You can't wake up, this is not a dream.
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You can't wake up, this is not a dream. Li9olo10

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You can't wake up, this is not a dream.

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You can't wake up, this is not a dream. Empty You can't wake up, this is not a dream.

Post by Alejandro Faulkner Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:14 pm

An interesting thing happened to Alejandro four days ago. Specifically, he found himself in a very awkward situation.
His colleague congratulated him?!
Alejandro was very confused, and then his colleague explained that allegedly his brother and his sister-in-law are in a relationship. WHAT?!?
In fact, Daniel saw Imogen and James in the Leaky Cauldron.
First they drank together, then dance, then began kissing and eventually, together they left the place.
It might not have been so tragic if Imogen did not come two nights ago to see Jasmin, and when Alejandro asked her about James, she blushed as if all her blood left the body and came into her cheeks.
She refused to talk about it but Alejandro gave himself the liberty to assume that it was only for one night.

However, does his idiotic brother know what are the consequences if he hurt Imogen?
Hell, sisters Blackburn would probably castrate him immediately.
Therefore, before he allowe them to make further nonsense, he invited them both to dinner with the intention that he will succeed in a civilized way to explain them how all of this is a bad idea.
He sincerely hope they will understand, because he was so angry that he can kill them both instantly.

Imogen got owl from her brother in law and this is very surprising.
He demanded that she come to dinner because he said 'He must talk to her about something very important. "
Blonde was surprised because Imogen and Alejandro never had a special relationship, even while Katrien was there, their relationship was superficial.
Imogen wore one of her new dresses, high heels and then took the bag and went to Alejandro.
When she knocked on the door, Jasmin opened.
This girl is so much like Katrien, a replica of her mother. Imogen is always on the verge of tears when she sees Jasmin.
"Hey beautiful, where's your dad?"
Jasmin pointed to the living room and Imogen went there.
"Okay Alex, what's the emergency?" she looked at her brother in law who just shook his head disapproving.
"We are waiting for another guest and then we'll talk," he said briefly giving it clear that conversation is over, at least for now.
Alejandro Faulkner

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Post by James Faulkner Fri Sep 30, 2016 2:14 am

James was freaking out at home over something that happened a day after he had been with Imogen.
He took a deep breath to keep from playing that night over again in his head.
He had been approached by someone in his in his department asking him about his girlfriend.
They explained to him that someone had saw him and her at the Leaky being all warm and cozy, then told him that it came from the Department of Mysteries floor.
That's when James' knew he was screwed, he knew that Alejandro was definitely going to kill him now.
He had sent an owl to Imogen asking if his brother said anything to her and found out that he had said something to her about James. He wanted to crawl into a hole knowing that he was dead meat when it came to his brother.

He knew he shouldn't have drank that much while he was feeling like crap and lonely.
Now he stood there in his basement leaning against one of the walls contemplating how to get out of a lecture from him.
He banged his head on the wall when he heard one of the dragons getting restless in their pen.
He sighed and began doing his duties for them making sure that they had everything they needed.

He walked back up the stairs to find an owl outside his kitchen window, he groaned recognizing the owl.
He opened the window and let it in, he read the letter carefully. He saw how Alejandro demanded that he attend dinner tonight and if he didn't there would be repercussions.
He sighed as he went and showered, he dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a black button down with the top three undone.
Once he was dressed, he grabbed his leather jacket and helmet. He took the long way there making sure that he had his words worked out and didn't make himself or Imogen look bad in any way.
He shut his bike off when he parked, he looked at Alejandro's place and felt the impending doom to be had as soon as he walked in. He dismounted his bike and grabbed a small present out of his saddle bag for his niece Jasmin, he tucked it in his jacket so she wouldn't see it yet.
He walked up to the door and knocked, his niece Jasmin opened the door.
"There's my gorgeous little niece. I have a present for you," He said with a grin. He pulled out a little doll with a pretty pink dress and the doll was also holding a doll in it's arms. "I saw this and thought of you."
Once Jasmin took her present, he picked her up and carried her inside the door.
Once inside he went to the living room to find Alejandro and Imogen in there, his throat closed up but his face remained expressionless.
"Hello Alejandro, Imogen." He said as he set Jasmin down on the ground. "What was the emergency?"
James Faulkner
James Faulkner

Number of posts : 203
Occupation : Dragon Keeper

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Post by Alejandro Faulkner Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:03 pm

Alejandro was really trying to stay calm, but of course, it was completely impossible.
He looked at Jasmin and his expression immediately became mild "Honey, say good night to Imogen and James, it's time for bed."
Jasmin came and greeted both of them and then almost running went to her room as if she knew that there will be a hurricane or something like that.

