GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia
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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Li9olo10

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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Chiara A. Giovinazzo Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:57 pm

GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Elizabeth-reaser-mobile-wallpaper



    FULL NAME: Chiara Alessia Giovinazzo

    NICKNAMES: Chissy

    AGE: 25

    ALLEGIANCE: Order of Phoenix

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw

    WAND: Willow, Dragon Heartstring, 12,5, flexible

    PLAY BY: Elizabeth Reaser


    HAIR COLOUR: Gold brown

    EYE COLOUR: Grey with a shade of brown


    BODY BUILD: slender

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Chissy has a long curly gold brown hair hanging to her shoulder. Her round eyes are grey with a shade of brown, sparkling with kindness. She has a strong jaw bone. Usually just let her hair loose or make a bun out of it, anything simple and comfortable is her style. Whether it is a dress or jeans, she wears them all as long as they feel comfortable to move.


    STRENGTHS: potion, healer, dueling, cooking, sport
    WEAKNESSES: CoMC, swimming, dancing, darkness, sweets

    LIKES: Sweets, sleeping, cooking, sunlight, summer, quidditch
    DISLIKES: CoMC, swimming, darkness, night, animals that walks with its belly.

    GOALS: Live a happy life and has her own family

    HABITS & QUIRKS: biting her lips when thinking
    BOGGART: a river at night with no light at all

    PATRONUS: When she was adopted

    DEMENTOR: drowned in the lake at night

    MIRROR OF ERISED: standing there with a husband and children

    PERSONALITY: Chissy is a loving fun girl. She is active and a carefree women. She is obviously lonely because she was growing up without a father until her parents adopted her. Whatever her problem is, she never mentioned it to anyone. She always keep it to herself. During her years at Hogwarts, she never showed her true feelings. Poeple always saw a bright smile on her face no matter what. But deep inside, she envy kids with complete parents. Although she had her adopted father and mother, she always wonders why her father left her mother, because Clementine never told her anything about her father, and she stopped asking.


    FATHER: Charlie Giovinazzo (Adopted), Richard Winters (Biological)

    MOTHER: Arelia Giovinazzo (Adopted), Clementine Rivera (Biological)

    SIBLING/S: none

    OTHER: none

    BLOOD STATUS: pureblood

    RACE: human


    PET/S: An owl name moonlight, a black cat named shadow

    Firebolt, books, locket.


    Early Years: Chiara was born in winter cold in central Italy. Her mother, Clementine Rivera was only 18 that time, ran away from home with her unborn child. She ended up in Italy, in front of Charlie and Arelia Giovinazzo's manor. Charlie and Arelia were wealthy, Gypsy descendant that worked as doctors. They didn't have any kids. So when this young witch, weak and pregnant, fainted in front of their house, they took her in. Couple months later, Clementine gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Chiara Alessia. They both love Clementine and her baby, tried their best to help her anyway they can. But, when they asked the girl about the baby's father, she kept quiet. Then they stopped asking.

    Chiara was an ordinary kid, until the day she turned 2. She fell off a stair and scratched herself. Her mother ran to her, ready to pour medicine on her wound, only to found out that the wound began to heal. Then they knew that Chiara healed faster that anyone else. This gift she had, never caused her a problem, until when she was 5, Arelia was robbed and the thief cut her upper hand. She ran home with blood all over her shirt. Chiara saw her and put her little hands on her arm, asked her what happened. Arelia smiled to this kid and told her that she was fine. Arelia walked to the kitchen to clean her wound, only to found that it was dried, healed.

    Chissy's mother died when she was only 8. She was drowned in a lake at night. And no one found her until the next day. That's why until now, Chissy's afraid of dark lake at night. She never knew her father, not even knew his name. But both the Giovinazzo's and her knew that her mother was a witch. Before she died, she gave Chiara her wand, hope that she would use it when she is going to Hogwarts. Also from her mother, Chiara knew that this healing touch that she had from birth was her father's gift. Chiara can heals her own injuries and also others only by simply touching them.

    Since she had no one else, the Giovinazzo adopted her when she was 10. It was the happiest moment in her life, to have a real family, a mother and father. She loves them dearly. They taught her medication from modern world, also from ancient Gypsy. She loved what she was doing and enjoyed it. Until she got her letter, they then sent her to Hogwarts to have a proper educational on magic.

