Diggory, Mariiana
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Diggory, Mariiana Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Diggory, Mariiana

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Diggory, Mariiana Empty Diggory, Mariiana

Post by Mariana Diggory Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:47 pm

Diggory, Mariiana Bonnie2_zpsa57b1040
Mariana Diggory


FULL NAME: Mariana Esmeralda Diggory


AGE: 21

ALLEGIANCE: Order of the Phoenix

HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ex, Huffelpuff


WAND: Dragon Heartsing, 10 1/4 inches

PLAY BY: Bonnie Wright





BODY BUILD: Ehh i have no idea, not familiar with the terms

Mariana is a tall and thin girl with pale skin and blue eyes which lead more to grey. She has long red hair, doesn't change her hair style very often apart from putting it into a ponytail. She wears a very little make up, mostly inconspicuous since she works in a hospital. Her style is very natural, she likes to wear a large variety of colors such as red, white, black, green, blue in all shades according to her mood. Hardly any jewelry on her at all, her constant companion however is her engagement and wedding ring (courtesy of her husband). She wears all kind of clothing jeans, skirts, dresses, long-sleeved shirts, short-sleeved shirts, jackets also according to her mood and possibly the time of the year. Apart from her red hair, her trademark is also her bright white smile though she is not the one to spend time laughing for no good reason unless in company of her friends or husband.


TRAITS: (Well this is a new one)
+Loving nature
+Good sense of humor


+Likes - Hanging out with friends, Cooking, Tennis, Quiditch, Jess, Charms, Healing, Defensive Spells, Herbology
+Dislikes - Arrogant people, Potions, Football, Transfiguration, Fire

+Defeating the remaining Death Eaters once and for all
+Keep working at St. Mungo's (become chief maybe someday)
+Possibly become teacher at Hogwarts at some point

Habits - Working too much,  crossing arms when either angry or amused. playing with her hair when nervous
Quirks - Freezes at the sight of fire, Snaps at unexpected sounds (which means she has good reflexes)



DEMENTOR: The death of her parents

VERITASERUM: Uhhhh.. Mari is not really a secretive person, perhaps for arguments sake she was adoptive daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley


In despite of everything, Mariana has a very soothing and glowing personality. She is by no means incapable of defending herself or others when the opportunity or necessity arises. Her calm and gentle nature, make her all the more lethal to someone who tries to attack her or anyone she cares about. She enjoys many things, such as going out with her friends, watching muggle pastime called tennis, playing quiditch which she is very good at from the time of her school days. She is a very capable and devoted healer, a vocation she so suddenly discovered, yet enjoys so much due to her caring nature. Her greatest fear is fire, a fear which goes very close to phobia due to the past trauma from when she was a child. She has quick reflexes though that is more a defect since she tends to consider a lot of things a threat when they tend to surprise her, She desires to have a large family, a lot of kids since her traits make her excellent with children. She tends to work more than her hours a lot especially when Jess is either working or away.  She absolutely despises death eaters and her goal in the long run is to become a teacher at Hogwarts, possibly either for Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts or Herbology..


FATHER: Peter Diggory

MOTHER: Marisol (Lazcano) Diggory



+Cousins - Dae and HafizDean Diggory
+Spouse - Jess Potter




+Tawny Owl - Mickey
+Black Cat - Martha


+Family Crest


Early Years: Mariana was born to Peter Diggory (Cedric's little brother) and his wife Marisol Lazcano who is a muggle-born witch from Mexico. Her grandparents from her father's side died when she was barely 2 from natural causes, she lost both of her parents in a fire which destroyed their house when she was five years old. She was the only survivor of a death eater attack due to her father's quick notification of one Harry Potter who at the time was Head of the Aurors in the ministry of magic. Mariana stayed with Harry & Ginny only for over a year before Alexander Lazcano, her mother's father claimed her and took her with him to a ranch near Monterey in Mexico where he lived. Due to their such a young age, neither Harry's nor Ron's children remember Mari as their sister, but more as a friend who stayed with them for a while. Her only childhood friend was and remains Sophia Granger, Hermione's neice who she befriended  from her 1 year old age.

