WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus
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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Li9olo10

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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Sawyer Weasley Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:35 am

WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Tumblr_lsxjjgtqrH1qitxuw



    FULL NAME: Sawyer Septimus Weasley

    NICKNAMES: Soy Bean, when he was younger.
    Sully, as his little sister calls him.

    AGE: 25, Aug 23

    ALLEGIANCE: Order of the Phoenix

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: ex-Grynffidor

    WAND: hawthorn, kneazle whiskers, fourteen inches, rigid

    PLAY BY: James/Oliver Phelps. I prefer using James, but I can’t always find the proper picture, so Oliver works too.


    HAIR COLOR: Ginger…ish!

    EYE COLOR: Brown!

    HEIGHT: Six foot.

    BODY TYPE: Stocky.

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Charlie and the twins looked similar and Sawyer takes after them- shorter than the other boys, stockier, more compact, but still pretty large. Sawyer is not exactly short, at six foot flat, but the Weasley boys that take after Ron and Percy still tower over him- or will, when they grow up. Sawyer appears to be very solid- a personality trait that is also reflected by his physical appearance and stature.

    Sawyer stands with fortitude- usually legs apart, chin raised, shoulders squared, and fists casually clenched at his sides. He typically wears robes, for he’s always admired the way they frame his body. When he’s out in the field, he likes to wear jeans and plain fleece shirts. At work, he wears business suits under his robes. At home, sweats and a ratty t-shirt typically does the trick. When he can get away with sneakers, he wears them.

    Sawyer’s facial features are striking, with defined cheekbones and a boxy, square jawline. His eyes are dark brown, and he has some freckles lightly dappled over his nose. A few dark freckles can be seen on his neck and throat. His hair is an unruly mop of brown hair that, in the right light, shines red and true in the typical Weasley manner. His mouth is usually twisted into a half smirk, as he inhereted his uncles’ taste for mischief.


    \\family orientated
    \\quick to judge
    \\deals in absolutes

    \\magical creatures
    \\his family
    \\a hard day’s work
    \\Quidditch - Seeker
    \\fewer words rather than more
    \\red meat
    \\dragons especially
    \\the light path

    \\Most people
    \\long speeches
    \\Death Eaters and bad guys in general

    \\Fix the Department for Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures
    \\Watch out for the Weasley/Potter clan

    \\grinds teeth
    \\loves muggle popcorn

    BOGGART: Being unable to defend his family.

    PATRONUS: Getting accepted into the same Romanian program as his father for dragon handling.

    DEMENTOR: When he was young, he stumbled upon a crime scene. A boy his age had been killed by Death Eaters. He still has nightmare about the boy.

    VERITASERUM: He doesn’t have many secrets- he’s pretty much an open book. Probably that he found his father fallen one day when the older man was home alone. This proved his father’s declining health, but he was too afraid of worrying his family.

    MIRROR OF ERISED: A society of restored order, with a functional Ministry, and the Death Eaters extinct.

    PERSONALITY: Sawyer almost has two personalities. At work, he is rigid, professional, and prompt. He does not like messing around and does not tolerate unprofessionalism. He is fiercely passionate about his job and takes the responsibilities of his department seriously. He is unforgiving and believes in justice. While he has no prejudices against creatures such as vampires and werewolves, he also believes that if they have hurt anyone, they deserve punishment. He is lawful and by the book. His determination and solidarity makes him a formidable enemy to anyone who goes against him or the department.

    Outside of work, Sawyer is a fairly relaxed, easy-going guy. He likes to laugh and joke, though he is a bit too serious to joke enough to embarrass himself, for he is fairly proud. He likes to relax and unwind, and he is incredibly loyal to his friends and family. The ladies typically enjoy his company, but the focus on his career keeps him from having any steady relationships.


    FATHER: Charlie Weasley, 53, pureblood.

    MOTHER: Melisa Weasley, nee Hains, 53, halfblood.

    SIBLING(S): Casey Weasley, 13.

