PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle
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PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle  Li9olo10

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PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle

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PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle  Empty PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle

Post by Andrew Carter Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:50 am

PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle  Seohyun+SNSD



       FULL NAME: Noelle Isabelle Perkins

       NICKNAMES: Noel, Le, Belle, Perk, Elle. Mostly called as Elle.

       AGE: 18

       ALLEGIANCE:  Neutral

       HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff (Now Graduated it already)

       WAND: Acacia, Dragon core, 10 1/2 in +  Slightly Yielding

       PLAY BY: Seo Joo-hyun (Seohyun)



       HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown (What can mistake sometimes as even Black)

       EYE COLOR: Brown

       HEIGHT: 162 cm

       BODY TYPE: Thin

       GENERAL APPEARANCE: Elle has dark brown curly hair, what people sometimes mistake as black if you look far away. She also has brown eyes. Girl is quite thin too. She is quite short too so she likes to wear high heels quite often, most people are taller than her in her age. Even her friends are taller than her. Most of times she likes to wear dressed and other girly thinks, like skirts. Pants not so much but she can wear them if needed. Now when she is older little bit she doesn't wear so much anymore this headband's. Sometimes you still can see her wearing it.



       Quick leaner
       BAD TRAITS:
       Mean sometimes
       Too emotsional.
       Hates criticism.


       Mean people
       Apples (allerigic to these)
       Airplanes (She hates fling with these)

       To have proper job one day and also family.

       Bitting nails when is nervous sometimes.

       BOGGART: Flying with airplanes and dark places.

       PATRONUS: Vistng Disney Land with parents.

       DEMENTOR: Father died three years ago.

       VERITASERUM: Everybody thinks that she is halfblood, some even pureblood but actually she is muggle-blood, so both her parents are muggels

       MIRROR OF ERISED: To have a good boyfriend and she also wish to have her own family with good husband.

       PERSONALITY: Elle is very emotional, she can cry very easily, she can smile all the time when she finds it funny or needed. She is smart girl and because of it she had very good grades and knows very much about things but she knows also about them because she is reading on her free time. She was even quick leaner, she did learn thinks quite fast if she wanted, that trait she discover lately. She likes dancing so you can see her very much dancing in her common room and sometimes even in other places if she is listening music. She is also very active girl, she always have to do something.




       FATHER: Charlie Perkins (Deceased)

       MOTHER: Caroline Perkins 39.

       SIBLING(S): Has sister whose 10 years old: Natalie Emily Perkins.

       OTHER: Of course she has them, grandparents and so on. There is just so many.

       BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn

       RACE: Human

       SOCIAL STATUS: Middle Class

       PET(S): Cat named Kitty and owl named Viola.







       Early Years: She was born in Perkins family as first child, her both parents just graduated high school back then, when she was born. (They have never been in Hogwarts). She had very good childhood. When she was 8 her parents had another child and she was her sister Natalie. When she was 11 she received letter from Hogwarts. It was surprise to her family. Why she had it still mysterious.

       Hogwarts Years: She have had all her years here in Hogwarts very good grades. She has quite many friends but she was not very popular in this school. Three years ago actually her dad died, why he died is still mysterious. Now really even except Elle and her family doesn't want to know what happened with Charlie.

       Adulthood: Now when she is graduated she at first didn't know what to do with her life. She had hard time to choose what to do. Since her both parents are muggles then they didn't know how to help her either. Since Elle wanted to have something in wizard world. She did asked help from her friend and she suggested that she should try to be Potions Maker in St. Mungos since she found it would be good since Elle was good in potions. She decided to it but she doesn't know yet will she get that job or not.





       YOUR NAME: Krissu

       RP EXPERIENCE: Some months but yeah English is my second language.

       HOW YOU FOUND US: Someone told me about it.

       OTHER CHARACTERS: Cecilie Montez and Serena Smith.

       PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: To graduate Hogwarts and have someone in higher class too. Smile

       RP SAMPLE:



Last edited by Noelle Perkins on Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:11 pm; edited 3 times in total
Andrew Carter
Andrew Carter
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

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PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle  Empty Re: PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:11 pm

she has traits of both ravenclaw and hufflepuff, but i think, to me, she seems a bit more like a hufflepuff than a ravenclaw. is that okay with you?

let me know.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle  Empty Re: PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle

Post by Andrew Carter Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:15 pm

Hufflepuff is totally okay with me.
Andrew Carter
Andrew Carter
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 111

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PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle  Empty Re: PERKINS, Noelle Isabelle

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:17 pm

ok. accepted and sorted into hufflepuff then.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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