It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

It's time to confront the demons, babe.

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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:57 am

So Kim do you want Barbara to join in the thread in Diagon Alley or we should start new one fro three of them?

And for other, maybe we can wait for school to start and put them in the same thread at Hogwarts Express? I think it's really easy on that way since we can wrote they are together at only free seats lol
Or you have other idea for them?
Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Ryo Hiroku Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:59 pm

Um, yeah, her joining in would work. Unless addie had a different idea.

And yeah, Hogwarts express works for those two.
Ryo Hiroku
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Darian Levski Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:47 pm

Okay then we'll wait for Addie to decide

@Apollo Zabini
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Apollo Zabini Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:44 pm

No, that's fine! That was my initial thought as well Smile
Apollo Zabini
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:55 pm

Okay then just send me a link and I'll post there
Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:04 pm

Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Nathaniel Addams Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:30 pm

Sorry... I completely forgot what threads we have, been so busy with school lately,  I would like if we had some threads

You still want Nate and Poli a thing?

Dessa and Darian can have a thread as well talked about before.

Dessa and Barbara can as well, she likes her friend Stephen so she got some news to share.
Nathaniel Addams
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Thu Nov 23, 2017 7:32 pm

It's okay, I am busy myself and at this time of the semester, I don't have enough time to come here because basically I don't have free time lol

For Nate and Poli, I wanted to ask you the same lol I would like to continue it tbh because they are so cute
And for other two, Dessa and Barbi sounds prfect but I need you to remind me what we planned for Dessa and Darian lol I'm sorry but I forgot

I have exams next week so after that I will be free to come more often and post. I can pm you when my exams are over or something like that
Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Evander Yaxley Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:10 pm

alright! I just saw that we'd preestablished things between certain characters, that we can keep if you want or we can completely restart.

So aside from Evan/Lottie, we can do Lottie with any of my other three seventh years. Maybe she can help Hit with getting into PA since she's having a hard time getting in through the Zabinis. And Hit would probably ask her about Apollo sometimes even though she wouldn't want to seem like she cared. Freyja and Cronis I'm completely open with, since they've got relatively nothing going on.

Then Aleksa's still open for Barbara, as well as Jonathan, for anything.

Mia could work for any of the seventh years, as well. I imagine she would get along best with Cronis because their personalities kind of link up. Though I don't know how she would like his constant obsession with Hit. Or Hit as a result.

I imagine Darian could also possibly get along with Aleksa?
Evander Yaxley
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It's time to confront the demons, babe. - Page 2 Empty Re: It's time to confront the demons, babe.

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:24 pm

I think all could work so we can do all of this or chose some threads lol

Charlotte would love to help Hit, sure, she is mad at Christian after they broke up but that wouldn't stop her from feeling pure happiness because she is recruiting someone lol
And even if we had only one (I think) thread with Evander/Lottie I would like to see if they can become like, real friends

For Barbara, I can easily see both work because she is just nice and friendly and chatty and all of that. I would like to activate her, expecially because in her life is nothing happening beside her joining PA

Mia and Cronis sounds fine, she really needs more people to talk with. She would probably be irritated by his obssesion and she would definitely say that to him lol

and Darian and Aleksa... why not?

So if you want all of this, we can split who will open which thread
Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
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