Cloveman, Piers Malcom
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Cloveman, Piers Malcom  Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Cloveman, Piers Malcom

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Cloveman, Piers Malcom  Empty Cloveman, Piers Malcom

Post by Piers Cloveman Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:36 pm


Piers Malcome Cloveman


    FULL NAME: Piers Malcom Cloveman

    NICKNAMES: Self-explanatory

    AGE: 11

    ALLEGIANCE: Potters Army


    CLASSES: Charms,Transfiguration,Potions ,Defense Against the Dark Arts,History of Magic

    WAND: Holly 12inches,Dragon Heartstring Strong

    PLAY BY: Dakota Gayo


    HAIR COLOR: Light Blonde

    EYE COLOR: Green

    HEIGHT: 5.11

    BODY TYPE: Slender.

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Piers has always had blonde hair that was flip.Piers has always had cherry cheeks and grean eyes.Piers wears normal kid clothes .Piers has always had white teeth never had cavitys.Piers has always had a no scars and tatoos .Piers has paleish skin that is very tan too about a little bit tan.Piers has a sparkle in his eyes that makes people like him.Piers was always normal he ws always smart and helpful.



    Hot Headed



    Becoming Headboy
    Becoming Quiditch Captain
    Becoming Prefect
    Becoming a auror when he is out of hogwarts

    Combs Hair A lot
    Flips Hair
    Reads Too Much
    Runs a lot

    BOGGART: Bats

    PATRONUS: When he went to his first Quiditch Match

    DEMENTOR: Falling off his broom when he was younger

    VERITASERUM: His dad having Black Fox Amgious

    MIRROR OF ERISED: Becoming Headboy and Quiditch Captain

    PERSONALITY: Piers has always been a good kid never holding grudges.Piers has always been a easy kid to be.Piers never asked for much of life always hoping he make it through life and guide his courage. Piers was alwayss very brave and loyal to his parents.Piers parents always made sure he was well raised.Piers never liked being different then most kids his age .Piers has always been reading his llife books in his room.Piers also loved thinking of stuff. Piers always read to think..


    FATHER: Malcom Fredrick Cloveman /44/ Auror

    MOTHER: Willow Tina Cloveman /44/ Minstry Worker

    SIBLING(S):Vincent Marcus Cloveman /13/ Student ,Carson Ryan Cloveman /16/ Student,Isabellla Ella Cloveman /10/,Andrew Geogrge Cloveman /17/ Student,

    OTHER: (Any other important family)

    BLOOD STATUS: Half Blood

    RACE: Human

    SOCIAL STATUS: (Wealthy

    Owl named Leonus

    (Completely Optional. Make sure the broomstick which you own makes sense. For example, Ron could never have owned a firebolt. For the full list of Brooms, check the ED)



    Early Years: Well as a boy he was always different and bothered by his brothers friends.Piers has always been in advanced classes in his private school Oakson Acadmay.Piers was always deteminded to know many things his dad taught him.Piers was always smart and handsome.Piers friends were simpley unlike him always nice to him.Piers has always read books at home in London.Piers read a lot of course. Piers had very few friends.Piers always stayed in his room reading books.

    Hogwarts Years: He is a first year and he isn't knowing wht his years are like
    Adulthood: he is still only 11 and he hasn't knew that yet.


    YOUR NAME: Katie

    RP EXPERIENCE: Well I have been on many sites roleplaying.

    HOW YOU FOUND US: Well found it in the Advertising Area on Hogwarts Rengrattedd


    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: Well my purpose is to experenace the world on here.

    RP SAMPLE: [spoiler]Piers was tried today not wanting to get out of bed as he read his book in hiis room.Piers study a bit to think.Piers looked out the window at the kids outside playing he was reading what he does best.Piers parent tried to get him out side alll day but could't.Piers read to think then he rread and wondered a bit.Piers looked at his trunk.Piers read and read to think in the worleds of his mind.Piers looked around and read.Piers saq his brothers reading and talking.Piers sat on his bed and thought.Piers looked around for a moment then he got up and got his wand and went outside to read.
    Slytherin or Gryffindor

Cloveman, Piers Malcom  F0q4n4

Last edited by Piers Cloveman on Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:21 pm; edited 3 times in total
Piers Cloveman
Piers Cloveman
First Year Hufflepuff
First Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 1

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Cloveman, Piers Malcom  Empty Re: Cloveman, Piers Malcom

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:48 am


Please finish the "Behind the Character information sction.


Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23244
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Cloveman, Piers Malcom  Empty Re: Cloveman, Piers Malcom

Post by Elijah Krum Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:25 pm

Finished? Very Happy
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 4833
Special Abilities : Occlumens, Parseltongue, Animagus
Occupation : Owner of Eli's Fine Dining, Artist, Deputy Minister of Magic

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Cloveman, Piers Malcom  Empty Re: Cloveman, Piers Malcom

Post by Elijah Krum Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:46 pm

Accepted and sorted into GRYFFINDOR!

Shoot me a PM if you need a hand. (:

Apologies for double-posting.
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 4833
Special Abilities : Occlumens, Parseltongue, Animagus
Occupation : Owner of Eli's Fine Dining, Artist, Deputy Minister of Magic

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