How Many Characters You Want: I want a couple of threads so it depends on the thread, if it's like a hangout thread then have it be open, but if it's like a personal (ex: Romantic) have it be 1-2 at the most.
What characters you want: Preferably people in my year or older. Adults are fine too Smile
Level of RP: No need to really overdo it with me, I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things.
What you want to RP about: I want a couple of threads but I want them to be all at random. Just let things fall out. If you and Xem become friends, then they will be friends, if they turn out to be enemies so be it. It's whatever you feel and however the characters interact. However one thread about someone liking Xem would be nice I guess Neutral
Location: Anywhere in Hogsmeade, The Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley perhaps. We could discuss it, it doesn't really matter to me.
So yeah all in all I just want to start having some more threads with the community ya know so I can get to know you guys more. When posting here don't tell me your plan (unless it's with a relationship) just say you want a thread with Xem, but please more allies then enemies. I'm a sensitive little roleplayer I love you You can choose how close Xem and your character gets. And with the relationship thing I want it to be natural so yeah make it so that we occasionally fight or that we always have the fear of losing each other because of something someone did. AND LASTLY, if a lot of people post here (which I don't know if that's going to happen) I'm terrible when I'm backed up with threads so I'm going to take my time with them. So sorry if you're put on wait for awhile but yeah. Can't wait to start RPing with some of you and lets get started Smile