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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

There's no harm on asking for help

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There's no harm on asking for help - Page 2 Empty Re: There's no harm on asking for help

Post by Stephen Meyers Thu May 18, 2017 1:07 pm

"I don't doubt that" Stephen nodded. "However, this time of the year Professor Potter will surely be busier with the students who will be taking their OWLs or NEWTs. It is comprehensible, however, since those do count as anything more than just to pass to the next year." Besides, Stephen wasn't the kind of putting himself first. For some reason he had been neglecting himself for quite a while then.

He couldn't help the surprise when the other student came to tell him how good he was at Potions for years and before he pointed out where he wanted to reach with that affirmation Stephen raised an eyebrow as he wondered whether or not he was gloating about it. Turned out, he was, but not in a selfish kind of way for what Stephen took from his next sentence.

"Third year's final" he said leaving back on the back of the chair. He was then telling him what it would be evaluated then but he wasn't sure... It was just so much he didn't know where to start. "Yeah, I guess that this is how everyone does it... Thing is I am completely lost here" he commented.

It was like one of those subjects that if one doesn't start since the beginning there is no chance - or is at least very difficult. Difficult not impossible but that sometimes seems to be the case - to catch up with.

Maybe due to the fact that he was so used not to involve names on these situations, Stephen hadn't even noticed there hadn't been any exchange in between them when it came to names. "Um... Stephen Meyers" he said as always pronouncing the 'ph' as 'f' for what it sounded 'Stefan' instead of 'Steven' which he just hated with all heart.
Stephen Meyers
Stephen Meyers
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Fourth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 162

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There's no harm on asking for help - Page 2 Empty Re: There's no harm on asking for help

Post by Apollo Zabini Thu May 18, 2017 4:44 pm

Apollo lifted an eyebrow at the vocabulary that this kid apparently used regularly enough to just throw it out there. Or perhaps the Gryffindor was trying to seem more mature or intelligent in front of an older student. Either way, he found it interesting - and, surprisingly, not in a bad way. "That's fair enough," he conceded. It wasn't as if he would push anything regarding Lily, anyway, so perhaps the other boy was right. Best to leave that alone.

"Ah," Apollo nodded when it was made clear what year his new acquaintance was in. "Third year was definitely a bit odd - mainly because I felt like some of the potions didn't really go together as far as learning went. But I guess it's more about ability level for each age."

He shrugged, but then offered a closed-lipped smile after Stephen's introduction. "Alright, then, Stephen. Why don't you open up the index so we can look through the potions that were covered. I think I recall the shrinking potion being one of them." Apollo's eyebrows pulled together a little in thought, but he went on as he ran a hand through his hair. "I usually try to figure out what the potions, spells, or whatever have in common. Like for a shrinking potion, it makes something small, yes, but it can also make that thing small enough to be inconspicuous. I think third year was also the one with undetectable poisons? Also inconspicuous.

"I mean, if nothing else you'll hopefully remember the names if you can break them up into sections. It always felt less daunting for me if they were in smaller groups."

Apollo leaned forward again, glancing from the book to Stephen. "Do you like Potions?" He asked curiously, almost squinting as he tried to read the Gryffindor's reaction. "Some people don't. It reminds me of cooking, a little. If you make something enough times, you just kinda remember how to do it, even if you maybe need to write down how much of everything goes in. I could help you practice making some of these if you want."

Why was he offering? Apollo nearly frowned at himself but registered his confusion too late for his face to actually pull downwards. Either Christian was rubbing off on him, or Lily's request that he try to be more social had worked its way into his subconscious. Although he figured he might later regret being this nice to a stranger, Stephen didn't seem so bad.
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 646
Occupation : Beater for Slytherin

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There's no harm on asking for help - Page 2 Empty Re: There's no harm on asking for help

Post by Stephen Meyers Sat May 20, 2017 10:41 pm

Not doubting the goodwill of the Hogwarts Professors on helping the students, Stephen did understand their top priority was to send the older students out to the world so they can find suitable jobs. And for a third year student as himself, his future carrier was not dependent on his grades right now. It would eventually lead to that one day and that though did not but frighten him a bit. After all being thirteen going on fourteen added that bit of fear about the uncertain future to any normal teenager life. What he was good at enough to one day follow for life was yet to discover to this Gryffindor.

"When following the receipts I think I do pretty well actually. It is on the theory where I get myself lost on most of the times as in now. And yes, most of the potion's names do give a hint on what they are meant to do" Stephen told him as he slipped through the pages back to the beginning of the book  where the index was. "As in what happens if you change ingredients or if you join one with the other. I get quite lost in that part."

He sighed a bit at the question. "It's not like I love the subject, you know? But also, I do not hate it or antagonize it at all. As I said, following each line in order to make a potion it isn't quite the problem. However, most of the times I feel like I am just doing it without having a clue of why."

Actually Stephen had this thing. It was hard for him to trust someone into talking to them but for some reason he ended up doing so even if he had no idea of what was going happen. He remember the endless comments and attempts of explaining those who came to look for his help on the subject in case he had any sort of knowledge on it himself. Why did he do that? No one knew, not even himself for he knew from the beginning he was not going to be rewards not even as an obedient pet.
Stephen Meyers
Stephen Meyers
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Fourth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 162

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