Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Li9olo10

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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Shane Diamond Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:51 pm

Shane was finally free at last, he finally gotten done with Charms and he was free for the rest of the day and weekend! Of course he had homework to do, but he'll do that tonight before he goes and has some fun.  Not caring that he had detention after telling Romeo off, he grabbed his books and stuffed them into his bookbag before he grabbed his Gryffindor robe heading out the door.  He was suppose to be meeting the guys, as well as the girls, Jamie and Olivia here to hang out by the lake.  It was something he been looking forward all week, it was a thing that they did every week when they gotten a chance to.
Walking down the second floor corridor he smiled when he seen Taranee and Maura waiting for him.  "Hey Mars and Tara, where are everyone else?"Shane asked them softly his hazel eyes looking around for his best mates, Katie, Jamie and Olivia but didn't see them.  Perhaps they were alittle late, after all they all had to come from different classes. Shane hated that they didn't have classes together, it made his classes boring without his best mates.  Shane guesses it was because of so much trouble they caused last year, they decided to split the foursome best mates.
"So... how were classes for you guys? I gotten detention as always for telling off Romeo.'said Shane angrily as his eyes darkened at the thought of Romeo.  Shane didn't know why he hated him so much, but Romeo hated Shane and Shane hated him.  It was probably because they were the complete opposite of each other, Romeo was a player to where Shane wasn't, Romeo was rude and self centered to where Shane wasn't, but they both seem to attract girls based on how they were though.  But Shane attracted girls but his kindess towards them and his nice charming smile or that's what he heard from Katie who heard some girls talking about him.  To be honest, Shane thinks that Romeo is jealous and thinks that Shane is trying to steal all the girls away from him.
Of course that wasn't true, Shane just walked down the hall and excuses him and then smiles and thanks them as he walks pass. It wasn't his fault if girls thought he had dreamy smile with gorgeous eyes.  Although he didn't mind what they thought, he was flattered and all but he liked one girl, and that was Olivia obviously but of course she didn't know due to him hiding his feeling very well from her.  Of course quote of bit of people knew about this, but it was only his best mates, Taranee, Maura, Jamie and Katie. Of course they were sworn not to tell anyone especially Olivia about this.

Last edited by Shane Diamond on Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shane Diamond
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Maura Goldstein Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:59 am

Maura shook her head. "I don't know, maybe they are on there way."said Maura shrugging. They all had separate classes, so they were all over the place. Maura wasn't happy about this new class schedule, she liked it better the other way where she had classes with her friends. She missed having classes with her friends, her classes were boring without them. She was going to ask if she can have at lease one class with all her friends.

Maura thought if she didn't have a class with at lease one of her best friends she was going to get insane. Of course making new friend was nice, but it was nice to have someone to play hangman with when you were bored in class. Besides, do they honestly think people are going to follow this stupid new class schedule? Maura didn't think that they were going to at all. Maura was glad she was a seventh year, that way if they did the same thing next year she wouldn't have to worry about it.

Maura rolled her eyes at Shane's question. "It went boring as always, I wish there was at some classes we had together!"said Maura sighing. Although her mood all the sudden changed when Shane told her she told of Romeo. "Well.. detention is one of your best friends so that isn't anything new, but way ago Shane!"said Maura smiling at him. Someone needed to knock that prick off his high horse, and she was glad that Shane was one of them. But Shane was always brave and took a stand against those things.

Maura Goldstein
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Taranee Knight Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:52 pm

Taranee looked at Shane and sighed. "Like Maura said there probably on there way, but I hate this new schedule it sucks!"said Taranee. She missed spending time with Kenneth, since this new schedule came out they haven't seen each other much. "We should have at lease one class together, class is so boring without you guys!"said Taranee sighing. It was true, she had no one to play hangman with when she was bored in class.

"I think if I don't get any classes with at lease one of you, I think I'm going to go crazy!"said Taranee honestly. "Do you really think people are going to follow this dumb schedule? of course not, they want to be with there best friends or girlfriend/boyfriend!"said Taranee angrily. She couldn't believe how much Hogwarts was changing, and it wasn't for the better. She was glad that this was her last year here, she wouldn't have to put up with this next year if they did the same thing next year.

