The Meeting of New Friends?
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The Meeting of New Friends?  Li9olo10

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The Meeting of New Friends?

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The Meeting of New Friends?  Empty The Meeting of New Friends?

Post by Keira Thomson Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:40 am

Keira yawned heavily and adjusting her bag on her shoulder as she continued on her walk to the library after already spending all night studying in her room. Unfortunately she had forgotten a book she needed in the library yesterday and needed to go back for it along with having to study more. Her bright red hair flopped in the pony tail she had it in as she took a quick look around to see if anyone was around in the hallway and satisfied with not seeing anyone, she let out a big sigh. "All this studying is probably going to be the death of me" She said out loud as she reached the library doors.

Walking inside, she couldn't see anyone in besides the librarian but hey that doesn't mean they aren't hidden by the shelves. She said a quick hello to the librarian before walking to the farthest corner of the library where there are some chairs and tables. Keira stretched a little, still a bit tired from only getting around four to six hours of sleep, before setting her bag on the table and walking off to a shelf next to where she was. "Oh, what was that book I needed now..." She said quietly out loud.

Continuing to scan the book names and pushing her bangs out of her face, she sighed as she found what she needed. The Medieval Assembly of European Wizards, all the way on the top shelf. Keira groaned, rolled her eyes and then stood on her toes reaching up to try and attempt to grab the book.
Keira Thomson
Keira Thomson
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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The Meeting of New Friends?  Empty Re: The Meeting of New Friends?

Post by Apollo Zabini Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:25 am

Another letter had arrived from father that morning, marking the fourth one that month. The Marriage Law had broken, so the boys no longer needed to lie low. They had managed to avoid it, which was lucky, but now Blaise was all the more determined to get Apollo back on the 'right path' towards a business career. Of course, all Apollo really wanted was to invest in a career in medicine. Healing. Righting the wrongs caused by the past generation. Healing the next one wouldn't necessarily fix things in their history, but it would be something at least.

He wasn't really a fan of Quidditch after what had happened to his brother a few years before, but even if he was, Apollo wouldn't have gone outside. The slushy sleet that fell from the clouded sky was too much for him to put up with in his mood, if he were being honest. So it was to the library that he went, deciding to actually work on homework, although he typically avoided it. What else was he to do when he was so stressed? If nothing else, it would take his mind off of it.

As he walked into the library, he passed by Mr. O'Sullivan, the current librarian, and waved a lazy hand in greeting. He was just about to go in search of the Herbology section when his attention was drawn by a bright-haired girl who looked extremely frustrated as she extended her arm in an attempt to pick out the book she wanted.

A slow smirk stretched his lips as he watched for a moment, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Approaching with leisurely steps, Apollo tilted his head to the side. "Having a bit of trouble are we?" he asked, not exactly caring if he surprised her with his quiet approach. "Need a bit of help?"
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

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The Meeting of New Friends?  Empty Re: The Meeting of New Friends?

Post by Keira Thomson Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:45 am

Keira jumped in surprised at the voice that suddenly was next to her. Her eyes widen realizing she probably looked pretty silly trying to get the book down from the shelf. She quickly fixed her bangs from being in her face before speaking. "Uh.. Yes I do, do you mind to get it? I'm... too short.." She said a bit quietly with a blush tinting on her cheeks. "I need the Medieval Assembly of European Wizards." She said just as quietly as before indicting where the book was before lowering her head to hide her blushing face.

She backed up to give him some space to get the book for her. "Thank you by the way. I probably would have spent another five to ten minutes trying to get it." She muttered quietly, still blushing slightly. In the least to say she was embarrassed. She bit her lip slightly as she remembered how dumb she was since she could have just used her wand to get it.

Making a mental note to think more like a witch, she straightened her navy blue dress out and looked at everything and anything but the boy in front of her. She really hoped that he wouldn't tease her about not thinking of using her wand but she wouldn't blame him if he did.
Keira Thomson
Keira Thomson
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

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The Meeting of New Friends?  Empty Re: The Meeting of New Friends?

Post by Apollo Zabini Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:05 am

Apollo's smirk widened when the girl jumped, but it wasn't intended to look harsh so much as amused. He had no guarantee that the redhead would take it well. Although, he noted, 'redhead' really might have been an understatement when it came to this girl. "Interesting choice," he replied gently, lifting an eyebrow as curiosity swept over him. "That for a class?"

His gaze lingered on hers until his fingers found the binding of the book she wanted. Apollo lifted his eyes to the book in question, plucking it off the shelf so he could bring it down in front of him. As she spoke, Apollo held onto the book, almost appraising her as they stood there.

