GOLD, Rosamund Cliona
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GOLD, Rosamund Cliona Li9olo10

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GOLD, Rosamund Cliona

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GOLD, Rosamund Cliona Empty GOLD, Rosamund Cliona

Post by Rosamund Gold Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:27 am

GOLD, Rosamund Cliona Tumblr_mvnneusnZZ1qk0fwvo2_500
They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense

   Character's Legal Name: Rosamund Cliona Gold

   Age: 15

   Hogwarts House: Hogwarts

   Blood Type:  Muggleborn

   Species: Human

   Face claim: Daria Sidorchuk

Let us slip into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure

Personal Information

Nickname/s: Rose

Date of Birth: 17th of May

Gender: Female

Sexuality:  Bisexual

Current Address: London; Hogwarts

Social Status: middle
Economic Status: upper-middle class

Magical Information

Wand:  Hawthorn, centaur tail hair, 9,5 inches, very flexible

Patronus: A lamb

Amormentia: Vanilla

Favourite kind of magic: Light and earth magic

Least favourite kind of magic: Dark magics

Classes taken: Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Astronomy, Divination, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic

...Aunt Petunia often said that Dudley looked like a baby angel - Harry often said that Dudley looked like a pig in a wig

Rosamund ’Rose’ Cliona is a girl of rather usual looks: she has longer copper hair that falls onto her back in heavy waves. It is most often adorned with flowers or petals and, more often than she desires, she even finds some leaves and branches between the strands of thick hair. She wears it depending on her own desire: sometimes it is braided, sometimes it is left without much of attendance (though she washes it every day, combing it isn’t necessarily remembered), or when she is training she keeps her hair in a bun.
Her eyes, seemingly endless pit of abyssal darkness, are glossy and always dreamy: one might even assume she is daydreaming all the time, even when walking around or studying. Once something gets her attention, though, Rose’s eyes grow wider and they are filled with endless curiosity and glimmering spark for knowledge – especially if we are talking about animals and plants here!
Rose’s face is pale with naturally rosy lips and cheeks – which – are covered in many tiny freckles, reserving more than a half of her face under those brown dots. There’s a smile almost always present in her.
As for the fashion sense – she does not necessarily follow the trends. What she loves are oversized sweaters, knee length skirts, stockings and low heeled shoes. The only accessories the young witch has are golden ear rings (tiny studs).
Since she has always danced – ballet to be more precise – Rosamund is rather thin, but not in a sickly manner.

......If only the hat had mentioned a house for people who felt a bit queasy, that would have been the one for him

Rosamund is a rather quiet girl with a loud mind. She does not mind being a complete loner, nor does she mind popularity – therefore she stands on the middle ground and chats with everyone who is willing to tolerate her company and knows when to shut up. Or, actually, she can suddenly go silent without any warning in the middle of the conversation and actually start thinking her own things (read: dreaming). She has a passion for exploring, reading and studying, especially if the topic covers the animal and the plant world which is also the reason why she might be seen with flowers, petals, grass or tiny branches in her hair by the end of the day. While Rose may not go to the Forbidden Forest, she loves going to the green houses where she can take care and look for the plants.
It is easy to make frends with her as she is actually quite easy to approach. Rose makes no enemies – at least she is not aware of any – and to some she may even seem way too naive and pure for this world as she lives by the code of ’see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’. Since violence is something she does not like at all, Cliona is more of a Potter’s Army supporter, but she does not resort in hating or having antagonizing views towards the opposing forces.
Now, despite her looking like she is never present mentally while her physical body remains in this world, Rose is quite aware of what is going on and although clouded and spending time in her dreamland, she is a pretty good student with grades above average and, surprise surprise, she scores excellent grades in herbology and care of magical creatures.

..................Hey! My eyes aren't 'glistening with the ghosts of my past'!