Taranee nodded in agreement with Maura. "Yeah Mars is right, you and the guys spend more time in detention then anything, but I guess anything works to spend time with your friends."said Taranee honestly. "I'm glad you told him off Shane, him and Kenneth almost gotten into as well so your not the only one!"said Taranee. "I think he hates all four of you guys to be honest!"said Taranee.
Taranee Knight
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Jamie Griggory Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:03 pm

((I hope im not intruding but my name was on the tag.))
Jamie was fan of being late for things especially if the reason to be late was Quidditch. She didn't start quidditch before she was 9 years old but that didn't stop her from being good at the sport.She liked it better than any sport because you could fly.Her being such a fan of quidditch and having friends like Logan of course had made her late since she normally spent all her free time playing.She went up to the second floor where supposedly Shane and the others were waiting.

"Hello sorry I'm late I was playing Quidditch."Even if most of the group were seventh years she actually didn't feel out of place. Whereas when she was with younger people she did.She looked in her robe pockets and took out some chocolate frogs"Anyone want one?"Jamie always carried sweets with her and that was easy since her brother sent her what ever she asked for.You could say her brother spoiled her but she wasn't like some of the Slytherins.She opened her chocolate frog and ate it.She was hungry because Jamie Griggory was always hungry.
Jamie Griggory
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Guest Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:53 pm

Romeo had left charms class in a grumpy mood given what had happened between him and Shane. The Slytherin just couldn't understand why the idiot of a Gryffindor was nearlly as popular as he when it came to girls, it was unnerving. Luckily it was Quidditch trials tomorrow and Romeo was all pumped up to get back on the pitch and impress the girls even more, especially with his newly discovered chaser abilities. Romeo was hoping the transfer from seeker to chaser would be impressive, adaptable, give the impression Romeo was a superstar.

Romeo left the class behind Shane and followed him down the staircases and along corridors from about fifteen feet behind. The Slytherin was ready to head back to his domain in the dungeons and relax before the food was served for the evening meal... Although his plans soon changed.

Was that Shane? Shane talking to three pretty girls! Granted one was a Gryffindor judging by her robes so he had no interest in her, but the Hufflepuf and the Ravenclaw. He could 'tap that', or he could if he beat Shane to it and he already had a head start.

Looking at his reflection in the window besides him he clenched his jaw to make his jaw-line more prominent and raise the cheek bones; pushed his shoulders back in a relaxed manner and poured those irresistible lips ever so slightly. He was in pulling mode. Walking over he caught the eye of the Hufflepuff.

'Hey. My name's Romeo.' He said holding out a hand and nudging Shane to one side. 'I don't believe we have met?' He asked, hoping she would take his hand and feel his warmth. The warmth that made most girls go weak at the knees. In addition to that he had brushed his teeth three times already today (someone of a habit of his) and was keenly showing each of her pearly whites. Not that he needed to, his eyes were deep and penetrating as they lured into Maura's.

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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Maura Goldstein Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:51 am

Maura looked at Jamie and smiled. "Hey Jamie, and it's ok, were glad your here we missed you!"said Maura softly. Taking a chocolate frog from Jamie she smiled. "Thanks Jamie, I'm actually craving chocolate being pregnant and all."said Maura chuckling. Opening the package she took a bite of the chocolate frog without thinking twice about it. "Ah... that's better."said Maura softly as she swallowed the chocolate frog.

Seeing Romeo Zabini walking towards them, Maura's eyes turned red in anger before she simply calmed herself down as her eyes turned back to there chocolate brown eyes. "Look who's coming!"Maura whispered to Shane, Taranee and Jamie. Maura wondered why he was coming towards them, was it to tell Shane off or to flirt with her and the other girls? Didn't he know that they were all taken besides Jamie? God guys would do anything to get in people pants now days.

Seeing him nudge Shane to the side she gasped as she seen him hit the wall quite hard. "Oh my gosh Shane, are you ok?"Maura asked him softly before looking at Romeo angrily. "I know who you are you prick, and I'm sorry I'm not interested besides I have a boyfriend."said Maura looking at him with disgust. "I honestly thought you knew Romeo, I mean I spent all last year with Ryo mostly."said Maura.
Maura Goldstein
Maura Goldstein
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Shane Diamond Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:09 am

Shane's hazel eyes looked at the corridor as he seen Romeo walking towards them. "Great just bloody great, what the hell he want now?"Shane asked them obviously annoyed. He was probably going to try to flirt with the girls to get back at Shane, but it was going to back fire on him. That was something Shane would find quite funny and amusing. He couldn't wait to see how this was going to turn out.

