A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Li9olo10

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A New Reason to Hate Paris

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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Marcus Belby Tue May 16, 2017 1:27 am

A sword--that was his weapon. Marcus looked at him for just an instant. Just what every contemporary French muggle expected some bloke as big as a house to be carrying in Pairs in broad daylight--a freaking sword. Subtle, that.

"I'm not even going to think of how many brains we're going to have to erase," Marcus said. "Let's go."

Marcus left the headquarters, deciding that perhaps trying to cover the ground between here and the circled area of the map on foot might yield some sort of clues as to what Brian was trying to do or what had happened to him. He wasn't actually optimistic about it, but he did not want to leave any stone unturned. It was definitely a bit of a distance, and it was a bit of a long shot. Still, any clues at this point were better than none.

The only thing that made any sense to Marcus was that the challenge Brian faced was so great that it could not be avoided and, by Robert's and Brian's thoughts, had been worth the risk to try to send him alone.

"It doesn't entirely make sense," he said to Jack, keeping an eye out to make sure he wasn't overheard by anyone. "A rescue mission would surely require backup. The only thing that seems to make sense to me is that there was something that required such a deep level of secrecy that they believed, and still do, that it is better done by sending one man in alone. And that says espionage to me, in every sense of the word. What if he's infiltrating Gelding's current location for some reason? Planting something, perhaps? Or obtaining something--not someone, surely because other people make noise--but something? What can you tell me about Thomas Gelding?"
Marcus Belby
Marcus Belby
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Jack Black Heart Fri May 19, 2017 4:14 pm

Jack looked at Marcus and shook his head "Would you prefer I use a gun, all noise and blood, this is quiet and quick, which is what were aiming for are we not." He took out a long black jacket and slipped it on hiding the sword within its folds. He eatched him look at the map then looked back to him talking in a low voice he had to admit he too was confused at Brians actions.

"Agreed but it could be a recon that went wrong and he was caught unawears as well." he added " I sugest we both be extra vigilant when we scout out the area, unless you want backup other than me that is." he stood arms crossed over his chest.
Jack Black Heart
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Brant Ezekiel Crawford Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:49 pm

It was now Brant walked out of the shadows and stood facing Marcus with a smile.

"How about a silent partner that can get in any place with out being seen yet can report back" he said as he took a step closer looking at the others. " what I show you does not leave this room." he spoke with confidence and ashurance unlike his former self that had been scared and afraid now he stood shoulders back and hair brushed back in his suit.

Closing his eyes he projected away and walked around Marcus blowing against his cheek he chuckled as he then moved to lift the bottom of his jacket becier returning back to his body. Now he stood looking at them. "You need some one who can get in unseen and unheard, I can do both and give you intel that you can use, a map location or guard count." he looked form one man to the next as he waited for a recponce.

"I just found out I had this ability but if it can help I am wiling to use it, but in secret." he knew and hoped Marcus would under stand the need to keep it hidden from others.
Brant Ezekiel Crawford
Brant Ezekiel Crawford
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Marcus Belby Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:42 pm

"Astral projection," Khaat said, watching. "Could be useful if you're sure you can control it."

"This is another one of those seers' bits, isn't it?" Marcus said, not moving, except to watch the tail of his blazer flip a little, and not by his own doing.

"It is," Khaat said. "And, so long as Gelding doesn't detect him, it could be useful. Thank you, Brant. Now, what you lot need to know..." she looked at Marcus and Jack "is that while he's projecting, his physical body will be vulnerable."

"So you're saying this isn't something to do in the line of fire," Marcus said.

"Clearly not," Khaat said, managing a bit of an amused smile at Marcus's sarcasm. "I don't know if I can find anything here that will let me pick up enough on his energies to be of any help to you, Brant, but I'll try while you're all gone. My mother's better at that than I am, but if we need her, I'll send for her. Owens might know where Gelding's last hideout was, maybe. I don't know."
Marcus Belby
Marcus Belby
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Brian Quinn Sun Jul 02, 2017 4:22 pm

Brian woke again to darkness. He had a headache unlike anything he'd ever had before, even with the migraines he sometimes got. This was different. He had an idea that someone had hit him. He also felt time had gone by and he was feeling no better, really.

