MAIN PLOT - Character Check
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MAIN PLOT - Character Check Li9olo10

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MAIN PLOT - Character Check

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MAIN PLOT - Character Check Empty Re: MAIN PLOT - Character Check

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:17 am

Um...hold on. My toybox is a little smaller. Let's see who's left...
They're all available, and I'm thinking that in addition to these, we may, at some point need some of the others best guess right now for starter characters would be:

Name (login):James Blood

Current IC goal:Turn all humans to werewolves or kill them. They're either in or they're food.

What would you like to see happen to this character?I'm open. I'd just not like him to die. Not yet

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):
Completely self absorbed, lack of empathy, arrogant, entitled, lack of almost all conscience, totally unconcerned with being politically correct, has rejected all human societal constructs as being necessary or relevant.

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Moira (IC for now, but maybe Hitame would bring her back)--the only significant female he has in his life. He views her as a mate/partner.

Fenrir: the only other being that has been able, so far, to exert any sort of rules or boundaries that James will respect or adhere to.

Khaat: has a twisted idea that Khaat had been given to him as one of his pack mates but her family violated him and took what he views as his when they rescued her.  He still believes she belongs to him. However, as the fight to get her back goes on, he's willing to have her as a mate or as food--whichever happens first.

Jack: James calles her "Ginger." He remembers Jack as the one human he knows that has been willing to negotiate with him about getting him things he needs so that he does not have to kill to get pack members fed, clothed, etc. He has a slim threat of trust with her that might have potential here.'

Name (login): Lorcan D'Eath
Age: 56
Faction:Death Eaters
Species:Half Vampire

Current IC goal:Avenge his daughter's kidnapping and her mother's murder--make the werewolves pay

What would you like to see happen to this character? develop enough a relationship w/ other DEs that the others run and do the action, etc. and that Lorcan can step back and finance and stay away from much of the parts of the faction that faction members want to do.

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):

A: his half vampire status. He doesn't live exactly as a human or exactly as a werewolf, but he thinks much more like a vampire than a human. He has some inconveniences of vampire life and some of human life. It's a constant balancing act.

B. he's an unapologetic "player." he likes women, and he likes sex. It isn't as prolific now since he's married Zada, nor has it entirely stopped either.

C: His young son that he had with Zada has perhaps brought out a more appropriate paternal part of him, at least with that child--mainly b/c Zada is a sucky mom. He's more protective over his kids than he used to be, Not sure if he'd actually engage in a fight for them, though. That has yet to be seen.

D: He's completely steeped into believing that the Death Eaters are the only one qualified to safe the wizarding race because of all "those Order liberal knotheads" who are putting wizarding life at risk with all their new "free and tolerant" society that, time has proven, does not work to protect the wizarding world. It puts him believing that the Order and causes like it are dangerous and will surely bring the downfall of the wizarding world.

E. He has no tolerance for his child to be raised by those filthy vermin (werewolves), and how dare they lift a hand to a child with vampire blood in her veins. So far s he's concerned, revenge is his biggest concern.

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:
1. Zada--he does not want to come out and admit that there is at least one or two things working in this particular marriage, but her opinion does matter to him.

2. Robert--Lorcan believes that Robert operates in the grey where Lorcan is concerned. He would like to see how far he could influence/bait/persuade Robert to support even a portion of what Lorcan believes in, and perhaps then maybe being able to bait Robert into go after the werewolves, making the DE's a temporary ally to the Ministy. Not saying it'll happen. Just saying Lorcan would love to see it go that way.

3. Ekko--his newest child. He does not know her well, but she's the reason he wants revenge against the werewolves.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
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MAIN PLOT - Character Check Empty Re: MAIN PLOT - Character Check

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:01 am

Name (login): Aneta Markova (I'll use her as main character for this plot)
Age: 29
Faction: Death Eaters
Species: Human

Current IC goal: I want her to be more connected with other Death Eaters and maybe someone who will find out about all bad things she did in the past as a leader

What would you like to see happen to this character? Not really sure. But I wan't her to pay for everything she did. Maybe even to put her in Azkaban for some time

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):

* Aneta cares almost only about herself
* She is bisexual but she thinks love is for stupid people
* She was comletly loyal only to her father and he is the reason why she became the Death Eater
* She is cold and manipulative and will do everything to get what she wants
*Only living people she care about are Benjamin Morgan and Nikolai Ivashkov

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Nikolai Ivaskov - He was her first love and she still loves him even if he is married. She would do anything if that means they can be together again. Even kill his wife. He is her only friend since they were at school

Benjamin Morgan - She likes him a lot but sometimes she thinks that he is just pathetic. He completly believes in love and was ready to forgive her everything she was just because he loves her

Adrian Blanchard - Adrian was her friend and ally in the time when she was Swiss leader of Death Eaters. It's hard to say what she thinks about him. He is stupid and just her toy in the time when she is bored. But she probably wouldn't like to see him killed

Name (login): Imogen Blackburn
Age: 25
Faction: Death Eaters (can easily change faction if someone just give her a chance)
Species: Human

Current IC goal: I just want to activate her. She is great but no one can see that