    Hogwarts Years: Like any other child, Chissy was thrilled to be at Hogwarts. And she enjoyed every moments of it. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, the house of those with wit. She proved herself to be a smart kid. Especially with potion and DADA. She learnt everything from lessons to sports to jokes. Friends were everywhere. Chissy had lots of friends from other houses too. But only true friends really appreciate her gift, the other was somehow envy or scared of it. Sometimes she envy every kids with happy family. It's not that she wasn't happy, living with the Giovinazzos, but she wanted her real family. She blamed herself for not be able to save her mother, though she had the gift of healing. And she do blame her father for leaving them, although she doesn't know who he is.

    She secretly learnt how to be an animagus on her 6th year for a year before she could actually do it.Her animagus form followed her patronus form which is a fox. She had laughter and tears during her 7 years in Hogwarts, falling in love and broken heart were one of them, obviously.

    Adulthood: She was going back to Italy immediately after finishing Hogwarts. Helping her parents with their hospital. There she found her true calling, to become a healer. She knew her healing touch wasn't useful to those who are severely injured, so she learnt medication on her parent's hospital, combined with gypsy's secret medication recipe. Helped her parents there, ever since.

    When her parents died, she was 23 years old. She lost everyone she loved, completely alone. She decided to closed her parent's hospital, but couldn't. Then she asked her parent's closest friends to keep managing the hospital. She stayed there for another year and a half, then decided to moved back to England. She joined the Order of Phoenix. Chissy is wealthy enough to survive without a job because her adopted parents left everything they had to her, but she needs something to keep her busy, then she applied at St. Munggo Hospital.



    RP EXPERIENCE: here and there

    HOW YOU FOUND US: you know me

    MAIN CHARACTER: Dominique E. Weasley

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: in need of grads.


Last edited by Chiara A. Giovinazzo on Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
Chiara A. Giovinazzo
Chiara A. Giovinazzo

Number of posts : 23

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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty Re: GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:54 pm


I like her. She will be a nice addition to St. Mungos. But would you please complete the personality section (under the Mirror of Erised?)


Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty Re: GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Chiara A. Giovinazzo Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:14 am

Oh! I missed that one!!
Sorry, Khaat. And done. Very Happy
Chiara A. Giovinazzo
Chiara A. Giovinazzo

Number of posts : 23

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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty Re: GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Elijah Krum Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:20 pm

Okay, there's a little bit more that needs to be done/explained before the application can be accepted.

1. Chiara is a nice character personality-wise but in that respect she is quite flat. She needs to have the qualities that give her more of a character - she needs a temper or a vindictive streak; something to make her dislikable that is redeemed by the wealth of good traits she boasts.

2. You need to supply her blood status and also the name of her biological father. It is alright if she as a character is aware of neither but they need to be written for documentation purposes.

3. Could you elaborate on the gift that she has and explain any draw-backs it has as well as any points in time when it does not act as usual or is something of a hindrance to her?
Elijah Krum
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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty Re: GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Chiara A. Giovinazzo Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:41 pm

Done, Eli!! Very Happy
Chiara A. Giovinazzo
Chiara A. Giovinazzo

Number of posts : 23

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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty Re: GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Elijah Krum Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:20 am

Much better! I shall accept her.

One last thing though - when you said her mother was drowned. Did she drown herself or was she murdered?
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty Re: GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Dominique E. Weasley Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:44 am

Muggle police pronounced her 'death by accident' because they didn't find any evidence to say otherwise.

But, if you think that would be necessary, i am sure i can create a much more interesting plot about her mother's death and her biological father. ^^
Dominique E. Weasley
Dominique E. Weasley
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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty Re: GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Elijah Krum Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:19 pm

Ah! Okay, I just wanted that cleared up.

By all means, though, go on with that plot device - it sounds great!
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
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GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia Empty Re: GIOVINAZZO, Chiara Alessia

Post by Chiara A. Giovinazzo Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:43 pm

Lol... Thanks a lot, Eli. Very Happy
Chiara A. Giovinazzo
Chiara A. Giovinazzo

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