    Bill and Fleur Weasley
    Percy and Audrey Weasley
    George and Angelina Weasley
    Ronald and Hermione Weasley
    Harry and Ginny Potter, deceased.

    James Potter
    Albus Potter
    Lily Potter
    Victoire Weasley
    Dominique Weasley
    Louis Weasley
    Molly Weasley
    Lucy Weasley
    Roxanne Weasley
    Fred Weasley
    Rose Weasley
    Hugo Weasley

    BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood

    ANIMANGUS FORM: red fox

    RACE: Human

    SOCIAL STATUS: Middle class

    PET(S): falcon named Brutus, who serves as an owl.
    Kneazle named Korin.
    Anatolian shepard named Walrus
    A twelve year old doe named Darla.
    This list is ever growing as Sawyer keeps pets better than he keeps friends.

    BROOMSTICK(): Nimbus 2001

    \\dragon log - updates on latest dragon research
    \\fireproof clothes
    \\a small house in Ottery St Catchpole
    \\his possessions may be viewed here


    Early Years: Charlie Weasley took awhile to settle. He stayed out of the wizarding wars and continued on working mainly in Romania. When he turned twenty seven, he returned home for a year, planning on catching up with the British Ministry. It was during this time he reacquainted with a secretary by the name of Melissa. He and Mel had dated in their Hogwarts years, and it only took a year for them to make it official and get married. A few months after their marriage, Sawyer was born and became their pride and joy.

    Sawyer was meant to be the only child. His mother quit her job for the first five years of his life to be close to him. He was spoiled as much as his parents could afford. By the time he was three, her was flying around on a toy broomstick. As he grew up, his father encouraged him to explore the small ranch home they had and bring home any animals he found. When he turned five, his mother enrolled him in muggle school and returned to work. By the time he was seven, he would come home from school at three and stay at home until five with the only supervision his parents could secure- an elderly woman who slept through the entirety of her visits. In this time, Sawyer explored the woods behind his home and visited the wild animals his dad kept. When he was ten, he watched a doe die giving birth to a fawn. He took the fawn and, to this day, owns the old deer.

    When he was eleven, he received his Hogwarts letter, to no one's surprise, as his magic had become evident when the animals he kept began changing colors.

    Hogwarts Years: Sawyer found his element in Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat was not even completely over his head when he was sorted into Gryffindor. As the son of famed Seeker Charlie Weasley, the older Gryffindor boys took him under their care, and he soon grew tougher due to their influence. The one strength he had against the older boys was the refusal to break any rules- except entering the Forbidden Forest. Here, Sawyer thrived for he enjoyed the benefits of seeing animals in their natural habitats. He barely escaped such encounters with centaurs, a werewolf once, blast ended skrewts (which now have the run of the Forbidden forest), Aarogog's children, and thestrals (which he can see due to his multiple encounters with the deaths of creatures, which had a deep effect on him as a child).

    By the time he was thirteen, Sawyer was on the Quidditch team. In his fifth year, he was made prefect, making his family incredibly proud. In sixth year, he was made Quidditch Captain, and he was Head Boy in his seventh year. He also had flattering OWL and NEWT scores.

    Astronomy E
    Charms E
    Defence Against the Dark Arts O
    Herbology O
    History of Magic P
    Potions A
    Transfiguration O
    Muggle Studies E
    Care of Magical Creatures O
    Divination P

    Astronomy O
    Charms O
    Defence Against the Dark Arts O
    Herbology O
    History of Magic A
    Potions O
    Transfiguration O
    Muggle Studies E
    Care of Magical Creatures O

    Thus ended an excellent run at Hogwarts.