He was lying on a cold stone floor. The walls were stone. He saw very little light to speak of. The only light was from a cellar window that was overgrown with brush and weeds. He had no idea how long he'd seen that view, but it was off and on at best. He didn't know if he'd been sleeping or simply blacking out off and on.

He had not taken anyone on this particular mission because, honestly, he had not intended to be able to come back. He and Robert had known it was risky, but the more Brian had dug into it, he saw it wasn't just risky. it was lethal. He could not ask any of the people in the organization to go this time, not when he did not see a way of returning.

He had only been about twelve hours into investigating when he'd been caught and taken. When he'd first awakened, he had realized he had been locked in chains, restrained both hand and foot. The chains were heavy, and even as toned as Brian was, it was just not worth the physical effort it took to move around while wearing them. Brian guessed they were boat chain weight or something.

Someone had slid a tray of food and a cup of water. He didn't bother with it. Every one he had checked out since arriving, he knew were laced with something. A tiny taste had told him that early on, and he stopped trusting that there was safe food or water either one.

The mission had said that Gelding had a book. A list of something, and Brian didn't know if it was a list of employees or a list of contacts or a list of buyers or what it was a list of, but if Gelding had any sort of list, Brian knew he had to get it.
There was a problem, though. Gelding had some sort of enchantments on his property now, and they were nearly impossible to penetrate. It had been the reason Robert had sent Brian alone.

And now, Brian did not expect to see anyone he loved again. He could not last here with no food or water, and he wasn't convinced that Gelding would simply leave him here. The rivalry between him and Gelding had gone on too long. No, if Brian knew much of anything, it was that Gelding would be back.
Brian Quinn
Brian Quinn

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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Brant Ezekiel Crawford Sun Jul 02, 2017 5:54 pm

Brant looked at Khaat and nodded as he then lent slightly on the table in front of him “ it would be if I could sustain it for any length of time 30 minuets is my maximum right now, but I'm working , or trying to work on extending it with out it using up all my manna at the same time.” he looked to Marcus and then back to Khaat with a chuckle.

“I never knew that, I've hidden it for so long for fear of others using it the wrong way, There is only one other that knows about it” He said and a smile crept over his face, his eyes held a sparkle that he didn't notice but Jack did and nudged Marcus whispering to him.

“Some ones in serious love.” Jack said chuckling softly with his arms still crossed over his chest.

“Well, I trust her and so she's the only other one who knows.” Brant continued to tell them. He looked around the room and then at the map on the table as Khaat finished. “ That's right its the only vulnerable thing about Projecting, I'm putting my complete trust in you two that I will not come to harm while I'm searching for Brian.” He looked from Marcus to Jack and back. He looked at the suit he wore and sighed “ I really should change into something less...formal.”

Turning he left the room, Jack lent back on a cupboard behind him and looked at them all. “You think this will work, the projection thing Brant's offered?” He asked “ I think 30 minuets might not be enough time to search the grounds and that depends if we can find a safe place for him to project from.” He wasn't going to dismiss Brant's idea but he was trying to be realistic about the ability's usefulness out in the field.

Brant walked back in now sporting jeans, a light blue tee shirt and hiking boots over his shoulder was an old leather jacket and knapsack. He looked at them all and chuckled. “ Chocola bought be the tee shirt. “ He said. “Reminds me of my archaeology times with the museum.” he placed the bag next to Jack and looked back at the map, his fingers traced over the paper and he stopped at a large building.” If I were you I'd start here, its the only place that could hold a person long term with out any one even noticing.” He brushed his now some what loose hair off his face.