   Early Years: Rose was born into an ordinary muggle family. Her mother, Tina Claire Gold was a ballet dancer and, like her daughter, she too was a woman who spent majority of her time dreaming. Her father, Gérard Ciel, on the other hand was a completely different man who always had his feet on the ground and reality was more of his thing. As odd as the combination was, the businessman and the ballerina decided to start living together after knowing each other for two years. When Rosamund was born, she was first and the last child. Seeing her mother as an idol (she somewhat saw her actually as a princess), Rose took interest in dacing as well. It started simply by trying to copy Tina’s movements when she was practicing at home and as she was quite flexible naturally, her mother and father agreed on sending her to dancing classes (although Gérard was rather reluctant to do so as he feared this might cause more harm than good to his little daughter). But the more Rose spent time dancing with her mother and other young children, the more she discovered that this was exactly what she wanted to do.
In general she would have remained a ’normal’ child if not for the sudden outburst of magic. It happened when she was five years old and after a concert: the girl group had won the competition and Rose was in her room, preparing to go to bed when suddenly the toy ballerina began dancing. In the beginning she was amused – she had imagined the Barbie doll doing it more than once – and she went along with it. Rose, when thinking of the memory now, would have probably danced all night long if it were not for Tina who stumbled into her room, inquiring why she was not yet sleeping. The surprise on her mother’s face was ’priceless’ as she witnessed how hundreds of tiny little butterflies flew around in the pink bedroom, dropping pecks of light blue sparkles at their wake.
After this incident the family never spoke of the odd night, although Rose became more and more aware of her magical abilities. It intrigued her and she grew very curious. Never again she managed to make the ballerina dance like this or summon those odd butterflies, but she managed to move tiny items every now and then.
Right before her eleventh birthday Rosamund received her letter from Hogwarts. The surprise was big, almost as big as the day when she sent the things flying, but then again it brought up new complications: the family had no other connections to magic! How were they supposed to even find those things listed for the first year student and how could they be sure it was not some sort of a joke? Needless to say, they all were reluctant to send Rose to study there, but for her it was the opportunity of a life time.  

   Hogwarts Years: When she first arrived to Hogwarts Rose suffered from a ’cultural shock’ to say the least. Starting from the Diagon Alley where she saw so many odd people and ending with a talking hat, it took her a good while to get used to the new way of life. But she never regretted the day when she arrived. Rose found magic very interesting and when she had her first herbology lesson, her new passion for plants was discovered.
As a dreamy girl she never truly made any good friends, but she was accepted as a part of the group despite her constant drifting off. She received good grades unless she forgot about the essays she had to write or the tests she had to study for.
After the lessons Rose would practice on her own, although during the school years she never truly participated in any of the competitions like she used to before. Summers were a whole different thing, though. She got to meet up with the other dancers and even get some smaller background dancer’s part, but she mostly enjoyed watching Tina perform rather than go on stage herself.

   After Hogwarts: -

Out of Character
I'm Harry's half-sister, Dumbledore's daughter, Voldemort's niece, Sirius' cousin, Snape's daughter and Lupin's great grandmother...

   What should we call you: Ophelia

   RP Experience: years

   How you found us: I don’t even remember, I am sorry!

   Main Character (we'll PM you on this account): Luxanna Gwendolyn Hale

Last edited by Rosamund Gold on Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:58 am; edited 2 times in total
Rosamund Gold
Rosamund Gold
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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GOLD, Rosamund Cliona Empty Re: GOLD, Rosamund Cliona

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:21 pm

I like her. If there were not such an age difference, she might get along well w/ my Poppy, but Cliona might not like Poppy simply b/c Poppy is only 12. Idk. They have a lot in common, though.

Anyway, let's talk about houses. Where did you envision her? I see her more as a Hufflepuff, perhaps Ravenclaw. Thoughts?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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GOLD, Rosamund Cliona Empty Re: GOLD, Rosamund Cliona

Post by Rosamund Gold Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:01 pm

I wrote up there that I'd envision her more in Hufflepuff, but at this point I am okay with Ravenclaw as well! In this case I am okay with whichever option you prefer! If this site needs more Ravenclaws, then so be it, I am completely okay with that house as well.
Also, I remember reading from somewhere that you have loads of students in sixth year so if that is an issue, having Rose as a fifth year student is cool by me too! <3
Rosamund Gold
Rosamund Gold
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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GOLD, Rosamund Cliona Empty Re: GOLD, Rosamund Cliona

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:03 pm

No, she's actually a better Hufflepuff than a Ravenclaw, but I try to give options. So that's all good.

It would be great if you'd consider 5th yr b/c we really are hurting for more 5ths than 6ths!  

At any rate, I'll accept her and sort her to Hufflepuff!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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GOLD, Rosamund Cliona Empty Re: GOLD, Rosamund Cliona

Post by Rosamund Gold Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:05 pm

Then a 5th year student she is! Thank you for accepting me Smile
Rosamund Gold
Rosamund Gold
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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