    Adulthood: Sawyer immediately went to the Ministry. For three years he rotated between each department of the Department for Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures, gaining a competence in each faction. He then spent the next four years travelling to gain the richest experience- he studied Goblins at the Russian wizarding bank; werewolves in New Zealand; vampires in Transylvania; giants in the English mountains; poltergeists, ghosts, and ghouls in some of the most haunted locations in the world; Merpeople in the Carribean; veela in France; dementors at Azkaban; centaurs in Hungary; and the rest (such as chimeras, hippogriffs, hags, and nymphs) in his time as a zookeeper at a large magical zoo in America. For the past year, he has been in Romania, following his father's foosteps as a dragon keeper.

    Sawyer has now returned, settling his little family or sorts into a cottage surrounded by wooded area a few miles from his grandparent's home in Ottery St. Catchpole. He has returned at the bidding of Jack Dyllan, who has informed him of her intent to step down. The two have worked together on large cases involving dragons and have a mutual respect. Sawyer, while he respects Jack, intends to tighten the reigns on the whole department.



    RP EXPERIENCE: I'm still learning the ropes of this weird thing you call roleplay.

    HOW YOU FOUND US: I bought PA.

    OTHER CHARACTERS: Jack, Milo, Sofie, Naomi, Ellie, Franki, and Teddy. PLEASE delete Cliff Jordan. And Wilbur Hart is sort of on hold while his wife is being created.

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: To take Ms Dyllan's job (Jess approved) and to rejuvenate the Ministry, as well as crack down on magical creatures.


Sawyer Weasley

Number of posts : 130

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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Sawyer Weasley Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:57 am

Sawyer Weasley

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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:34 pm


I am really sorry, but we can't take this character as he is written. There are no more grad Weasleys on the canon list. Can you edit him somehow, please?

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:46 pm

Well, I figured that Charlie had sort of been forgotten. He's not on the canon list but he is canon and he didn't die in the battle of Hogwarts. I really think the Weasleys and Potters should be more active, and he seemed like a good way to go.

I really don't know how I could rewrite him without being Charlie's son, as his personality sort of derives from his family.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:03 pm

Jack, that rule about canons has been in place since 2008. If you have issues, please check the link below.


Canons need to be according to the list. There are no graduate Weasleys on the list. I really am sorry, but, no, we can't accept him as a Weasley.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:16 pm

I am aware of this rule.

But my character Milo d'Eath was accepted, and it was the same process as Sawyer. Lorcan was canon, but I made up Milo and Milo's mother and he was accepted because it fit within canon. I also know that the canon list is not set in stone and I thought Charlie had been forgotten, so I thought it might have been helpful that I created the family so they could join the list, as they are canon, and are alive.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
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Number of posts : 10287
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Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's


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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Nemo Omara Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:38 pm

I don't mean to intrude, and the canon list is lovely, but it is lacking legitimate canon characters. Rather than further limit character creation, why not take it in stride and correct the list's mistakes? Jackles is constantly supporting PA's site plots, and at the very least, I think she has earned a couple of supposedly unorthodox canons.
Nemo Omara
Nemo Omara

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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Jess Potter Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:25 am

No one deserves unorthodox canons, rules are rules, that's how it is, and we don't bend them for anyone, unless characters existed before the rules were created, as is the case with myself, khaat (her lupin clan) and quite a few other members who've unfortunately gone inactive since the rule was implemented (it was a very long time ago, after all)

However, I agree that the canon list does have its holes, so, with some help (Eli and Red were the canon list people, not me) I'll put some stuff up for you.

In the future though, and this goes for anyone who may be reading this, it's better to ask the admins to add a new canon family branch, then make the character, rather than the other way around, because it comes across as a method of strongarming. Like "I've done my part making the character, now you HAVE to do your part in adding the canon bit"
Which I know was not the aim of what you were doing, but it is the message that comes across.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:26 am

Just going to point out that I did PM you and I had mentioned he was Charlie's son.

But duly noted.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
Special Abilities : Occlumency
Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's


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WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus Empty Re: WEASLEY, Sawyer Septimus

Post by Jess Potter Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:48 pm

Check the order of PMs, I had approved the idea of the character before you mentioned he was charlie's son, and I only got the Charlie PM this morning, after this app was up.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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