A drunken night
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A drunken night Li9olo10

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A drunken night

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A drunken night Empty A drunken night

Post by Chad Taylor Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:45 pm

Chad was, he couldnt grasp the word.

He had been wondering around Hogwarts, gradually becoming depressed. The joy of magic which had once filled his heart, had left suddenly and he needed someone. Just a fling, someone to make his troubles go away just for one night.

Chad was confused.

He didn't understand his purpose, he needed to buy a drink, to wash his sorrows away. He quickly but cautiously walked towards the Hogs Head Inn, to, tomorrow was the weekend, if he wanted he could sleep here until tomorrow. "One Fire Whiskey please" he said, sitting down at a two man table. The beer appeared in front of him, and he took a swig. Hoping there would be someone to comfort him.
Chad Taylor
Chad Taylor
Fifth Year Gryffindor
Fifth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 162

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A drunken night Empty Re: A drunken night

Post by Artemis R. Knox Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:45 pm

Dani wasn't sure what she was supposed to do now. She was engaged to Ezra and though she loved him, she rarely got to see him. This year, he would be graduating and she would be stuck in Hogwarts without him for a year before she graduated and they were married. What was she supposed to do without him? The blonde sighed softly as she followed her friends to the Hog's Head.

They had decided that they didn't want to see Dani in a depressed state anymore and they wanted her to go out. They were both idiots but she knew that their intentions were good ones, so she decided that she would go out with them for that night. Maybe they'd be able to find something fun to do for a while.

Not long after they'd gotten there, her friends had begun to drink. Dani watched them, refusing to drink any alcohol because she knew that if she got drunk something bad could happen. But they had started to play a little game and somehow, like usual, she had gotten dragged into it and they had forced her to drink some Fire Whiskey. A lot of Fire Whiskey actually.

"Okay ... no more." Dani said in a slurred tone as she placed the empty glass on the table. "Alright, alright. I think you have drank enough for one night." Her friend said, also in a slurred tone. "We should go back now." another one said and the two other girls began to stand up and leave. Dani started to follow but she realized she forgot something and she turned back. "I .. I'll catch up with you guys in a bit." she managed to get out as she stumbled back to their table to get what she had left.
Artemis R. Knox
Artemis R. Knox
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

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A drunken night Empty Re: A drunken night

Post by Chad Taylor Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:52 pm

He watched as a beautiful blonde entered, and drank, drank a lot. Chad refused to drink as much as her. He kept her eye on her, even though he was a little tipsy himself. He watched amazingly as she refused continuously, but she eventually caved, peer pressure always got the best of them.

He then watched as they left but the girl stayed behind, obvisiouly looking for something she'd left behind. This was his time to swoop in. She got close to her, and put his arms around her as she stumbled, catching her and steadied her feet. "The heavens must be missing an angel, because you're right here on earth," would she fall for the cheesy pickup line?

He calmly said, "I'm Chad, Chad Taylor, fifth year Slytherin." He was hoping she'd put out her hand for him to shake, so in return he could kiss the top of it.
Chad Taylor
Chad Taylor
Fifth Year Gryffindor
Fifth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 162

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A drunken night Empty Re: A drunken night

Post by Artemis R. Knox Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:33 am

Dani knew there was always one student who would try to seduce someone else in these pubs. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she watched a boy come near her and say some stupid and cheesy pickup line. She rolled her eyes and stared at him. "Oh come on. Is that the best you can do? No one would fall for that." she smirked at him. Well ... At least he had her attention, normally Dani would've just walked away as soon as she hears the pickup line.

Then he introduced himself, just like that. His name sounded familiar and it made Dani slightly calmer. "Ah, so you're a Slytherin and a fifth year at that." she said as she remembered who he was. She found it normal for younger Slytherins to want to get with older girls, in fact she found it normal for any boy of any house, but that didn't mean she wanted to be part of it. Still, she thought she had to be at least a little nice, after all he was her housemate. "I'm Danielle Mulciber." she said, extending her hand toward him.
Artemis R. Knox
Artemis R. Knox
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 416

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A drunken night Empty Re: A drunken night

Post by Chad Taylor Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:42 am

"Nice to meet you," he said charmingly, he'd usually shake someones hand, but she was a woman, and deserved to be treated like one. He held her hand gentlemanly , and kissed the top of her palm gently. "So, why aren't you with your friends, they looked nice, and you look even nicer," he grinned at her, as he said this, but it was true.

"So, would I be able to buy you drink, or would you like to go outside and trudge back to the castle cold and alone?" it was an offer she couldn't resist he knew it. "What's your preference of alcoholic beverage?"
Chad Taylor
Chad Taylor
Fifth Year Gryffindor
Fifth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 162

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A drunken night Empty Re: A drunken night

Post by Artemis R. Knox Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:30 am

Dani could see what he was doing, it had happened to her plenty of times, and she wasn't going to fall for it. She wasn't gullible, although some people seemed to think she was. She raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. "I just forgot something, I'll catch up with them soon enough." she said, making it seem like she wasn't interested in him in the slightest. Which was true, but she wasn't going to pass up a free drink, at least her father had taught her something.

Her smirk stayed on her lips and she nodded. "You can. I guess I'll have a Firewhiskey." she said in a smooth, slightly seductive voice that she was used to talking in since she was younger. This was a voice she had basically perfected in all the time she spent with the pranking and other things.
Artemis R. Knox
Artemis R. Knox
Fifth Year Hufflepuff
Fifth Year Hufflepuff

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A drunken night Empty Re: A drunken night

Post by Chad Taylor Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:31 am

"You heard the lady," Chad said at the bartender, keeping all eyes on her, he looked her up and down, and grinned. "May I ask you to accompany me in a booth?" he asked, his eyes watching hers. He wondered if she'd say yes? She was way too good for him, but tonight the odds might be in his favour.

"So,' he said sitting down, "what did you forget, to talk to me?" he said charmingly still watching her every move. The firewhiskey appeared on the bench, and a chocolate liqueur appeared on his side, "I've always had a thing for chocolate, what about you?"
Chad Taylor
Chad Taylor
Fifth Year Gryffindor
Fifth Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 162

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