"James, get out while you can, this will not be a happy family dinner" Imogen whispered softly as she approached to James and for the first time in her life, she was genuinely frightened about something.
Criminals, even her bosses on the set... She can deal with it. But this will be a disaster of epic proportions where she and James will certainly be collateral damage.
In her purse she had potion tranquilizers, if she could only put it in Alejandro's drink... The problem would disappear.
But for this it was necessary that Ajenadro put down his glass, and he obviously did not have that as a plan.

"What's the emergency?" Alejandro said with the deathly low voice glancing both of them as if he will be able to kill them with that look more efficiently than the Avada Kedavra.
"Can you two idiots say to me what you were thinking about? Do you think how all of this will affect at our families?" he was walking nervously around the living room playing with glass in hand.
"You don't want commitments, only to have fun? That's fine. But the Leaky Cauldron?! I really thought you two have at least a piece of brain in these your lovely heads!" he drank the rest of his drink and then laughed, determined to make their lives miserable, at least for tonight.

"Oh, I'm rude! Dinner is served." He gestured toward the dining room table on which was food. Of course, Jasmin ate already, the dinner was made only for his guests.
"Since you're now in a relationship, I think you would like to sit side by side, just to make you more comfortable. Well, Imogen seemslike another Blackburn girl will become Faulkner" he clapped his hands as he was delighted and then went to the table .
He hoped that the two of them will be uncomfortable half as much as he was when he found out about their little adventure.
Alejandro Faulkner

Number of posts : 67

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Post by James Faulkner Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:22 pm

James watched his brother and knew that it was the calm before the storm. He knew his older brother better than anyone, he knew that he was walking on thin ice.
"Good night Jasmin," He said as he bent to hug her, he whispered. "No matter what you hear or don't hear out here, don't come out of your room okay sweetheart." He kissed her cheek and watched as she ran to her room.
He turned to face Alejandro, waiting for the storm to hit.

He heard Imogen's words, but he wasn't going to allow her to face the fury of his brother alone. When she was close enough, he moved slightly enough that she would be behind him. It was a defensive move on his part, he knew that this way he could throw her behind him in case of something bad happening.
He knew that his brother wouldn't hurt a woman, no matter how mad he was. However it was more to make James feel better to have her protected no matter what.

James' face never moved when Alejandro voice sounded deadly and with a look that was much more powerful than an unforgivable curse.
"I was there to drink Alejandro. Imogen was celebrating having a day off of work for once. We had a few too many drinks, we weren't trying to affect anyone." He said his own anger boiling inside him.
"I do have commitments Alejandro. One of which is dying slowly in a pen, I can't save it no matter how bloody hard I try! You have no idea what really goes on around you do you?!" He shouted getting worked up more and more.
"Maybe for once I didn't want to think, that I didn't want to worry. Of course you wouldn't know anything about that, you weren't the one who found Anya. Or have a dying dragon in your basement, losing sleep because there's nothing you can do to save him!"

He so badly wanted to hit his brother now. "I'm not hungry Alejandro." He said with venom towards his brother. He flicked his wand towards his niece's bedroom so she wouldn't hear anymore of their conversation.
His next words right then really got him to the point of punching his brother, "Don't you dare talk to her like that. You have no right to treat her with such cruelty." He said then saw him clap his hands before going to the table. He looked at Imogen and whispered, "I need you to agree with me on what I'm about to do now. Can you do that sweetheart?"
Once she agreed he turned back towards his brother, "Imogen and I will be leaving now Alejandro. Don't follow us, and if you ever disrespect her again you'll be answering to me." He made a move to leave before turning back to his brother. "Oh and we were careful until four days ago. I'm surprised we kept it from you for this long." He knew that would set Alejandro off, he needed to get him fired up so he could see what was really bothering his brother.
Alejandro didn't need to know that four days ago was the only time that he had ever done anything with Imogen.
James Faulkner
James Faulkner

Number of posts : 203
Occupation : Dragon Keeper

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Post by Imogen Blackburn Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:55 pm

"Good night my love. I love you." Imogen smiled and kissed Jasmin on both cheeks before the girl ran into the room.
Imogen didn't know Alejandro that well, but it looks as though he sometimes has a huge problem with anger.
For example, now.
When Jasmin went, James stood in front of her, as if he wants to protect her.
Imogen frowned because really, she doesn't need protection, but still said nothing.
Only almost silently took out her wand, ready to calm them both if necessary.
She is a Death Eater, both of them certainly know that using Unforgivable Curses, especially Imperio, is not a problem for her.

