Early Morning Meeting - Page 2
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Early Morning Meeting - Page 2 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Early Morning Meeting

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Early Morning Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Early Morning Meeting

Post by Lance Corner Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:53 pm

Lance just looked at the two of them, he was torn between interest and anger. He just had a emotionless expression on his face as he looked at the two of them. They had kissed, but Amelia had never told him that. Aside from that, she was shaking and he knew of her pain, being that she was always working hard. 

Lance walked over to Amelia, pulling her into his arms without warning. Just letting her head lay into his chest, while he glared at Alex. Deciding that he should do something, he did start to do something. " Calm down, I don't like seeing you like this Amelia " 

It was all he said to her, as he took the piece of paper from her hand. Crumpling it up, and then tossing it on the bathroom floor on the other side of the wall. Yet, he wasn't done there as he pulled his wand aiming at the paper. 

" Incendio! " 

A jet of flames had shot out of his wand, and burned the paper to ashes the moment it was hit. Keeping his wand ready, if he would try to fight him but he was going to protect Amelia from him. 

" Your not perfect, mistakes happen, People die, this is life as we know it. If your going to hold onto the past for your life, then you don't even deserve a future. You will always be weighted down by your choices, either you Man up or walk around like the child you are " he said menacing to Alex, he was not playing around now.  
Lance Corner
Lance Corner
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Early Morning Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Early Morning Meeting

Post by Alexander Jones Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:37 am

Alex's heart had gone from beating a hundred times per second, to a normal heart rate. What had made him stop is seeing Amelia shaking. Was she really getting like this for him leaving? It's not like he would be gone forever, if he went back it would be late next year. He sighed, he really didn't want to see Amelia like this. She was his best friend, apart from Sam, who Alex and him had clicked. But he had known Amelia since their first days in Hufflepuff, so he could honestly say he had known her since they were kids. And he didn't want to break the bond they had.

Alex sighed, maybe it wasn't that he wanted to go to Barcelona because he didn't have a future there. But what Alex wanted to do was fulfill a dream. He honestly didn't see himself as a shopkeeper, or a job in the Ministry of Magic, but he did see himself as a Quidditch Player, and going to the youth academy would increase his chances by a large margin. It had been his dream to be asked to join one of those, and now that he had been offered, by a number of people, he really wanted to take it. He had never thought of how it affected Amelia or any other friends. There was another thing he could do, it was a summer course, he'd be there over the summer and come back next year, but he would get better chances doing the full year course.

He sighed, as he was ready to apologize to Amelia, his paper caught fire. Alex looked at the Lance kid. Alex softly popped his knuckles. Maybe the Lance kid didn't know, but Alex was sure Amelia knew, what Alex was capable of. Alex didn't look like much, but he knew lots of things traveling around the world. Parkour, reading and listening dead languages, and had mastered a variety of martial arts around the world.

Alex really wanted to punch the guy in the face, but with Amelia there, he was sure Amelia wouldn't forgive him for it. The guy started to talk, but Alex sighed, "Shut up, will ya?" Alex told him. Walking towards Amelia, unfazed by the fact that the Lance guy was pointing a wand at him, Alex looked at him, and laughed. Then turned to Amelia. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on her forehead. "I'm really sorry." Alex said to her, and turned around, heading towards the door, with the intention of getting another release paper.
Alexander Jones
Alexander Jones
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Early Morning Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Early Morning Meeting

Post by Amelia Macmillan Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:52 am

Amelia’s breathing slowly returned to normal. She forced herself to stop crying. She hadn’t said what she wanted to say let. She couldn’t let Alex leave without her saying it. Why did Lance have to say that? This is what Amelia was afraid of. Either people like Alex or they hate him. She couldn’t have her best friend and her boyfriend fight, especially when the two of them were good fighters in different ways.
When Lance sat the paper on fire she actually felt angry. This isn’t how she wanted to solve this. That was rash and irrational, and Lance was going to hear about it after she dealt with Alex. Why couldn’t this meeting been peaceful? Because it’s her life and nothing is ever peaceful. Dear Merlin, if this is what it was like with Alex what was going to happen with her dad. She scolded herself for thinking about that right now.
When Lance spoke to Alex, words Amelia would never use on Alex, than drew up his wand. Amelia was ready to jump up between the two of them. Lance didn’t know Alex nor did Alex know Lance. She knew that Alex has gone through a lot the past few years and she knows Lance hasn’t had a perfect life either. But for Merlin’s sake this was ridiculous. When Alex kissed her she knew if she didn’t do something Lance would.
“Alex wait just a second. Go to Barcelona, I’m being selfish. It’s your life and I don’t want to hold you back. You already know who you are and where you are going. It’s not right for me to hold you back from something you know you want to do. Just promise me you won’t forget the first time really talked in Knocturne Alley,” said Amelia breaking free from Alex. If she doesn’t say it all now she never would. “And Alex I don’t think you and me would have ever worked out anyways. Most people that date that are in same house don’t end up marrying. My parents were different, they had gone through hell and back together. Unless a wizarding war, knocking on wood, happens it wouldn’t have worked,” she added.
She turned a way towards Lance. She sighed at him if it wasn’t for the fact she knew he only was trying to help and didn’t know the whole story she would have glared at him. “Lance I know you were just trying to help but setting the paper on fire was a bit rash. I know I didn’t tell you everything if anything about Alex but sometimes it best not to say anything only act. I’m not trying to scold you, I’m trying to explain but none of this is coming out right,” said Amelia. She was actually rather scared that Lance would be angry at her. She told him she had kissed other guys not the fact she had kissed her current best friend.

((P.S. Star I sent that thread a few weeks ago now. Check your PMs))
Amelia Macmillan
Amelia Macmillan
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Early Morning Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Early Morning Meeting

Post by Lance Corner Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:16 am

Lance just looked at the two of them, he was in a sour mood at the moment. Dealing with this issue, when Alex had decided to leave out. He didn't stop him at all, just let him leave as he was dealing with a glaring Amelia. He just looked at her with a cold stare, he didn't liked that Alex had kissed her. 

It just shook his nerves to the point of snapping but he just relaxed. He didn't want to start some fight, he only knew how to use a wand in combat. He knew some fighting style, but it was only boxing at the moment. He wondered what to say to her, yet this was something that was his fault. Well not mostly, anyway. 

Dealing with this would be the best course of action. " Amelia, what just happened " It was all he said to her, he knew it but not the whole details. He wondered about this Alex fellow, was she into him...that put him at discomfort. He loved her, that was the reason he was being Jealous of Alex. He was just very quiet at this moment in time, it was all he could do now. Wait for the answers to come to him and hope for the best.
Lance Corner
Lance Corner
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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Early Morning Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Early Morning Meeting

Post by Amelia Macmillan Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:28 am

Amelia took a deep breath. This isn’t what she had in mind for this morning. Well, when do things go as planned for her? She had to think clearly and use the right words. She also had to be honest. She instantly knew she couldn’t be the diplomatic Amelia she was comfortable with.
“I didn’t mean for you to find out like this. It was a mistake. I thought Alex and I had dealt with all that but clearly we didn’t. I’m sorry for keeping this secret from you,” she said. Her voice was shaky. She was terrified Lance would walk out just like Alex had. She couldn’t bear the thought of that.

“I can’t change the past. A lot has happened the past few years with Alex and we’ve known each other since first years. He’s probably the only friend I have in my year. We kissed once after I broke up with my last boyfriend. Then he didn’t talk to me for several months. During that time I met you and realized that all Alex and I would have end up with us getting burned, we are too much alike,” said Amelia.
Amelia Macmillan
Amelia Macmillan
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