Hogwarts Years:
A month before her 11th birthday in August, Mariana received a letter from Hogwarts. Her grandfather was a little enthusiastic about her going to England, but he let her pursue her wishes and dreams all the same. Even though she is a spitting image of her mother, her inherited personality from her father lead her to be sorted into Huffelpuff. At the ceremony and on the Hogwarts Express she reencountered her old friend Sophia and her best friends back then Andrian and Adrenn who she both liked at first sight. During her first years, she hang out with hard-working yet a bit odd crowd such as Ginevra and Darren who was a quiet yet moody boy. She also befriended Addy due to their mutual fascination with herbology. On the summer before her 5th year at Hogwarts, she met Jess, Andrian's brother on a friend's wedding. Sophia and Andrian were already an item back then. She fell in love with Jess short after and they continued their life at school together even though she was the only one among her friends in Huffelpuff and Jess was a year older then her. Soon she became Huffelpuff Prefect, then Quiditch Captain and on the end she also became Head Girl. Even though she was reckless and troublemaker at times, she was still responsible hard-working girl which made her aware of the line between forbidden and permitted. Mariana, who had turned 17 (which means she was legally adult in the magical community) just 10 days before her 6th year at Hogwarts, married Jess two days after her birthday with the presence of only the closest friends and in Jess's case family. Her grandfather never found out what she had done. Jess was already 17 and turned 18 in February, he was already on his seventh year back than. Her seventh year was her dark age due to Jess's disappearance then his lack of memory and their long separation especially when he became leader of the Order of the Phoenix. She had a short few day romance (if it can be called that way) with Matthew Lestrange who she met in the Order, she also made a new best friend Arthur Severus. Even though the romance with Matt was over quicker then it started, they remained close friends and with the help of her few remaining friends, she managed to regain her sanity before she finished school.

As soon as she finished school, Mariana went back to Monterey where she studied healing as her new pastime. Relationship with Jess was still very strained so she decided to distance herself for a while. A couple of months later, she returned to England to apply for a job at St.Mungo's which she got short after. She bought a small apartment in the center of the city and soon after went to see Jess. They resolved their differences quicker then she thought possible though she was suddenly gone for a couple of weeks to Monterey without telling anyone due to her grandfather's disease.  As his only surviving relative, she inherited the ranch. Her first plan was to sell it due to the amount of money it required, but since her grandfather left her enough funds for maintenance for a while, the final decision wasn't taken yet. After his death, Mariana worked at St.Mungo's for a year or so after which she became a nurse at Hogwarts due to lack of staff when the virus hit. Currently she in unemployed due to her absence of leave in order to take a special course in healing and right now her situation is undefined.




HOW YOU FOUND US: Someone contacted me years ago on another forum

MAIN CHARACTER: Mariana Diggory (and Gabrielle Delacour) once I reactivate her

PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: It's an old character, purpose is to roleplay i guess


Last edited by Mariana Diggory on Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:56 am; edited 4 times in total
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

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Diggory, Mariiana Empty Re: Diggory, Mariiana

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:01 am

wait....what?  they got married?  did you two actually decide to do that? i'm a bit confused.

if you two haven't definitely decided this and if it hasn't happened, then please change the app to make Mari single and the you can always add that you married into some part of your rp'ing.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Diggory, Mariiana Empty Re: Diggory, Mariiana

Post by Mariana Diggory Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:13 pm

Well they did get married TWICE, but that was few years back and after they got back together we agreed that we are still married though i'll change that to engaged for the time being Smile
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

Number of posts : 16276

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Diggory, Mariiana Empty Re: Diggory, Mariiana

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:21 pm

better. thank you.

accepted and sorted into grads!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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