In order to make transfiguration more interesting, we're going to have a maze where you will have to use the knowledge you've gained from the first two lessons (Conjuration and Transformation.) Here are the details:
First, you will not be able to use any spells, only transfiguration.
You will grab a one way portkey which will transport you to an underground maze (say, Hogwarts dungeons or whatever.) You, and your partner, will arrive in a circular area with very dim lighting, and with five paths in front of you. The maze is very dark, but there are torches in the first room, though you will have to light them with conjuration.
The goal is to get through the maze. The paths branch out to more paths and intertwine and many times you might end up in the first room. A smart thing to do would be to use conjuration to mark where you have already been. There are a few obstacles you have to get past, feel free to create them (wall of fire, etc.)
Eventually you will end up at a silver gate, which will only open with a silver key. The silver key is visible PAST the gate. So in order to get to it, you need to pass the gate, but in order to pass the gate, you need the key. Use conjuration or transformation to get the key.
The silver gate leads to a large room with a platform in the middle. The platform is surrounded by a two meter long gap. The portkey back is on the platform, but how do you cross to the gap to reach it?
The whole point of this is to get you guys to roleplay with the partners, so...
These are the pairs. Generally same house/opposite gender when possible.
Amelia Macmillan - Zandell Dawlish
Alice Longbottom - Derry Flanegan
Sean Wilson - Cecilie Montez
Alexander Kaverin - Marguerite de Lancret
Avis Summers - Hitame Higurashi
Asuna Mitchell - Serge Hunter
Theodora Crewe
You will each have your own thread
Any other active students out there post here!