As Romeo nudge him against the wall, his arm hit the wall quite hard, but other then that he was ok. "Yeah Mars I'm fine, takes quite a bit to hurt me.'said Shane softly. His hazel eyes glaring at Romeo he seen him walking towards Maura. Bad descion on his behalf, didn't he know that Maura was a taken girl that was pregnant with Ryo's child? God he was more of a idiot then Shane thought to start with.

Seeing Maura tell him off Shane smirked before looking at Romeo. "She's clearly a taken and happy girl Romeo, or else she wouldn't be pregnant with Roy's baby you stupid prick!"said Shane angrily. "So why don't you step off!"said Shane putting himself in front of Maura. He was very protective of any girl, but especailly Maura he was like a little sister to him and he would protect her from a prick like Romeo.

Shane Diamond
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Jamie Griggory Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:23 am

"Yes,Romeo leave her alone.I'm the only single girl here and seriously I would choose a freaking hippogriff over you."She said as she stood next to Shane in front of Maura.She was also very protective and she hated this type of guy.

"I think if any more of us were single you'd be the last choice."She said defensively.She had remembered what Logan told her about what he said to him.He had called him a douchebag should she do the same?? She asked herself.

"Girls do not like douchebags like you,"She smirked"Did Logan hurt your feelings by calling you that?"She said this part with her most humiliating voice possible."Oh and he embarrassed you in front of Addie didn't he?"She was enjoying this.She felt a bit bad because she was transforming into her Slytherin self.It was kind of an advantage since she could be mean when she wanted to but normally she kept it hidden.
Jamie Griggory
Jamie Griggory
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Ekko D'Eath-Augustine Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:29 am

How did she get stuck walking with a guy to where the rest of his friends were? She wouldn't really call them all her friends as well, considering she really only knew one of them, and the others were more of acquaintances. She sighed as she looked over at Jaybee who walked beside her, looking at the paintings they passed by. Olivia cleared her throat and Jaybee glanced at her. He smiled and Olivia just looked down at her feet as she walked.

"Come on, don't be so quiet. I won't bite." Jaybee said, trying to make conversation. You won't, but I will. Olivia thought, continuing to look down at the floor. She fought back the urge to bare her teeth at him and growl. He couldn't find out she was a Wolf. Shane hadn't found out on the train, and so far only a few people really knew what she had been turned into. Only her closest friends. They were the only ones who could know. If anyone else found out, she didn't doubt that something bad would happen.

As they arrived to the spot where everyone was meeting, Jaybee and Olivia noticed there was a bit of commotion. Shane had been pushed into the wall and Romeo was trying to make a move on Maura. The two of them immediately became defensive and walked over to the group. "What's going on here?" Jaybee asked, moving toward Shane to stand beside him as he spoke to Romeo. Olivia moved toward Maura and whispered, "What happened? Are you alright?"
Ekko D'Eath-Augustine
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Well... this is a great way to start the weekend! Empty Re: Well... this is a great way to start the weekend!

Post by Kenneth C. Knight Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:44 am

Kenneth was running late, something that he really didn't like doing. Rushing out of the DADA class he headed quickly towards the Second Floor Corridor towards his best mates. It didn't take him long, seeing how he pushed almost everyone out the way while coming.

Once he reached the second floor corridor he stopped in his tracks as he seen the scene before him, which didn't make him happy. Walking towards them his green eyes blazing in anger he walked towards them and took a stand beside Shane. "Hey mate, are you ok and what's going on?"Kenneth asked eyeing Romeo. "Oh, I thought I smelled something horrible when I entered, look who came from the dump!"said Kenneth.

Kenneth and Romeo were almost worse enemies then him and Shane were, Kenneth simply hated Romeo. To be honest, Kenneth thought he hated all four of them. The four of them together, always brought down romeo and his stupid plans. The four of them were a unstoppable pair, but the question was, where was Carson? Seeing Carson walking down the corridor angrily he smirked. "Looks like you have all four of us again Romeo."said Kenneth smirking at him.

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