Survey Time
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Survey Time Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Survey Time

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Survey Time Empty Re: Survey Time

Post by Katya Greyback Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:26 pm


For this part, please rank how strongly you agree with each statement.
0 = don't agree at all
1 = agree a little bit
2 = agree a lot
3 = agree very much

I enjoy creating characters that are unlike anyone else's 1 some of my characters are made to be competly unique and some of them are supposed to be ordinary

I enjoy roleplaying action 3

One of the most fun parts of Potter's Army is socialising with other members 2 I'm on PA for more than a year and still don't know some members so yeah, 2 is correct

I enjoy open threads more than closed or tagged threads 0 To be honest I always lose a track in open threads, expecially if there is more than 4 people posting

I enjoy it when people know who my characters are and what they have done in the past 3 It makes posting a lot easier

I would let my character lose a fight to help someone else's plot 2 Depends about who we are talking about. For example, for Irina is totally fine but Aneta would do everything, I mean literally everything in order to win

I like my character to have unique powers and abilities 2 Like I said before, depends of characters

I am proud of my ability to develop my characters over time 2 always can be better, go hard or go home lol

I don't care whether my character is on the winning side of a battle, so long as I achieve my goals for them 2

I would like to be the leader of a faction / I enjoy being the leader of a faction 2 depends about which character we are talking about, again. But I think Aneta could be really good leader

I enjoy it when people mention my character in their posts 3

I like my character to have an important job, even if it doesn't have activity requirements 2

I enjoy describing impressive spell effects 1

I like contributing to the lore and worldbuilding of Potter's Army 2

I enjoy it when my character is on the winning side of a battle, regardless of whether they are good or evil 2

I would let my character lose face or be humiliated to help someone else's plot 2


If I were a witch or wizard and I beat someone in a duel, I would
(a) deliver a monologue before delivering the final blow
(b) toss off a witty one-liner before offing them
(c) say nothing and just finish the job

What kind of spell would you use to finish that duel?
(a) a simple disarming charm, what else?
(b) the avada kedavra because I'm probably an evil overlord
(c) is there a hex that writes "loser" on someone's face?

My preferred method of plotting is
(a) hardly any - I like to put my character into a situation and see what happens
(b) a little bit just so everyone knows what the aim of the thread is
(c) a lot - sometimes, I don't even have to RP it
(d) a lot, but even if I know exactly what's going to happen I still want to RP it out
Katya Greyback
Katya Greyback
Hufflepuff Graduate
Hufflepuff Graduate

Number of posts : 59
Occupation : Potion Maker

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Survey Time Empty Re: Survey Time

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:53 pm


For this part, please rank how strongly you agree with each statement.  
0 = don't agree at all
1 = agree a little bit
2 = agree a lot
3 = agree very much

I enjoy creating characters that are unlike anyone else's  3. Yup.

I enjoy roleplaying action  3--Definitely. God, how I miss dueling!! *Sniffle* I much prefer action threads to romance threads.

One of the most fun parts of Potter's Army is socialising with other members  2 1/2. I'm not all that outgoing in RL, so that's a mixed answer for me.

I enjoy open threads more than closed or tagged threads  2. Depends. Depends on what's going on in the thread, I suppose. I do think sometimes there are entirely too many closed threads.

I enjoy it when people know who my characters are and what they have done in the past  3. Absolutely.

I would let my character lose a fight to help someone else's plot 3. I can do that. I just generally don't want my characters to be offed in the process. Losing, though? Not a problem.

I like my character to have unique powers and abilities Meh. 2. Not a prerequisite. If the character is unique, then I presume, regardless if the powers are unique or not, how my character uses them should be unique. There's a line between unique and so weird that they're unplayable.

I am proud of my ability to develop my characters over time 2 1/2. I'd like to think that's gotten better. Some of my older characters have a great deal more depth than when they were created, and I do enjoy putting them in weird circumstances. I don't ever reach a stage where I think they've evolved as far as they can go.

I don't care whether my character is on the winning side of a battle, so long as I achieve my goals for them 3. True.

I would like to be the leader of a faction / I enjoy being the leader of a faction 2.  It's a mix.

I enjoy it when people mention my character in their posts 2. Yes and no. I do enjoy it to some extent, but I enjoy far more seeing other people working out their own plots and ideas.

I like my character to have an important job, even if it doesn't have activity requirements 2--Not every one of my characters need to have an important job. It is nice to have at least one that has one, though.