"Probably would have," Apollo nodded, the image of her attempting to stand up on her toes and reaching amusing him. "Wouldn't have thought to ask for help? Or levitate it down? I mean, Hufflepuffs aren't typically that dense." He glanced out one of the high windows of the library, tilting his head in consideration. "Then again, the weather is certainly dreary. Perhaps it's just how today feels," he suggested, returning his gaze to her.

He wasn't convinced that she would appreciate his words, his banter. But Apollo wasn't entirely sure that he cared. The Slytherin was in a bit of a mood, unfortunately, though it was likely helpful that he had qualified his comments with something a bit nicer. His gaze held hers, as if he was daring her to retaliate. He hadn't even handed the book over, for starters, and the idea of having a bit of amusement was a pleasant one.
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 646
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The Meeting of New Friends?  Empty Re: The Meeting of New Friends?

Post by Keira Thomson Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:39 am

Keira blushed more when she saw his smirk, honestly she thought he looked kind of cute but she probably wouldn't admit that out loud. She was way too shy for being out spoken like how most girls can be and she certainly wasn't like most girls. "Uh.. yeah History of Magic" She replied to him quietly, trying to avoid eye contact.

Keira took notice on how he hadn't bothered to hand her the book just yet. She nodded at his remark, making her blush again as he pointed out exactly what she was thinking beforehand. "I... uh... yeah, I guess it slipped my mind." She said quietly, the blush becoming the same color as her hair  at this point. "Honestly, I don't usually forget but I've been lacking sleep.." She muttered looking away from him to stare out the window as well.

"I actually love today's weather, I find it beautiful in the fall." She said looking into his eyes for a second before blushing even more so. Keira turned her eyes to the book quickly and nodded to it. "Could... could I have the book please?" She asked quietly as she dared too look him in the eyes. She normally didn't talk this long to guys, mainly because she continued to blush like an idiot all the time around them.

"I really need to get to studying for my classes." She added on keeping her gaze on him. Keira tried to stop blushing but couldn't do so. "His brown eyes are so... enticing, and his hair looks so soft." She thought to herself, only making herself to blush more so to the point Keira swore she probably looked like a tomato at this point. At this point her bangs had fallen in front of her eyes again, covering her cheeks so Keira didn't bother to remove them out of the way as she was thankful that they covered her face.

Last edited by Keira Thomson on Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
Keira Thomson
Keira Thomson
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 47

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The Meeting of New Friends?  Empty Re: The Meeting of New Friends?

Post by Apollo Zabini Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:19 am

It was difficult for Apollo not to paint all Hufflepuffs with the same brush, metaphorically, so he expected that she would just deflate and attempt to snatch the book away so she could rush off. But this girl just stood there and took it, which was shocking. His eyebrows actually lifted in surprise, nearly disappearing into the long hair that hung over his forehead.

He nearly felt bad for having taken a shot at her when she continued to redden, looking for all the world like he had just publicly called her out, or something equally embarrassing. "I wouldn't sweat it," he murmured, half surprising himself with his own reply. He was not typically forgiving with those he had deemed dense, and he had actually gone so far as to tell the girl outright that she was acting that way.

But it wasn't that he thought her particularly dense, so much as her actions. There was certainly a difference, Apollo knew that much.

She met his gaze and the corners of Apollo's lips quirked up in amusement. He nearly started to refute her point, saying that while rain could be nice, it wasn't like the storms every stopped in the United Kingdom. But then she spoke again, somehow just continually blushing. Did her cheeks ache from it? He didn't imagine that it only happened around him, considering how easily the color lifted into her skin.

"Apollo, give the girl her book."

Turning over his shoulder, the elder twin found his brother standing at the end of the aisle, arms crossed in front of his chest. "Yes, mother," Apollo replied sarcastically, extending the book towards the younger of the two Hufflepuffs.

Walking over, Christian glanced between the two of them, recognizing the girl who was just a year below him in his house. "Ignore him, Keira," he suggested seriously. "My brother is a bid of a cad, most times."

"Excuse you!" Apollo frowned, mirroring his twin as he crossed his arms over his torso. Turning to the redhead, Apollo added, "My brother doesn't understand that I tease people. Particularly the pretty girls," he stuck in just to bother Christian. It wasn't untrue, the comment on her looks, but he wouldn't have pointed it out were it not for his twin being so easily riled up.

The younger boy was quiet for a moment as he glared at Apollo, but finally turned back to Keira. "Seriously, though. Ignore him. If you need any help with the essay for Professor Wood, let me know," he offered, referring to the History of Magic professor. "He's pretty easy going, so I daresay he'd actually let you chat with him one on one if you'd prefer. But I was planning to study in here anyways. Unlike my brother, I'm sure."
Apollo Zabini
Apollo Zabini
Fifth Year Slytherin
Fifth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 646
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The Meeting of New Friends?  Empty Re: The Meeting of New Friends?

