This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped
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This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped

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This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped Empty This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped

Post by Christian Zabini Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:03 am

Christian was running late, and Ace was going to kill him. Not only him, but maybe Charlotte, too. He didn't like that they were probably alone together - or, worse, that they might be alone with Violet. Merlin help him. Their recruiting efforts, while bringing in a few people, were still almost too subtle. Christian wasn't sure they'd even be back to normal by the time they got to the end of the year, but hopefully he would be proven wrong.

Throwing on his sweater - which, only coincidentally, was the one he'd received from Ace's parents that Christmas - he gathered his things and pulled his bag over his shoulder as he rushed out of the library. Stepping around a couple students and calling his apologies over his shoulder, Christian made his way up the stairs, desperately hoping that none of them decided to move and make his path even longer. Although, he supposed, that would be a great excuse if Ace was really angry with him. He wasn't one to lie, but she could definitely be intimidating when she wanted to be. And he would argue that she often did.

This, he knew, would look like substandard enthusiasm on his part, but whatever. The essay was done and he would only be a few minutes late. Luckily, he wasn't the only one.

Outside the room was one of their newer recruits, looking sufficiently confused. And obvious. That wouldn't do. Christian frowned at him until Graham finally jumped into action, walking over to meet him halfway.

"You forget how to get in already?" He asked, his eyebrows pulling together. Secrecy was looking rather questionable, now, but he could hope for improvement.

Graham shook his head, embarrassed. "No, I wasn't sure if I had the right time. Nobody's here."

You'll have to forgive him, Reader, but Christian was flummoxed. And completely astounded that this kid was somehow so naive. Still, he tried to be nice. "They're already inside. In fact, we're late. C'mon."

So he crossed in front of the room, asking it for a private place to meet, and watched as a door appeared. Gesturing for the younger boy to go first, Christian waited until Graham walked in and then followed along behind.

"Say," Graham started suddenly, turning back to Christian so quickly that the Hufflepuff had to pull up short. "Are we getting, like, badges for this?"

"Um, no. That would kind of spoil the whole secret thing."

And with that, he walked past the Gryffindor and shot Ace a look that ranged from apologetic to questioning (in regards to Graham, of course) before walking over to stand with her and, indeed, Charlotte and Violet. Merlin's sake. Better not to ask how they were doing. Or what had happened. Or anything at all, perhaps.

"Sorry. Was finishing an essay. But I found Graham outside, so perhaps it was for the best."

@Ace Longbottom @Charlotte Waldorf
Christian Zabini
Christian Zabini
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 231
Occupation : Hufflepuff Quidditch Player

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This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped Empty Re: This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:35 pm

Charlotte was standing more than 15 minutes in front of the wall where she knew that room of Requirement is because, of course, she was early.
So after 15 minutes, she found the door and when she came, she saw that Ace is already there. Maybe the girl was early as well, or maybe Charlotte just didn't saw her coming. It won't be anything impossible since Charlotte was in her own minds.
But one thing she noticed was the fact that Christian wasn't there.

And even if she knew that the right thing would be to walk to Ace and start small talk with her, she just wasn't sure what to say. With that said, she just waved and smiled. But she stayed close to ask just to be sure she would hear if Ace say something.
Finally, Christian come with the boy she didn't know and she just waved. Again. What is with her and waveing?

Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

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This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped Empty Re: This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped

Post by Ace A Longbottom Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:43 am

Ace had been prepping the room for an hour.


Ace wanted everything to go well, was hoping to make all of the unnecessary drama (Merlin she couldn't believe that word had any relevance in her life, was she not above it?) worth it.

Half an hour before arrived, and Christian wasn't there. Fifteen minutes early, and he wasn't there yet. Ten minutes. Five minutes.

What. the. hell.

She gritted her teeth and kept working. Of course the first person there was Charlotte. She barely made eye contact with the Ravenclaw before turning back to her work, setting up the duelling dummies, tossing cushions around, flipping through a book of defensive spells.

Molly Weasley was next through the door, her cousin Casey skulking by her side, Clementine Lovegood drifting behind them. Clem greeted Charlotte in a voice that was somehow dull and warm all at the same time while the two Weasley girls approached a dummy and began to inspect it.

Christian stumbled through and Ace refused to look at him as she continued to flip through a book - he probably wanted to say hi to Charlotte first anyway. "Shall we get started then?" she asked.
Ace A Longbottom
Ace A Longbottom
Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 208
Occupation : Co-Leader of Potter's Army

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This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped Empty Re: This Isn't Going The Way I'd Hoped

Post by Christian Zabini Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:43 pm

Graham came up behind Christian as they gathered up by Ace, but he was miraculously quiet for the time being. Christian's arm drifted around Charlotte's waist but when Ace spoke, he frowned. Something seemed off though he couldn't put a finger on it. She was probably just annoyed that he was late. It wasn't like he usually messed up, so surely she could forgive him this once?

"This everybody?" He asked, glancing around. But then he took in that, yes. They were still few and far between. "Alright. Yeah, let's get into it."

Violet leaned over Ace's shoulder to peek at the book the Hufflepuff was reading, but Christian cleared his throat and she backed off. Flashing him an awkward smile, she instead moved to stand by her housemate, Charlotte.

"What d'you think, Ace?" Christian started, thinking back to their list. "Charms or Defense?" He knew which he would pick, of course. He quite enjoyed Charms. But he wasn't sure Ace always felt the same. Still, it seemed best to let her lead the way on this considering her temper.
Christian Zabini
Christian Zabini
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 231
Occupation : Hufflepuff Quidditch Player

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