Alejandro approached his brother.
Saying about his sister to who he could not help? James has really crossed the border with that move.
"Don't tell me about obligations and don't speak about our sister in this situation! Anya knows she has my support in whatever she needed. I'm sorry that I had been too busy with the fact that my wife faked her own death so I had to bring up our daughter completely alone for four years!" and here it is, for the first time since Katrien, namely Eviolette visited Alejandro, he told someone that she was actually alive.
He wanted to hit his brother, really, but he was afraid that a shot can easily become a fight and he doesn't want that to happen.
At least he thought he doesn't want.

Imogen felt like she should say something.
She didn't know that her sister came here. I mean, she isn't even supposed to be alive.
The fact that her sister is alive completely flooded Imogen and she felt like she would lose consciousness.
However, she calmed down, she will think about that later.
"I'm on a diet," she said the dumbest thing possible, shaking her head.
"James, it's okay, I know that Alejandro didn't mean anything mean" an absolute lie, but it doesn't matter now.
She wanted to put her hand over his hoping that could calm him down, but honestly, she didn't dare to do that.
Imogen suddenly stiffened. Wait, what? Heeping that for so long? This has gone too far.
She was about to say something when due Alejandro's words remain completely silent.

"You two are not going anywhere!" Alejandro said angrily then, he swiped with his magic wand on the door. Of course, the magic is not too strong but it would take time before they take it off.
"I don't care what you do as long as it secret! Or maybe you want to explain to her sisters what the problem is when you break heart to the princess of the family Blackburn? The last thing I need right now is Katrien to appears again just because you're acting like an idiot! Get. Away. From. Imogen." he emphasized each word, before he poured another drink.
Imogen Blackburn
Imogen Blackburn
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

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Post by James Faulkner Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:44 pm

James knew that she didn't need protecting, but it was in his nature to do such things.
He looked at his brother who seemed like he had so much aggression in him.
He waited for the first blow against him to start and knew that it may happen soon between him and Alejandro.

"I know you've been busy with the fact that your wife faked her death Alejandro. You need to understand though, Anya only sees you for a moment when you drop off Jasmin to her. She misses you and you haven't been alone in raising Jasmin. Have you forgotten that everyone including Victor and Sam, have been helping for all these years with her. You have never been alone Alejandro." He shouted at his brother getting more and more aggravated at him.
He watched his brother waiting for him to say one wrong thing and he knew that it would push him over the edge.

James looked at Imogen when she said that she was on a diet.
He was confused as to why she would say that, but it was probably because of the tension in the room.
The tension was so visible that you could cut it with a knife and it would still be there.
"It doesn't matter that he didn't mean it that way. It never should have crossed his lips."
He said looking at Alejandro just waiting for the next shoe to drop.
James was used to fights like this with his older brother, he remembered the fight they had the day James found his twin in the alley.

He knew that his brother just sealed them in for the moment, but it would take time to remove the spell.
He turned towards his brother and shook his head softly.
"I was lying you idiot, though now I know what means the most to you. Imogen and I, weren't exactly thinking rationally that night. I was out to drink a little before getting my burn healed and she was celebrating her first day off in a while. You should already know that I haven't been with anyone since Hadley." He said looking at his brother making sure that he knew exactly what he was saying.
"Or at least you would if you weren't holed up in here with Jasmin or with work. You have no idea what's going on anymore Alejandro and I don't wish to slip into something like that. It's like you have stopped caring about family members and cared more about our name. You and I already know that everyone knows that we Faulkners are dedicated members of the wizarding community. That we will protect the innocent from everything and we will give shelter to those who are in desperate need. No one watches me anymore, the only reason someone saw us was because there were a few people from the ministry there."
He took a breath and began pacing slowly.
"Also if you ever had bothered to know anything, you would know exactly what was going on with me." His voice was even, he had not once raised his voice since his little speech he gave to Alejandro.

"You two are not going anywhere!" Alejandro said angrily then, he swiped with his magic wand on the door. Of course, the magic is not too strong but it would take time before they take it off.
"I don't care what you do as long as it secret! Or maybe you want to explain to her sisters what the problem is when you break heart to the princess of the family Blackburn? The last thing I need right now is Katrien to appears again just because you're acting like an idiot! Get. Away. From. Imogen." he emphasized each word, before he poured another drink.

James Faulkner
James Faulkner

Number of posts : 203
Occupation : Dragon Keeper

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Post by Alejandro Faulkner Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:26 pm

[Okay this could go so far because Alejandro is so angry as well as James. Maybe Anya could come and try to decrease tensions between two of them? Aethe and I was thinking about Katrien to come but she would only make things worse lol]

"What, now you want to tell that I'm terrible brother and friend? Is that what you want to say, James?" Alejandro shouted these words, he was really angry and he was fighting with an idea to kill his brother. This is just too much, he can't just blame him like that. James, just like others, has no idea how hard Alejandro's life is at this moment.
He can't blame him because he hadn't time for others when he even didn't now what to do with his own life.

