Sound of Silence
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Sound of Silence Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Sound of Silence

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Sound of Silence Empty Sound of Silence

Post by Meridian Chang Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:21 pm

"No, I definitely don't look like a stalker." Meridian muttered to herself looking at another mother glancing her way before taking hand of her child and accelerating pace. Seeing distrust and loathing written on their faces she frowned, yet after placing herself in their shoes she really did get them. If she was on their place, seeing unknown woman standing for an hour in front of pre school her child is attending, she probably wouldn't stop on loathing glance.

When she was planning this, everything seemed like a perfect idea. No one should have suspected anything. To make this work, she purchased three types of muggle newspapers, so she could read them, or at least act like she reads them while waiting. After first twenty minutes she realised her effort is futile, seeing a woman standing in the middle of the park and reading a newspapers while there were empty benches nearby wasn't something muggles were used to see. If she sat on either bench she might miss him passing, and Meridian wasn't willing to take that risk, so instead of sitting down and not looking like a pedophile waiting for its chance, she walked towards the garbage and throw the papers away, all three pairs since she wasn't interested in muggle politics nor she wanted to expand her wardrobe, since she couldn't find any way to use them later.

After disposing the papers, she returned to her previous spot, the same one she chose earlier today, as the spot with the best view of the whole street, while the trees that surrounded the park partly hid her from people walking the street unless they stop in front of school and glance her way. Perfect place for pedophiles, she could tell. Meridian buried her hands deep in her pocket, playing with a few galleons that were left in them, after the Sun disappeared under the horizon, she could feel the change in temperature. It was chilly when she got there, no one could expect the opposite considering it's early spring, but the temperature quite dropped in the dusk, so she could see her breath in form of white fog.

Meridian fished her watch out of pocket, glancing to see the time, the glass on the watch was broken, evidence of a fight with Cho when her lovely mother tried to hit her with the closest thing, that happen to be Meridian's watch, however it still showed the correct time so she didn't feel the need to fix it yet. Her lips twisted into a smile realizing her waiting should be finished any minute from now. It's time, she could feel adrenaline pushing her blood run faster, after only thinking about the mission.

However, when this is over, she's going to buy big warm mug full of cocoa, she promised herself.
Meridian Chang
Meridian Chang
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 48
Occupation : Azkaban Guard

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Sound of Silence Empty Re: Sound of Silence

Post by Henry Tross Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:49 pm

[ooc: Sorry this is a bit short!]

Henry wasn't supposed to be doing what he was doing, per se. Perhaps that was why he was keeping his head down just enough to look casual but not too far that he couldn't keep his eye on the things happening around him. He walked down a seemingly innocuous street as dusk hit, his hands in the pockets of his long jacket. Make no mistake, though, reader. His wand was gripped tightly in his dominant hand - his right one.

If Declan knew that Henry was off doing this, he would be in so much trouble. If Maude knew, she might kill him. But her brother was curious, and Henry had taken it upon himself to find out why his gut told him something was wrong about Gilbert Prichard. Maude was definitely going to kill him.

He decided to cut through the park to shorten his walk, but he slowed as he caught sight of a woman standing a short ways in front of him. Henry felt that something about her was familiar, but he couldn't place it, so he narrowed his eyes but arced his path to walk around her instead.
Henry Tross
Henry Tross
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 26
Occupation : Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports

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Sound of Silence Empty Re: Sound of Silence

Post by Meridian Chang Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:19 pm

(It's okay Smile)

Meridian heard steps behind her getting louder and turned her head, seeing familiar siluete of the man she was waiting for. Inhaling, she walked towards him with serious expression on her face and arms pulled outside from the pocket, that might not be the smartest idea, but she didn't want to get cursed because he thought she looked threatening from head to toes dressed in black which wasn't something she'd usually wear, unless working. "Finally Tross! You're late, I've been freezing here for an hour waiting for you."

She ignored the fact that he never invited her to go with him in the first place. Along with the fact that she didn't know where they are heading this time, as he share very little information about this mission when Meridian heard him talking with someone in the Order headquarters.

Meridian took the headband from around her wrist and pulled her long hair into a ponytail. If it comes to any fight she didn't want her hair down so the one she's fighting with could use it against her. Too much time in Azkaban? Probably. Wizards whose wands weren't taken away from them usually prefered to duel rather than get their hands dirty. She started walking, catching Henry's pace.

"Where are we headed to?" Meridian glanced up at his face for second, before she returned her gaze back to the road knowing it wouldn't be good if she fell down and break her neck. That would probably ruin his mission, too.
Meridian Chang
Meridian Chang
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 48
Occupation : Azkaban Guard

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Sound of Silence Empty Re: Sound of Silence

Post by Naomi Mulciber Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:05 pm

If there was one thing Henry Tross hated above all else - unless you counted his brother and the man's ridiculous wife - it was surprises. He looked up sharply, realizing why he had recognized her. Of course. He had not talked to the woman very much, but apparently she was set on coming with him? Henry didn't like it.

"I didn't invite you, Chang," he pointed out, walking on as if she hadn't joined him. Perhaps he should have stopped. Perhaps he knew that she would be useful, and would probably keep her mouth shut about what he was up to. Apparently, it would now be what they were up to. "I fly solo. Strictly speaking, tonight isn't happening at all."

Across town, Gilbert Prichard had just stepped out of his cab. He wasn't one to use magic unless he absolutely had to, and tonight was no exception. He had told himself not to come, but here he stood. Above him, a neon sign read Casarojo, a play on the old film Casablanca. It had been the sight of his weekly gambling night for the past month and a half, and Gilbert hated himself for returning.

But he couldn't resist. Aside from the obvious - the gambling part, there were some extremely interesting people that frequented this club. One of them being Clarence Montgomery, one of the most awful people Gilbert had ever met. The man who had locked up his biological son, Bentley, after using him for the second time. Gilbert didn't know what he planned to do about the Death Eater yet, but for now, he was playing ignorant. They didn't need to know his real name, or that he wrote for the Prophet - the newspaper that had outed Clarence as having had a child with a Muggle.

Oh, the trouble he would be in if Montgomery found out...

[ooc: Clarence is an NPC of mine Smile ]
Naomi Mulciber
Naomi Mulciber
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 292

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