I enjoy describing impressive spell effects 2. I'm more interested in trying to look at the physics of magic, as they seem to apply in canon or here on PA--understanding what the most logical ic assets and deficits of a spell or potions might be. Describing them, for me, is only the result of figuring out how a spell or a potion works.

I like contributing to the lore and worldbuilding of Potter's Army 3

I enjoy it when my character is on the winning side of a battle, regardless of whether they are good or evil  2--meh...I enjoy the battle. The outcome isn't all that important to me.

I would let my character lose face or be humiliated to help someone else's plot 2. Honestly, it depends on the character and what sort of humiliation we're talking about. Most of them, I'd be fine with it. Admittedly, I have one or two characters that I'm more protective over as their designer.


If I were a witch or wizard and I beat someone in a duel, I would B--or that's what I'd ideally like to do, or some witty, quirky action, if not always a witty comment.

(a) deliver a monologue before delivering the final blow
(b) toss off a witty one-liner before offing them
(c) say nothing and just finish the job

What kind of spell would you use to finish that duel? a. Sometimes the simple things still work the best. I don't think it's always the most powerful spell, but rather it's how I use it.

(a) a simple disarming charm, what else?
(b) the avada kedavra because I'm probably an evil overlord
(c) is there a hex that writes "loser" on someone's face?

My preferred method of plotting is  B-ish. Depends on the plot and the thread.

(a) hardly any - I like to put my character into a situation and see what happens
(b) a little bit just so everyone knows what the aim of the thread is
(c) a lot - sometimes, I don't even have to RP it
(d) a lot, but even if I know exactly what's going to happen I still want to RP it out
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Survey Time Empty Re: Survey Time

Post by Christian Zabini Wed Jun 14, 2017 5:10 am

I wanna play! Have I mentioned I ramble? Sorry, Sel.


For this part, please rank how strongly you agree with each statement.  
0 = don't agree at all
1 = agree a little bit
2 = agree a lot
3 = agree very much

I enjoy creating characters that are unlike anyone else's 2. I try to go for unusual plots, but having small commonalities can be helpful for plotting sometimes. *shrug*

I enjoy roleplaying action 2. Depends on whether the other person does, too, and whether the fight is "fair." Oftentimes, RP battles include at least one person determined to WIN, so nothing your character do can cause any problems.

One of the most fun parts of Potter's Army is socialising with other members 1. This used to be a huge, huge thing for me. And I have met some of my best friends here. But over time, people tend to leave and that makes me sad. Plus, I'm really busy in real life. So this, for me, is about the fun to plotting and writing out unusual situations. I like getting to know people organically through plotting or my Admin duties rather than talking just to talk. It ends up meaning more to me that way.

I enjoy open threads more than closed or tagged threads 0. Hahahahhahaa. I start them when I know my current thread partners are busy and sometimes they go well, but usually I don't enjoy them. Same with mass threads. But you knew that already.

I enjoy it when people know who my characters are and what they have done in the past 3. I feel like we all do, even if we don't all admit to it. Because it's easier to plot, and frankly it's nice to see your actions influence the site. Getting on the PA History thread is literally my RP goal half the time.

I would let my character lose a fight to help someone else's plot 3. I can't think of a specific example, but most of my characters are actually rather rubbish at dueling. Only a few could legitimately win against a stranger with skill. So yeah, that's aight.

I like my character to have unique powers and abilities 1. I think that having magical characters is difficult for me because, as we've seen, lore can get messy for them. Only two of my characters - Lucien and Katherine - have any weird/unique abilities. But neither of them really know how to use them, so that's honestly more fun than them using them correctly sometimes. And Safiya is my only magical creature, unless you'd count Katherine there as well. I dunno.

I am proud of my ability to develop my characters over time 3. If this isn't happening, I don't want that character to be on the site anymore.

I don't care whether my character is on the winning side of a battle, so long as I achieve my goals for them 2. This would be a three, but sometimes it's fun to win. Lawl. But no, I rarely can find a reason for my characters to be involved in battles because faction activity is so low.

I would like to be the leader of a faction / I enjoy being the leader of a faction 0. I used to. PA is fun but nobody is joining, and it's generally impossible for the Order to respect/go along with the leader. At least in the years I've been on PA it has been. So it just makes me sad most of the time.