What would you like to see happen to this character? Maybe to see her as an Order member? Because she really doesn't fit in DE, she is there only because of her family

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):

*She values family more than anything and will do anything to see them happy
* She doesn't know who are her parents since they left Imogen and her sibilings when Imogen was little
* She is Death Eater only because her family expected her to be since almost all of them are DE members
* She works as a model because she really likes to be among Muggles
* She is hopeless romantic and believes that everyone have their soulmate

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Elizabeth Blackburn - She is her older sister and Imogen care a lot about her. She cares about other sibilings, of course, but she has strongest connection with Beth

Katrien Faulkner - Katrien really destroyed her life. But Imogen was the one who do everything to change that, so yeah, she is really ready to do anything for her family, even if that means lying

Corrine Ross - Corrine is her friend from the past and Imogen is the reason why Corrine is Death Eater, she is the one who helped her to join. She regrets because she did that, but she can't change past

Name (login): Beatris Greyback
Age: 21
Faction: Death Eater
Species: werewolf

Current IC goal: I want to connect her with the pack

What would you like to see happen to this character? I don't know. It's really hard to tell what would happen with Beatris. Hopefully she will lose or something like that so she can learn that she doesn't have that much power she thinks she has

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):

*Her mother never loved her so she grew up knowing she was unwanted
*She looooveees her father even if he probably doesn't think the same about her
* She is Death Eater because they accepted her when she was just girl from the street

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Fenrir Greyback - As I said, she loves him. Probably because she never had a love from family member so she hopes if she is close enough with him for some time, he would start loving her as well. But for now, he is her role-model

Kace Lecium She just hates him. She hates everything about him. He is one of those good boys who think they can save the world. Well, they can't

I'm so sorry but there is no third person for her.

Name (login): Katya Greyback
Age: 20
Faction: Neutral for now. Hopefully she will be Order member soon
Species: Werewolf

Current IC goal: She is still new character so it's hard to say what I want from her. I just want her to take part in this plot so I can meet her

What would you like to see happen to this character? Again, just want to meet her in the process and maybe to see her among the werewolf, the good ones, not in Fenrir's pack

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):

*She believes that everyone have good part of them and is ready for everything in order to prove that
*She is the one who care too much about everything
* She hates her father and everything that her last name means
* She tried to help her sister Beatris and what she did? She turned her in bloody werewolf

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Beatris Greyback - Everyone says that Beatris is evil spoiled brat but Katya decided to believe that Beatris can be good only if someone gives her a chance. So, she loves her sister even if she knows her for few months

That is the only person, she still needs to meed others

Name (login): Charlotte Waldorf
Age: 17
Faction: Potter's Army
Species: Human

Current IC goal: Currently she is in the procees of breaking up with Christian so I want her to take it as something that must be happened and to see her accepting her magic

What would you like to see happen to this character? I want to see her as a witch who not just accept her magic, but is proud of that. Probably some fight or something like that culd approve her that she can do great things as a witch

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):

* She grew up without knowing that magic is real because her parents used to hide it from her
* She hated magic and used to think that she is freak
* she is really clever and probably she is able to find a solution for any problem
* Even if she can be mean sometimes, she is actually good person who cares about the others

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Emily (NPC) - Emily is her first friend ever. They meet each others when they were both 4 years old and Emily is the one who is always there for her, at least until she finds out that Charlotte is a witch

Clair Sauvage - He is her first friend at Hogwarts. He used to be around her even when she was heater and she kinda likes him, as friend of course

Christian Zabini He is the reason why she started liking the magic so there is no reason to say anything else

Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
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MAIN PLOT - Character Check Empty Re: MAIN PLOT - Character Check

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:07 am

Name (login): Ace Longbottom
Age: 16 (turning 17)
Faction: Potter's Army
Species: Fireball

Current IC goal: Save the world. Protect Hogwarts.

What would you like to see happen to this character? She needs to get beaten. I'd like her to continue to being the overzealous seemingly girl-who-cried-wolf leader who tends to be right but go about it the wrong way. Most of her worries have been theoretical. It'd be great to actually have to have things tried.

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):
1. Really affected by the torture of her grandparents.
2. Feels continually underestimated.
3. Overbearing.
4. Really only friends with Christian, though she's warming to Molly and Apollo.
5. Chronically serious.

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Christian Zabini : This is her only friend. In so many ways, he matters more than anyone else. She wants to see him become the leader she knows he is.

Pavo Hitchens : Mortal enemy.

Charlotte Waldorf : She can't quite (jealousy) figure out why (jealousy) but Charlotte frustrates her so much (jealousy) and she wants to see her less involved in PA. (I think she's jealous.)


Name (login): Jack Dyllan
Age: I think she's turning 24.
Faction: Order/Merry Men
Species: Lion

Current IC goal: She's searching honestly. Sorting out her family mess on top of trying to throw herself back into work.

What would you like to see happen to this character? She needs another enemy, for suuuure.

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):
1. Has created a poltergeist.
2. Unspeakable and various leadership positions
3. Prefers being the comic relief but has stepped into action hero type roles.
4. Ruled more by loyalty than morality.
5. Loud in voice and deed.

