorter than both, and turned towards Barbara first. "Hi," she chirped, before turning back to Charlie. "I have something for you."

"Sunny," Goose said, tone even but the hints of warning in his voice. He looked towards Barbara. "Hi Barbara. Nice summer?"

Sunny plunged a hand into her raincoat and withdrew another salamander, this one blinking in confusion, mouth stretching as though yawning after a long nap. "Here. I found three and Jack told me I could only keep one. So this one's yours." Goose glanced over at Charlie and nodded before the question could be posed, patting the little pocket on the front of his shirt to indicate he too had a little salamander. "They're cousins, I think," Sunny explained as she gently put his salamander on his shoulder. "Goose's is named Grubby. Yours is Gribbly. Mine's Linda." A pained look crossed her face. "You could change the name... if you want. But they really like their names... so..."

Goose grimaced apologetically at Barbara.
Goose Dyllan
Goose Dyllan
Second Year Slytherin
Second Year Slytherin

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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Charlie Jericho Wed Sep 13, 2017 12:42 am

[Note- Not sure who it's referring to, but I don't think Charlie & Goose are popular kids by any means of the word! Can't speak for Barbara, but their little group of 4 could hardly be described as such Smile]

"Oh, um, cool. That's cool. We, um, stayed at home, mostly-"

Charlie nodded earnestly along to Barbara's reply and tried valiantly to match her exuberance even as his hands found the bottom of his jumper and tugged, wringing the material. So busy was he tripping over his words that he didn't hear his friends until they stood before him, eager and sheepish, Sunny's hand outstretched.

Was it a coincidence that they came bearing salamanders? That first afternoon all those months ago, the summer that he'd forever consider the start of his life proper, they'd turned up at the Dyllans' doorstep bearing salamander blood. And now his two friends came not with the vestiges of death but with life, and there was symbolism there for those who cared to spot it but Charlie wasn't quite equipped to deconstruct the whys and hows of serendipity (not yet).

Still, it was with a sort of reverence that he accepted Sunny's gift. Not for the creature itself but for the symbolism of the gesture, the inclusion they'd never balked at offering him. For being one third of a trio when he'd only ever been a forgotten afterthought. He nodded solemnly at Goose but the pleasure soon enacted itself on his face in the form of a small but genuine smile which had become, around the Dyllans, second nature.

"I like Gribbly. I don't want to offend him... or her."

Though he tried to maintain solemnity, he felt his lips quirking further in affectionate amusement and so quickly turned his smile on his new reptilian companion, studying him as he let out another smoky yawn and blinked owlishly from his precarious perch.

Above all, the little redhead's appearance had a curious effect on the Gryffindor's bearing. It wasn't that she brought confidence, exactly, rather made him want to extend some of the warmth bestowed on him outwards. Sunny, true to her name, had a contagious enthusiasm that shone, capable even of finding the gaps in Charlie's cloudy demeanor to emit pinpricks of light that were otherwise inaccessible to the timid boy.

So he turned back to his fellow Gryffindor, gesturing with less of his previous nervousness to the youngest Dyllan.

"Um... Barbara, this is Sunny. She and Goose stayed with us this summer."

And he found himself floundering despite actually liking Barbara. She was nice and friendly and she made it easy for him to talk- when she wasn't hugging him- and he didn't want to exclude her after she'd gone out of her way to greet a weedy little first second year who was far less interesting than the other Gryffindor in their family- or even the Ravenclaw. And perhaps his Slytherin companion had rub off on him after all. Because his second thought after that was that it would be convenient- and moreover nice- to have a Gryffindor friend. An ally in the common room where so often he found himself with none. So while he was itching to regale Goose with updates on their many experiments, with the plans he'd already started laying for Christmas, with household news and inside jokes, he stopped himself. Instead, he tried to convey all he wanted but had to wait to say to Goose through a meaningful but not exactly subtle look, and reached for confidence as he carefully picked his next words to the older girl.

"Would you like to sit with us on the train? If you don't already have a carriage- and later, obviously, when everyone starts getting on- because- because we can't go on... yet."

He finished lamely, amending his uncharacteristic offer at the last minute. Because they couldn't go on the train yet, of course. "They" being only Charlie and Goose and Barbara, because Sunny wouldn't be coming. Of course. He'd almost forgotten.

"Hey, how're you?"

Saved by the bell. Or, in this case, yet another spirited and self-assured student before whom Charlie attempted not to shrink as he tried to figure out who he was addressing. Charlie knew Christian, but Goose knew him better- and Barbara probably knew everyone. So he found his hands tangling- carefully, so as not to disturb Gribbly- in his jumper again as his eyes darted between his three classmates, finding no relief in his gratitude at all.
Charlie Jericho
Charlie Jericho
Second Year Gryffindor
Second Year Gryffindor

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[OPEN] Encore Une Fois - Page 2 Empty Re: [OPEN] Encore Une Fois

Post by Stephen Meyers Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:03 pm

His first reaction was indeed a surprise. Stephen wasn't used to any human contact of this kind. Unless from his mother's side or his sister at times. So any other person doing so was a bit strange to him. He was then too surprised to react decently and his arms stood there hanging from his shoulders rather awkwardly considering someone was just hugging him. He managed to build up a smile the moment Medusa pulled back. "No... that is... that is fine" he was only able to utter as a response.

To her statement Stephen looked around and tried to find a compartment for them but Medusa was faster and he followed her inside. "It is getting harder and harder every year" he commented. But perhaps it was just him that was arriving later and later... If he was there any sooner he would have many more and there wouldn't be as much confusion in the hallway. Once inside he managed to put his bags in place once again without any pet as most people had. He wasn't still allowed to have Willow with him and for some reason his parents (or simply father) didn't want to buy him a substitute. Anyway, he was not expecting to write much home. And he wasn't expecting to have many news from them either... "Need any help with your bags?" he asked her before he sat down once he was done.
Stephen Meyers
Stephen Meyers
Fourth Year Gryffindor
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