Meilleure, Chocola Angelena
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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena Li9olo10

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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena

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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena Empty Meilleure, Chocola Angelena

Post by Chocola Meilleure Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:37 pm

Meilleure, Chocola Angelena 479753



FULL NAME: Chocola Angelena Meilleure

NICKNAMES: Choco, Cho, Angel, Lena, Gel and many more.

AGE: 25

ALLEGIANCE: Neutral at the moment at least.


WAND: Marple, unicorn hair + unflexible.

PLAY BY: Nam Gyu Ri






Hair: Her hair is brown, you could say dark brown, what same times even seems like black. Their most of times straight, but yeah actually they have some curls in it so she needs to straighten them every morning basically. But there is days when she is to lazy do it so you can see her in curly hair too. Does like to very much to wear any hair accessories. Her hair is quite long too.
Eyes: Her eyes are also brown. It's very common color in her family.
Body: She is slim and quite thin you could say. She lives healthy life, she isn't really a vegeterian, she eats meat too you see. She also likes to run in sometimes so that's how she keeps her body healthy too, basically at mornings she does it.
Style: She likes to wear most of times dresses and skirts but she says no to pants too. High heels are her favorite but she wears sneakers and other shoes too. Earrings, bracelets are always included in her outfits but necklaces sometimes when she founds something what suits with her outfit or is needed.


+ Caring
+ Athletic
+ Calm
+ Confident
+ Fair
+ Friendly
+ Healthy
+ Honest
+ Intelligent

- Self-critical
- Careless
- Childish
- Impatient
- Lazy
- Naive
- Soft
- Sarcastic
- Stubborn


1) Find a job she likes
2) Having family
3) Traveling in great places.

HABITS & QUIRKS: Biting nails when nervous.

BOGGART: Being bullied or being alone.

PATRONUS: Her first best friend ever when she was 12.

DEMENTOR: Being bullied in her first years in Hogwarts.

VERITASERUM: Secrets are meant to be secrets and she doesn't want reveal them so easily.

MIRROR OF ERISED: To find out what she wants to with her life and to have her own family.

PERSONALITY: She is very friendly and kind woman. She is very loyal towards the people who she truly trust, mostly she trust her brother and his family. She trust her some friends too but not truly, since yeah she have some issues trusting her friends, since she new know when they can turn her back to her again. She is very brave, she is not afraid of nothing, she always likes to try new things. She is very intelligent also too, she likes to learn also new things too, even if she has became now already lazier than she was before. She's naive too. Also became quite sarcastic since yeah she likes sarcasm now over years. She is very caring person too. When needed she can be quite childish too.


FATHER: William Meilleure - 50 and works in ministry.

MOTHER: Vanessa Meilleure (nee Mieux) - 49 and housewife.

SIBLING/S:  Vanilla Meilleure - 17 years old girl and seventh year ravenclaw in Hogwarts, Zachary Meilleure - 21 years old boy and unempolyment currently.

OTHER: Nope.

BLOOD STATUS:  Muggleborn



None currently.



Early Years: Chocola Meilleure was born in 2 may 2001. She was first child to Vanessa and William. Actually her parents weren't even married when she was born. They just were engaged back then. So yeah Choco attend to her parents wedding when she was just two months old girl, of course she doesn't remember nothing about it. After that she lived happily with her parents. When she was 4 then her mother did give birth to new kid, it was Choco's brother who they named to Zachary. After that her live passed by normally. She had good life but around her sometimes happened strangers things but she didn't know it was because of magic what she had in her. When she was 7 then her mother gave once again a birth to kid, it was this time a girl. They named her Vanilla. Not sure why parents have put so weird names for their girls but they both like this names by now, their very unique. When she was 11 she got accepted to Hogwarts and it came to surprise to them. They decided that she will attend to this school now on.