I enjoy it when people mention my character in their posts 1. It's alright. Like, it's nice if they really know that character. But otherwise, a lot of the time it's assumptions or godmodding/meta gaming that piss me off. I'm cool with characters having incorrect assumptions. That's, like, half of Apollo's plotting at this point. But if it's flat out wrong or implies extra knowledge of what my character's up to? No thanks. We used to have those gossip columns among the students - not the TV-show style ones, but the ones "run" by the students, y'know? And I lived in fear that my characters would have plots ruined because of it. I don't mind some plots being messed up. That's how life is, as I well know. But sometimes it just ruins the entire purpose of a character. I dropped one a few months back because someone suggested a plot and everybody else agreed with it even though it was about my character, so it made another of mine completely useless. So. Generally, no thanks.

I like my character to have an important job, even if it doesn't have activity requirements 1. It's fun, sometimes, but.. I only really do it if it fits the character. Like Keiran. He doesn't feel like he's worth anything unless he holds some kind of important, helpful position. That's why he's had so many. But most of my others are whatever about it.

I enjoy describing impressive spell effects 1. I don't battle enough to care. And, again, most of my characters are useless at this. But, to use Keiran as the example again, it's cool when your character has more knowledge in a certain subject and can do something interesting with it. This is more about the character for me than about the spell itself.

I like contributing to the lore and worldbuilding of Potter's Army 3. See earlier answer about PA History thread. If my characters don't end up there in some way, shape or form, it isn't worth me writing about them. Not everybody can be a hero. Most of mine aren't. But if I'm not affecting the site with at least one of them, I don't feel like I'm spending my time well when I could be at work or writing for something else.

I enjoy it when my character is on the winning side of a battle, regardless of whether they are good or evil 1. I mean, I guess? I don't really care so much. Again, mass threads make me mad.

I would let my character lose face or be humiliated to help someone else's plot 2. I know you said not to say it depends on the character. But for some, it's more interesting when they're torn to bits by their peers. Apollo, for example, is easily my weakest character besides Avery. Seeing him destroyed is fascinating because he's so ridiculous about it. But then, if Safiya's made fun of, she literally doesn't care. And Keiran would sooner just leave the room than respond. So I'm cool with it, but the other person might not get the reaction they want.


If I were a witch or wizard and I beat someone in a duel, I would
(c) say nothing and just finish the job
Why waste time and risk it, right? But then, I wouldn't actually kill anybody, period. I'd just incapacitate them.

What kind of spell would you use to finish that duel?
(a) a simple disarming charm, what else?
I mean, see above answer. This is too weak for me but the others weren't quite there either lol

My preferred method of plotting is
(c) a lot - sometimes, I don't even have to RP it
I know this is problematic sometimes. But for little "oh, and then Christian passed Ace in the hall that one day and they weren't talking still and it made them both sad" moments, I don't need to RP that. I just like discussing what happens between threads and what leads up to threads. A lot of the time I come up with HCs that don't even happen, but the plotting is oftentimes just as fun for me. The writing is practice, and it's about getting a reaction from the other writer. Getting texts from Jackles about specific lines or sections or the post as a whole literally makes my day. Writing is meant to cause some kind of affect, even if it isn't what I was going for. So, yes plz.
Christian Zabini
Christian Zabini
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

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Survey Time Empty Re: Survey Time

Post by Irina Markova Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:38 am


For this part, please rank how strongly you agree with each statement.  
0 = don't agree at all
1 = agree a little bit
2 = agree a lot
3 = agree very much

I enjoy creating characters that are unlike anyone else's 1

I enjoy roleplaying action 2

One of the most fun parts of Potter's Army is socialising with other members 3

I enjoy open threads more than closed or tagged threads 2

I enjoy it when people know who my characters are and what they have done in the past 2

I would let my character lose a fight to help someone else's plot 1

I like my character to have unique powers and abilities 1

I am proud of my ability to develop my characters over time 1

I don't care whether my character is on the winning side of a battle, so long as I achieve my goals for them 2

I would like to be the leader of a faction / I enjoy being the leader of a faction 2

I enjoy it when people mention my character in their posts 2, well it can be a good idea for further plots.

I like my character to have an important job, even if it doesn't have activity requirements 2, seems interesting idea.

I enjoy describing impressive spell effects 1, I barely knew anything about spells so it would be a bit harder to describe them.

