Super specific plotting ideas
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Super specific plotting ideas Li9olo10

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Super specific plotting ideas

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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Super specific plotting ideas

Post by Ace A Longbottom Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:50 am

So I have so specific plot ideas I'd like to start to pursue. You may get tagged because... why not.

Lily is probably going to quit as Potions professor over the summer. I want her to take on an apprenticeship under a skilled potionsmaster. I know @Lorcan D'eath is one, but I'm not sure of any others. Would Lorcan be up for that, @Khaat Lupin? It could be really interesting, seeing as he's leading the DFs and she's a Potter.

Gretel is living with her aunt here in the UK but is separated from her family as of now. I'd love for her aunt to have to go back to Russia and to leave Gretel with a pureblood/DE family for a week or two.

Claire is looking for an intern or personal assistant. Competent or otherwise is fine. I'd also love more specific crime cases for her, so if your baddie needs an adversary, lemme know.

Fiona just graduated and I'd for her to work directly under someone. She's pretty directionless so I could steer her in pretty much any direction - I just really want someone who has a character they really want to have mentor someone.

Jack is someone I'd like to steer in a sort of private detective direction. She already has the background with law enforcement and Department of Mysteries, and she tends to take on dangerous tasks for friends and family. So if you have anything that needs to be uncovered or battled against, lemme know. I also want to continue her plotting with @James Blood and potentially have her work with @Monroe Ashcroft and his werewolf plans - and I'm still willing to throw Lily your way for that Sel.

Molly - Who's working at the Prophet these days? @Adrienne Reynolds? Molly needs to start putting her photography to use somewhere.

Robbie could use a Care of Magical creatures apprentice, specifically someone interesting in their healing and care.

I have others as well but these are my more specific ideas. To get a better view of characters, or to see others, go here.
Ace A Longbottom
Ace A Longbottom
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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Re: Super specific plotting ideas

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:04 am

Lorcan certainly is a possibility for that, but I have two other potionsmasters--Lorcan's wife Zada, and I currently have no plotting for her. So that could go any direction, feasibly. But either Lorcan or Zada are certainly available.

And, of course, then there is Robert. He's the third that I have, and I'm always open for plotting with him, bearing in mind though that there is already a significant plotline with him and Apollo.
Khaat Lupin
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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Re: Super specific plotting ideas

Post by James Potter Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:50 am

Yes to Adrienne. And you know Fiona is welcome to work with Keiran as desired!
James Potter
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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Re: Super specific plotting ideas

Post by Kenna McBain Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:53 am

I think it'd be best to let Apollo have Robert solely. Is either Zada or Lorcan actively looking for an apprentice? I can always have Lily wander in, but she's still new to the whole "taking charge of her life."

I also haven't forgotten Kip/Paul.

@Addie- Are there internships over there that Molly could apply to? She's also one of those non go-getters. Lol. I didn't even think about Finn working under Keiran. Honestly, she probably spends a lot of time in Flourish. I'll have her approach him <3
Kenna McBain
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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Re: Super specific plotting ideas

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:58 am

they're always open to that. not a problem, and i agree that it's a better fit with zada or lorcan either one.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Re: Super specific plotting ideas

Post by James Potter Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:20 am

There aren't that I know of, but she could do what I did. I went to my local paper and asked if they could create an internship for me. So I just worked in different areas to find what I liked best.
James Potter
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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Re: Super specific plotting ideas

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:28 am

jack, just an oddball thought, but, it might be possible for her to work for the ministry too. publicity things, and perhaps forensic photos at crime scenes, if she has the inner makeup to handle the blood that she might periodically see. it would most likely be a little less than muggle police work, but it still could be requiring her to capture some violent looking stuff. idk. when you said photographer, for some reason tonight, my brain thought about forensics. idk why.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Re: Super specific plotting ideas

Post by Kenna McBain Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:08 am

Actually, forensics might be even better for what I have planned for her. She has a theme to her that relates heavily towards death and I think that could work really well. And from there she could get the idea to be a photographer for tragic events.

And cool, I'll send Lily once she makes the realization she needs to leave Hogwarts.
Kenna McBain
Kenna McBain
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Super specific plotting ideas Empty Re: Super specific plotting ideas

Post by Kipling Parsons Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:30 am

Kipling Parsons
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