Hogwarts Years: First year: Chocola's first year was really hard since she didn't know nothing about magic at all. So she had to learn it very hard and also some kids did bully her because she was muggleborn. But she made some friends still and also made some enemies. She even learned so many new things about magic and she really began to believe in it.Oh and she was sorted into the Hufflepuff house.
Second year: That year was already much better. Even if she was still did bully but she ignored now already them as much she could. Since yeah she hated when people did but even if she said something back things got worse so she just did let them do it and she didn't pay attention for it.
Third year: It was great year. This girls and boys who bullied her did stop doing it, they realized it's useful thing to do. She also was more cheerful on. Her studies were already much better too.
Fourth year: That year went pay fast, she had so much fun with her friends who she had. Also she did study way to much time to sometimes.
Fifth year: It was year where she did pass her exams and she did get most of them O's, some were A's too.
Sixth year: Girl loved this year in her school. It was were she fell love in first time but she never told it to that person. He was one year older than him and actually he was one of them who bullied her some years ago. She didn't had that much courage to tell it even to her best friend so she kept it to herself. But yeah she still did study hard and she now spent her most time doing it or then did hang out with her few friends who she had.
Seventh year: This year was good too of course. She did pass her final exam with O's and A's. She had studied hard for her exams and also did help some of her friends with it.

Adulthood: After graduating the Hogwarts she didn't know what to with her life. So she ended up traveling around the world. Her parents didn't like that idea at first so much since yeah they wanted her to go to college/university or just to work but Choco didn't choose any of these. She has visited France, Paris - there she did spent like two month, she did visit many places and even did met some new friends. She even did learn little bit of France, she isn't good at it but just knows few words. After France she went to Germany, Berlin. There she spent one month too. It was great time there. Then she went to Spain(one month) after that she went to America. And there she was like two years but in different places after two weeks, sometimes even three weeks. After that she went to Australia, Sydney, there she spent three months. At that time she was already almost 21 and she decided to go home for couple of days but she ended up being there for two months. She couldn't stand her parents nagging so she went to back to traveling. She now did visit some other places in Europe, like Portugal, Greek, Estonia, Finland and so on. When she was 23 she went to Asia and visited there South Korea, China, India. After that she did even went to Russia. After that she went to Argentina even and some other countries around there. She soon plans go to home and find herself a job and even husband. She isn't anymore that young. She needs to think about her future too.


ALSO KNOWN AS: Krissu or Kissu.

RP EXPERIENCE: Around two years or so.

HOW YOU FOUND US: I have known these site long time. Friend told me.

MAIN CHARACTER: Jessica Wendorf

PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: I wanted to make Adult and who is older than 21.


Last edited by Chocola Meilleure on Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:10 pm; edited 8 times in total
Chocola Meilleure
Chocola Meilleure
Hufflepuff Graduate
Hufflepuff Graduate

Number of posts : 224
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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena Empty Re: Meilleure, Chocola Angelena

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:22 am


As you know, we give 2 weeks for every application. You're coming up on your two week deadline. If there is something we can help you with, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll have to move this to storage in a few days if its not completed.

Let us know!

Khaat Lupin
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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena Empty Re: Meilleure, Chocola Angelena

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:15 pm

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Number of posts : 23244
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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena Empty Re: Meilleure, Chocola Angelena

Post by Mason Cuffe Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:27 am

It's finished now!
Mason Cuffe
Mason Cuffe
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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena Empty Re: Meilleure, Chocola Angelena

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:23 am

She looks pretty good, Krissu.

Could you just add a little bit more to her adulthood? At 25 years old, I'm assuming she'd done something with her life. Even if it's small. Maybe add a little of her experiences in different places since she travels?
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena Empty Re: Meilleure, Chocola Angelena

Post by Chocola Meilleure Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:43 pm

Okay, I did write there something. Very Happy
Chocola Meilleure
Chocola Meilleure
Hufflepuff Graduate
Hufflepuff Graduate

Number of posts : 224
Occupation : Div. Beasts & Beings

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Meilleure, Chocola Angelena Empty Re: Meilleure, Chocola Angelena

Post by Elijah Krum Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:49 pm

Lovely! Accepted and sorted into Grads!
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
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