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Albus Potter : She knows he dabbles in the dark but can't help but trust him, despite her knowledge that she shouldn't. One of the best people she's ever known.

Michael Tremaine : They haven't made up since their fight. She worries about his unflinching loyalty but also knows that fault is a fault of her own. Knows how competent he is.

Oliver Connelly : He's becoming more of a family member than a friend. She feels very protective of him and wants to see him restored to who he was.

3 of your character's idiosyncracies, with or without context:

1. Puts little to no effort into her appearance.
2. Utilizes fireworks when she can.


Name (login): Caleb Flint
Age: 26
Faction: Death Eaters
Species: Human. Pureblood. The latter may be more important.

Current IC goal: See a new renaissance in the Death Eaters.

What would you like to see happen to this character? I have a big fall planned for him. According to aesthetics, I'd like to see a rise precede the fall.

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):
1. Pureblood supremecist
2. Incredibly intelligent but rarely challenged.
3. Trust fund baby
4. Charming to a fault.
5. Very close relationship to his sister.

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

Camila Flint : His twin sister. Other half in many ways. He believes her to be the only person more intelligent than him.

Katherine Avery : He believes she has powers and potential. He believes she has the ability to remind the Death Eaters of what they are supposed to be. He wants to be apart of that effort.

Lorcan D'Eath : Caleb thinks Lorcan is getting some sort of deal from the Minister to stay out of their business. He wants to see him out of leadership.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
Special Abilities : Occlumency
Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's

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MAIN PLOT - Character Check Empty Re: MAIN PLOT - Character Check

Post by Apollo Zabini Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:08 am

Throwing this in for @Maddie McKillon and other folks wanting to add abilities to their characters: Remember that it should be RP'd out and taught by someone of the appropriate level to get "Learning/Beginning" abilities so they can improve over time. And to claim that ability on the list so it can be approved, considering ages and skill level.
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

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MAIN PLOT - Character Check Empty Re: MAIN PLOT - Character Check

Post by Rose Granger-Weasley Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:34 am

Name (login): Anabelle "Hit" Mulciber (MAIN)
Age: Seventeen
Faction: Technically neutral - possibly future PA
Species: Hooman

Current IC goal: I think she's searching for one, she's been lost for a while. But probably to try to moderate conflicts between werewolves/vampires, eventually.

What would you like to see happen to this character? Possibly get turned (preferably into a vamp), get seriously injured to knock some sense into her, or have someone try to bring her over to the DF/DE side like the rest of her family wants her to.

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):

1. She's had experience dealing with vampires and werewolves in bad situations and her best friend is a vampire.
2. She has an overpowering sense of justice but tends to go about things the wrong way and makes things worse for herself in one way or another.
3. She participated in Ekko's rescue
4. Hit has a hard time expressing her feelings so she tends to keep them bottled up until she explodes and everything comes out.
5. While she prefers vampires to werewolves, she tries to keep a neutral outlook on the conflict between the two species.

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

1. Jack Dyllan: Her role model and the reason she wants to be a part of PA. While she didn't personally know Jack until recently, Hit had always heard the stories about her at Hogwarts and frankly, she just always thought Jack was cool.
2. James Blood: He's a horrid person and the fact that he wanted to use Ekko as some sort of start to a conflict makes her blood boil.
3. Dylan Davies: She used to think of him as a cool person but after their encounter when she helped rescue Ekko, her view of him went down the drain. She won't be able to forget the pain from the injury he inflicted on her either.

3 of your character's idiosyncracies, with or without context:

1. Licks lips
2. taps fingers on any surface
3. Talks to herself

Name (login): Dylan M. Davies
Age: twenty
Faction: Neutral
Species: Werewolf

Current IC goal: Help turn humans into werewolves.

What would you like to see happen to this character? Get him out of the pack and get his life back on track. He dropped out just before graduating, so maybe he can somehow become an actual graduate and get something going for him because he's a decent person, he's just misguided.

3 - 5 foundational aspects of your character (aspects of their personality, moments in their history, or something else that gives insight to who they are):

1. Though he wants to seem like he had control of his life, Dylan is lost and just going through the motions.
2. He was turned into a werewolf his seventh year and he ended up dropping out to join the pack.
3. In the back of his mind, he knows that he's a little messed up because of everything that happened with Nessa.

Your character's opinion of 3 people they know and have strong feelings (positive or negative) about:

1. Moira Crawford: His creator and the reason why he actually sicks around in the pack.
2. Nessa Bridgewood: The only girl he's had real feelings for and the girl who would have been the mother of his first child had he not turned her into a werewolf. There's a lot of regret on his side of this story.
3. Hit Mulciber: The reason Moira is currently mad at him because she was able to take Ekko away from him when he was supposed to be in charge of watching over her.

3 of your character's idiosyncracies, with or without context:

1. Cracks knuckles
2. Twirls strands of hair when nervous
3. Runs hands through hair often.

I think this is everyone, for now. probs.
Rose Granger-Weasley
Rose Granger-Weasley
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
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