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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

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Looking for threads - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for threads

Post by Kace Lecium Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:45 pm

Sure, I'm sure her and Kace will get along quite nicely!
Kace Lecium
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Looking for threads - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for threads

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:58 pm

Sure. I can start thread later if you want
Charlotte Waldorf
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Looking for threads - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for threads

Post by Apollo Zabini Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:55 pm

Imogen- That could definitely work for them. I don't know how open Imogen is about her involvement with the Death Eaters, but if Saf found out, she might try to find out what they're up to through Imogen. But, to be fair, Saf isn't a very good spy. So she probably wouldn't eek out very much anyway. XD

Alejandro - If they both work at the Ministry, odds are she would know he's married, right? Or is that somehow kept quiet? Because if so, she might jokingly flirt with him on the assumption that he believes she doesn't mean it, but she wouldn't be very serious about pursuing anything serious. She's open to a lot of things, but I can't see her knowingly help someone cheat on their partner. I think the only exception would be if he told her he was miserable, or she assumed he was leaving his wife or something. The circumstances would have to be pretty well worked out so she doesn't know it's going to cause anybody more trouble.

Beatris - Rofl. Yeah, they're involved, I believe. Maybe @Khaat Lupin could help us out there. I wonder if the two packs ever end up meeting or if they're presumed to all know each other. If so, we could say that they're both in some common spot where both groups spend time and they see each other, and just go from there?

Rosalie - YAY, Besties! Because Saf went a little under the radar for a while, the most likely outcome is that they were friends in school, but Rosalie got married and Saf got mixed up in becoming a werewolf because of her ex. So maybe they meet up again when Saf hears that Rosalie's been having trouble? Or Rosalie hears she's back at the Ministry and comes to say hello? We could even go with the casual meeting of Saf coming into their shop and recognizing Rose or vice versa.
Apollo Zabini
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Looking for threads - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for threads

Post by Beatris Greyback Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:13 pm

Sel - to be honest, I really enjoy in their thread and I would definitely like to see where that can go, so whatever you want with them, we can. Maybe first we should finish thread we already have and see what will be next with them?

Addie - Imogen won't tell much about DE because she doesn't really like them. She is DE only because that is Blackburn tradition (according to Marija's app they are related with Avery family and she created Blackburns) so she is there just to make her family happy. But we can try with that and see how much she would say

Everyone thinks that his wife is dead. Even he believed that for four years and she appeared just now. Alejandro would never cheat on her, mostly because she is crazy as hell and she would probably kill that person but for everyone, Alejandro is single father so he is open for flirt if that would work for you but it wouldn't ever become serious or more than just flirting

I agree for Beatris and since you already tag Khaat we would see what she has to say about packs

Rosalie just came back from Russia (she used to live there with her husband) so it's really easy to put them in the thread. Saf can see her at shop or Rose could just come to her house with "Guess who is back" show xD
Beatris Greyback
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Looking for threads - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for threads

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:08 pm

Yeah, I can help you with this one. This is a piece of PA history that goes back to 2014-ish.

James Blood has a rather unhealthy obsession with Khaat and he has had for a long time. In 2014, he kidnapped her and took her to his lair and intended to keep her there. The problem was that she was pregnant-full term, with twins--babies Blood intended to keep for himself to raise as werewolves.

There was a mass thread at that time in a wizard vs. werewolf battle, and James' lair was destroyed and several of his pack members killed. In an effort to save what was left of the pack, James retreated and went to Fenrir and asked for shelter and protection for himself and what little of a pack he had left.

Fenrir agreed, but with a couple of conditions. First, as the alpha male, Fenrir got to absorb James' pack into his own. And second, James no longer has any dominance of the pack except by what he can achieve by intimidation and brute strength. Fenrir is, at the point, the only being (human or otherwise) that has established any dominance over James. He is the only one that has been established that can bring him under any sort of control. Fenrir might be aging, but he has no delusions about James and no intention of letting James control diddly squat, if he can help it.

However, it probably is worth mentioning that aside from Khaat's family ( and I'm including all of my toys in my toybox here, including Marcus Belby and Edward Donahue) he did develope an interesting curiosity about Jack Dyllan that might be worth exploring further at some point.

Oh--and PS--James has a biological younger brother that he turned into a werewolf when the brother was just a young boy. That brother is, and has been, a playing character here from waaaay back--Jack Black Heart--who works for Khaat. Jack hates James by the way. No love loss whatsoever.

Does that read y'all in?
Khaat Lupin
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Looking for threads - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for threads

Post by Apollo Zabini Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:41 am

@Jack Dyllan will want to give this a look, too.

Yes, that's super helpful. So then we can assume Bestris and Saf know each other. That work for you, Nadia?
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
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Looking for threads - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for threads

Post by Charlotte Waldorf Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:22 am

Okay, let's see now

Addie - What you think about open thread with Beatris, so other people with werewolves can join and closed thread with Rosalie?

Sel - That can work, maybe I can open then new thread "Morning after party" and Clair can make jokes about her getting drunk or whatever you want, she would feel uncomfortable anyway xD
Charlotte Waldorf
Charlotte Waldorf
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Looking for threads - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for threads

Post by Keiran Hayes Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:48 pm

Yep, totally down for that. I've got a weird schedule for today and tomorrow so I don't know how many posts I'll be doing, but I could start the Saf/Rose one by tomorrow night unless you want to get to it first. Just shoot me a PM with whatever you get up and I'll try to cover the rest Smile
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