I like contributing to the lore and worldbuilding of Potter's Army 2

I enjoy it when my character is on the winning side of a battle, regardless of whether they are good or evil 2

I would let my character lose face or be humiliated to help someone else's plot 2. It all depends of the char I'm doing this with.


If I were a witch or wizard and I beat someone in a duel, I would
(a) deliver a monologue before delivering the final blow

What kind of spell would you use to finish that duel?
(a) a simple disarming charm, what else?

My preferred method of plotting is
(b) a little bit just so everyone knows what the aim of the thread is
Irina Markova
Irina Markova
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 66

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Survey Time Empty Re: Survey Time

Post by Ace A Longbottom Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:48 pm


For this part, please rank how strongly you agree with each statement.  
0 = don't agree at all
1 = agree a little bit
2 = agree a lot
3 = agree very much

I enjoy creating characters that are unlike anyone else's 2. Not much to say here that has already been said. I don't mind character's having similarities, but I have noticed some characters on the boards who have a bit toooo many coincidental similarities with other characters. Honestly, similarities help in forming dynamics, but each character needs to have a rounded personality that has some grounding in their history. And I do think it is important when making new charries to consider the needs of the site, ie we have tons of Slytherins but no Gryffindors, etc etc etc.

I enjoy roleplaying action 2. Especially when it's grounded in personal plotting. Makes for quicker, more exciting posts that can have an effect on my character and site plot.

One of the most fun parts of Potter's Army is socialising with other members 3. I haven't had time for it lately but I've made some of the best friends I've ever had here.

I enjoy open threads more than closed or tagged threads 3. Okay, I do a lot of closed/tagged threads, I know. But I do looooove the surprise of just putting my people out there and seeing what happens. The only time I don't is when I put a loooot of time and effort into an open post and get a paragraph back of a character not even interacting with whatever my character set up. Open threads are very much improv to me, so it's important to yes and. Confirm the situation I've set up and add to it, throw more fuel on the fire.

I enjoy it when people know who my characters are and what they have done in the past 4. This is so important to me. The wizarding community is small. Unless your character is new in town or there's a huge age difference between characters, most characters should know each other. And there are a lot of charries on PA who should be pretty recognizable right off because of their status or history, i.e. most canons, anyone in high positions in the Ministry, etc etc.

I would let my character lose a fight to help someone else's plot 2. It does depend on the character. Kip and Jack have tons of experience duelling, though I'd let them lose if they were outmatched. But then I have charries like Ace who, while she has the passions and the smarts, has very little experience, and I think it'd be good for her to start off by losing.

I like my character to have unique powers and abilities 1. Lately I've been in love with the average any-body type characters. I do have a special love for werewolves, but beyond that, I like my characters to come into their own, not start off with an advantage.

I am proud of my ability to develop my characters over time 2. Always room for improvement. Some charries I have failed miserably with my plans for them (sorry Gabby and Elsie, I'm working on it) but I'm very proud of others.

I don't care whether my character is on the winning side of a battle, so long as I achieve my goals for them 3. Not much to add to this, tbh.

I would like to be the leader of a faction / I enjoy being the leader of a faction 3. Only problem is time.

I enjoy it when people mention my character in their posts 5. It makes my heart sing. Even if they're bashing my characters.

I like my character to have an important job, even if it doesn't have activity requirements 2. Meh, depends on the character. I care a lot more about the job fitting my character's arc than having higher status for the sake of status.

I enjoy describing impressive spell effects 1. Not top of my list of priorities.

I like contributing to the lore and worldbuilding of Potter's Army 10. Yes yes yes yes.

I enjoy it when my character is on the winning side of a battle, regardless of whether they are good or evil 0. I care a lot more about what we're trying to achieve plot-wise and character-wise.

I would let my character lose face or be humiliated to help someone else's plot 1. Depends on the character and the plot.


If I were a witch or wizard and I beat someone in a duel, I would
(b) toss off a witty one-liner before offing them

What kind of spell would you use to finish that duel?
(c) is there a hex that writes "loser" on someone's face?

My preferred method of plotting is
(b) a little bit just so everyone knows what the aim of the thread is
Disclaimer : I do plot out a lot of things, though. Mostly because I have headcanons and can't keep a secret to save my life. But my favorite threads have always been the ones where we just see what our characters do.
Ace A Longbottom
Ace A Longbottom
Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 208
Occupation : Co-Leader of Potter's Army

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