“ I'd say go in after dark, less chance of spooking the guards and of being spotted and don't worry Jack I can keep up, I haven't been resting on my laurels while away I trained and worked with Owens.” He looked over at him “ I'll tell you this he's a hard but fair trainer, in all things.”
Brant Ezekiel Crawford
Brant Ezekiel Crawford
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 02, 2017 6:35 pm

"Dark would be better, certainly," Marcus said. "I think you should go with us then. I, for one, though, would like to go over and at least get some sort of a casual look at it from the outside. It's hard to visualize the lay of the land in the dark. I don't plan on going in or staying. However, it's a lovely day, and it isn't like people would see anything amiss from my taking a walk--especially because I presume Gelding doesn't know me."

"Be careful making assumptions where Thomas Gelding is concerned," Khaat said. "There has to be a reason why the organization has been chasing him for so many years. Jack, can you go along and go just close enough to get a view of the grounds without being seen by their security? I think taking Brant is a much better way to get close or get in. If you want to take a look from a distance, though, you and Marcus could do that, so long as you don't get close enough to be spotted by Gelding's security. What do you think?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Brant Ezekiel Crawford Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:08 pm

Brant looked at Marcus and nodded his head in agreement. “Oh I see, get the lay of the land kinda thing.” He said glancing at Jack “You could tell us if you pick up any scent of Brian, whether it's old or fresh.” Jack looked up at Brant and nodded.  Slipping on his jacket he then picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. “ we're tourists out for a walk, nothing more.” He said and chuckled as Jack seemed nervous at the thought of being so close to where Gelding might be.

“ I take it he doesn't like gelding much.” Brant asked looking to Marcus and Khaat for confirmation of his words  “ rest assured if Brian is inside, one or all of us will know by tonight.” Brant said seeing Jack move to hide the sword he had tight against his side. Brant could not help but roll his eyes at the size of it but caught sight of the gun Marcus had in its holster. “You got a silencer for that?” He asked  “ because one shot and you'll give away our position.”

Jack stayed quiet as he listened he was itching to get going and start the re con as he usually was the wolf inside him clawing to get out and do some damage to some thing...anything. He closed his eyes and focused himself as he spoke “ we should get going if were to re con before dark.”
Brant Ezekiel Crawford
Brant Ezekiel Crawford
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:20 pm

"I hope you find something," Khaat said, trying to be composed about it all. "He doesn't like Gelding any better than I do, Brant. And for good reason. He's been doing despicable things for a long time. There had to be a reason Brian didn't take anyone with him, and I don't like it."

"Yeah--I have a silencer. Was hoping I didn't have to fire it, though. Khaat, stay here, and see if there is anything you can do. You do have skills of your own, you know," Marcus reminded her. He turned back to Jack. "Let's go, then, Jack. Let's see if we can still remember how to fit in. Its been awhile since I've been to Paris, but by the looks of the map, we should be able to find a coffee shop or something--some sort of tourist thing where we can get lost in a herd of people. Or at least we can give it a try."

Marcus transfigured his clothes to jeans and a plain shirt, with a jacket, in order to rid himself of the black work suit, hoping to fit in a bit better with the locals. Then he headed for the front door of the flat and went outside and down the front steps to the sidewalk.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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A New Reason to Hate Paris - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Reason to Hate Paris

Post by Brant Ezekiel Crawford Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:49 pm

Brant listened and began to understand just how evil this Gelding was if Jack and Khaat both hated him. He nodded to Marcus and was relived as he said he didn't want to use it if he could help it. “ that's good.”He said more to himself as he followed behind the two men and glancing at the map as he passed it.

“Might get a decent cup of coffee” he said and heard Jack chuckle “ what they always make it too strong.” He told him.

“I like the coffee here, the extra strength give me a kick.” Jack said chuckling as he fell into step beside Marcus his nose twitching as they walked unsure of what to find when they got to the place. “ okay so apperate to a quiet spot or muggle walk?” He asked then looked at Brant “ hope you brought lots of potions?”

Brant rolled his eyes but nodded as he spoke. “ I brought enough” he said and patted his bag that hung over his shoulder “ and a few surprises should we need them, I like Marcus hope not to make a ruckus but to sneak in and out.”
Brant Ezekiel Crawford
Brant Ezekiel Crawford
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