Post by Keira Thomson Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:11 pm

Keira nodded slightly as she let her gaze fall to the floor, she wasn't really sure what his intention was for keeping her book but she had a feeling that after all that had happened so far, he was definitely a Slytherin. He just wasn't nearly as aggressive or uptight as most seem to be, which surprised Keira a bit as it was a nice change for once. “It's probably my fault though...” She thought to herself as she reviewed her actions. “If I hadn't been so tired, maybe I wouldn't be acting so... dumb?” She continued to think though she sure that dumb probably was not the right word for it.

When she noticed him smirking, her eyes widened a bit. “Is he finding this funny?” She thought in a bit of shock. She was becoming very embarrassed at this point in their conversation and really wished her face was in a book now.

Keira turned to the voice that spoke out of no where. She immediately recognized him, why wouldn't she though? Everyone knows who the seventh years are, especially the ones in your own house. “Oh, Christian. He wasn't being a bother... Honest.” Keira said quietly, a bit more embarrassed that he had come to her rescue. Though she always had heard such kind words about him that it really didn't surprise her at all.

“He was only getting the book for me.. taking his time to hand it too me though.” She muttered the last part quietly both hoping that Apollo, whom she finally learned his name, didn't hear her or at the least didn't get mad about it. Her intention with the comment was not to tick him off in the least at all.

Keira looked at Apollo when he commented about her being pretty. Her eyes widened a bit and her cheeks that were returning to there normal color had gone red again. She quickly turned her face the other way out of both of the boy's views.

“Oh.. thank you Christian. I actually wouldn't mind the help. I'm not very good with remembering the reading.” She said quietly and embarrassed about having to admit that in front of both of the seventh years. Even more so since they were both very good looking and Keira usually didn't take notice to the guys in the school. That would be because of the fact her nose is normally in a book and the guys don't take notice to her either.

“We.. I mean.. if you want we could all study together?” Keira mumbled quietly, she was actually enjoying both of their company and wouldn't mind for them to stick around a bit longer. Studying is boring when you're alone anyway.
Keira Thomson
Keira Thomson
Sixth Year Hufflepuff
Sixth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 47

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The Meeting of New Friends?  Empty Re: The Meeting of New Friends?

Post by Christian Zabini Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:23 am

"My brother is always a bother, Keira. You needn't be nice to him just because he's related to me," Christian joked, nudging Apollo's arm. "Give it back, mate." When the elder twin rolled his eyes and handed the book over, Christian leaned his shoulder against the bookshelf. "You really shouldn't be such a prat, Apollo."

"Calm down, Chris," Apollo replied, ignoring the glare Christian sent at the nickname, "I was merely chatting with her is all." He sent Keira a smile, flashing it for a moment before dropping the action to resume a more neutral expression.

It should be noted, reader, that while the elder of the two brothers was aware of the fact that they likely would embarrass Keira by making any comments about potentially being attracted to her, the younger would not register it. Christian, unlike his twin, believed wholeheartedly in the merit of appreciating someone for their qualities, despite what appearances might suggest. That isn't to say that Apollo cares nothing for personality and only for looks. No, indeed. But he certainly noticed them, and was aware of the fact that he and Christian were on the more attractive end of the spectrum.

"Apollo doesn't really do studying," Christian started quickly, hoping to cut his brother off at the pass. Hopefully that would mitigate any conflict. Several potential issues were coming to mind, and the Hufflepuff was not at all interested in putting up with his brother's commentary as they went over the classwork. "Besides, he's not one for History, even if he's taken it before."

"You would be surprised!" Apollo retaliated, leaning towards Keira only slightly as he added: "Our father desperately wants me involved in law and business. So I certainly know my fair share." He shrugged, then gestured to Christian. "This one, though, is the Zabini brother interested in law. I'm more your Herbology and Potions man. Healing, after all, is the track I'm on."

"Exactly," Christian pointed out, looking pleased with his own logic. "I'm more suited for the challenge at hand."

"She asked for both of us to work. May as well get things done for my own classes while you help with hers, eh?" Apollo asked. Pointing to a table not far off, he led the way. "Here, you two pop down and get to work. I'll pick up a couple books and return."

"Take your time!" Christian called after his brother, rolling his eyes. Sinking into one of the chairs, he looked over to Keira with an apologetic frown on his face. "Truly, he isn't dreadful all of the time. Just, you know... most of the time. Hopefully he'll let us get some work done." Glancing down at the book she had finally been handed by Apollo, Christian nodded as he remembered the section of the class. "Are you enjoying Professor Wood's class so far? He may be new, but he's certainly enthusiastic from what I gather."
Christian Zabini
Christian Zabini
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

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