Imogen frowned looking at both of them.
This, all of this is just too much for her.
"Remember that you are talking about my sister" she almost whispered. Katrien isn't one who is guilty, she just did what was needed in order to save her family.
But more important, this wasn't about Katrien and Imogen.
All these tensions between two brothers, they have their own problems and Imogen won't be part of this.
"Enough!" before she even realized what she was doing, she pulls out her wand and pointed it at Alejandro.
"Imperio!" this was low, and bad choice. Using one of the Unforgivable curses was bad by itself, but using it on her brother in law was even worse.
But she didn't care, she was Death Eater for God of shake, she should do this at the moment when she came.
"Alejandro, keep calm and move spell from the front door, please. I would like to go home."

Alejandro was aware of everything but she hadn't control over his body.
How dare she to do this? Imperio? On him?
But she moved spell and looked at her again.

Imogen looked at James.
"This isn't about me. You should talk with your brother in peace, but I won't be part of this. You now where you can find me if you need company or something like that" after this words she apparated herself.

Alejandro looked at his brother, he wasn't even sure what to say anymore.
Alejandro Faulkner

Number of posts : 67

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Post by Lilyanya Faulkner Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:44 pm

Lilyanya had been cleaning her house when she got an owl from her niece about James and Alexander fighting. She wanted to punch them both for fighting while Jasmin was there, she was going to set them both straight. Then she was gonna take Jasmin to her house for a girly sleep over, she was gonna make sure that Jasmin was completely relaxed too.

With that said Anya changed out her clothes, which smelled like cleaner as well as bleach. She put the first thing that her hand landed on, slipping on the dress without a thought and went to grab shoes. She was in a rush so she grabbed her knee high boots, grabbing her dark green cloak from the coat rack. She quickly locked the door and ran down the steps of her house before finding a good place to apparate out of.

She appeared in front of her brother's house and could tell something was wrong. She walked up to the front door and went to open it, she sighed as she used her wand to lift the spell and open the door. She walked in just as she heard a faint pop sound from someone apparating out of the house. She looked at both James and Alejandro before crossing her arms across her chest, she fixed them both with a glare.

"What is going on?" She said and before anyone could reply she started again. "I get an owl from Jasmin saying that the two of your are fighting in the living room. That Imogen was here, something about James and Imogen together. I want answers now and I will put a hex on both you if you shout just once. Got it?" She said looking between the two of them. She turned and shut the door, placing her cloak on the back of the chair before waiting for one of them to start explaining.

James sat down in the arm chair in the living room and sighed softly. "I screwed up. Alex called me here because I was drunk and slept with Imogen. I was only going to have a drink before heading to St Mungos to heal up the burn I got from my sick dragon. Someone from the ministry was buying me drinks all night, I should have stopped. I didn't though, now the everyone I work with knows I slept with her and someone came up to Alex telling him about it as well. He invited us both here and things went ugly." He said leaning back with a hand covering his face.

(( OOC:Anya's outfit))
Lilyanya Faulkner
Lilyanya Faulkner

Number of posts : 331
Occupation : Healer at Hogwarts

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Post by Alejandro Faulkner Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:40 pm

Less than 30 seconds after Imogen left, Alejandro heard someone entering in the living room.
What the hell is this, bloody party? Well, it's definitely one of the worst he have ever seen in his life.
He wanted to see who was smart enough to broke his spells but then he saw his sister and everything become clear.

But the most important question is: what the hell is she doing here?
But before Alex get the chance to ask what is she doing here, she started talking.
This is bad.
Really bad.

Jasmin heard everything.
She is probably really confused now. She isn't used to hearing her family arguing. Alejandro always supposed to tell her that fighting is not the good way. And what he did now? Yelled until his little daughter called his sister or how he used to call her; deadly weapon.

Even if Alejandro is the oldest of all his brothers and sister, Anya always acted like if she is the one.
She has that kind of authority other Faulkners don't have, and everyone is just listening to her. Everything.

That's why Alejandro was now sitting on the chair like the child who was really bad and waited for his time to speak... Like in fu*king school.

"James was stupid enough to sleep with his sister in law. Even if we forget that all in Ministry will speak about that, he just caused more problems between me and Katrien. And why he did that?" Alejandro looked at his brother before answering his own question.
"Because he is a moron, that's why."
Alejandro Faulkner

Number of posts : 67

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